s4 / examples / common / default / home.m4.html
@HIROSE Yuuji HIROSE Yuuji on 22 May 2020 832 bytes Add more shortcuts and baloon help messages
<div class="search">_SEARCH_</div>
<p class="profimg">_PROFIMG_</p>
<div class="home">

<div class="foldtabs">
<input type="radio" id="sd" name="foldtabs"><label
 accesskey="a" title="Shortcut: A
My Blogs" for="sd">日記(_NBLOG_)</label>
<div><!-- in home.m4 -->_BLOGS_</div><!-- in home.m4 -->

<input type="radio" id="grp" name="foldtabs"><label
 accesskey="s" title="Shortcut: S
My Groups" for="grp">参加中グループ</label>
<div> <!-- div.fold hides this div (in home.m4.html) -->
<div class="dumptable">
</div><!-- end of .dumptable -->
</div><!-- div.fold hides upto here (in home.m4.html) -->


<input type="radio" id="close" name="foldtabs"><label
 accesskey="x" title="Shortcut: X
Hide Tabs" for="close">×</label>
</div> <!--  end of fold (in home.m4.html) -->