imapext / src / osdep / nt / yunchan.c on 14 Sep 2009 8 KB imap-2007e
/* ========================================================================
 * Copyright 1988-2006 University of Washington
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 * Program:	Unix compatibility routines
 * Author:	Mark Crispin
 *		Networks and Distributed Computing
 *		Computing & Communications
 *		University of Washington
 *		Administration Building, AG-44
 *		Seattle, WA  98195
 *		Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU
 * Date:	14 September 1996
 * Last Edited:	30 August 2006

 *  This file is dedicated to my dog, Unix, also known as Yun-chan and
 * Unix J. Terwilliker Jehosophat Aloysius Monstrosity Animal Beast.  Unix
 * passed away at the age of 11 1/2 on September 14, 1996, 12:18 PM PDT, after
 * a two-month bout with cirrhosis of the liver.
 *  He was a dear friend, and I miss him terribly.
 *  Lift a leg, Yunie.  Luv ya forever!!!!
/* Emulator for BSD flock() call
 * Accepts: file descriptor
 *	    operation bitmask
 * Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if failure

/*  Our friends in Redmond have decided that you can not write to any segment
 * which has a shared lock.  This screws up the shared-write mailbox drivers
 * (mbx, mtx, and tenex).  As a workaround, we'll only lock the first byte of
 * the file, meaning that you can't write that byte shared.
 *  This behavior seems to be new as of NT 4.0.

int flock (int fd,int op)
  HANDLE hdl = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (fd);
  OVERLAPPED offset = {NIL,NIL,0,0,NIL};
  int ret = -1;
  blocknotify_t bn = (blocknotify_t) 
    ((op & LOCK_NB) ? NIL : mail_parameters (NIL,GET_BLOCKNOTIFY,NIL));
  if (hdl < 0) errno = EBADF;	/* error in file descriptor */
  else switch (op & ~LOCK_NB) {	/* translate to LockFileEx() op */
  case LOCK_EX:			/* exclusive */
  case LOCK_SH:			/* shared */
    if (!check_nt ()) return 0;	/* always succeeds if not NT */
    if (bn) (*bn) (BLOCK_FILELOCK,NIL);
				/* bug for bug compatible with Unix */
    UnlockFileEx (hdl,NIL,1,0,&offset);
				/* lock the file as requested */
    if (LockFileEx (hdl,flags,NIL,1,0,&offset)) ret = 0;
    if (bn) (*bn) (BLOCK_NONE,NIL);
				/* if failed */
    if (ret) errno = (op & LOCK_NB) ? EAGAIN : EBADF;
  case LOCK_UN:			/* unlock */
    if (check_nt ()) UnlockFileEx (hdl,NIL,1,0,&offset);
    ret = 0;			/* always succeeds */
  default:			/* default */
    errno = EINVAL;		/* bad call */
  return ret;
/* Local storage */

static char *loghdr;		/* log file header string */
static HANDLE loghdl = NIL;	/* handle of event source */

/* Emulator for BSD syslog() routine
 * Accepts: priority
 *	    message
 *	    parameters

void syslog (int priority,const char *message,...)
  va_list args;
  LPTSTR strs[2];
  char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];		/* callers must be careful not to pop this */
  unsigned short etype;
  if (!check_nt ()) return;	/* no-op on non-NT system */
				/* default event source */
  if (!loghdl) openlog ("c-client",LOG_PID,LOG_MAIL);
  switch (priority) {		/* translate UNIX type into NT type */
  case LOG_ALERT:
  case LOG_INFO:
  va_start (args,message);	/* initialize vararg mechanism */
  vsprintf (tmp,message,args);	/* build message */
  strs[0] = loghdr;		/* write header */
  strs[1] = tmp;		/* then the message */
				/* report the event */
  ReportEvent (loghdl,etype,(unsigned short) priority,2000,NIL,2,0,strs,NIL);
  va_end (args);

/* Emulator for BSD openlog() routine
 * Accepts: identity
 *	    options
 *	    facility

void openlog (const char *ident,int logopt,int facility)
  char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
  if (!check_nt ()) return;	/* no-op on non-NT system */
  if (loghdl) fatal ("Duplicate openlog()!");
  loghdl = RegisterEventSource (NIL,ident);
  sprintf (tmp,(logopt & LOG_PID) ? "%s[%d]" : "%s",ident,getpid ());
  loghdr = cpystr (tmp);	/* save header for later */
/* Copy Unix string with CRLF newlines
 * Accepts: destination string
 *	    pointer to size of destination string buffer
 *	    source string
 *	    length of source string
 * Returns: length of copied string

unsigned long unix_crlfcpy (char **dst,unsigned long *dstl,char *src,
			    unsigned long srcl)
  unsigned long i,j;
  char *d = src;
				/* count number of LF's in source string(s) */
  for (i = srcl,j = 0; j < srcl; j++) if (*d++ == '\012') i++;
				/* flush destination buffer if too small */
  if (*dst && (i > *dstl)) fs_give ((void **) dst);
  if (!*dst) {			/* make a new buffer if needed */
    *dst = (char *) fs_get ((*dstl = i) + 1);
    if (dstl) *dstl = i;	/* return new buffer length to main program */
  d = *dst;			/* destination string */
				/* copy strings, inserting CR's before LF's */
  while (srcl--) switch (*src) {
  case '\015':			/* unlikely carriage return */
    *d++ = *src++;		/* copy it and any succeeding linefeed */
    if (srcl && *src == '\012') {
      *d++ = *src++;
  case '\012':			/* line feed? */
    *d++ ='\015';		/* yes, prepend a CR, drop into default case */
  default:			/* ordinary chararacter */
    *d++ = *src++;		/* just copy character */
  *d = '\0';			/* tie off destination */
  return d - *dst;		/* return length */
/* Length of Unix string after unix_crlfcpy applied
 * Accepts: source string
 * Returns: length of string

unsigned long unix_crlflen (STRING *s)
  unsigned long pos = GETPOS (s);
  unsigned long i = SIZE (s);
  unsigned long j = i;
  while (j--) switch (SNX (s)) {/* search for newlines */
  case '\015':			/* unlikely carriage return */
    if (j && (CHR (s) == '\012')) {
      SNX (s);			/* eat the line feed */
  case '\012':			/* line feed? */
  default:			/* ordinary chararacter */
  SETPOS (s,pos);		/* restore old position */
  return i;
/* Undoubtably, I'm going to regret these two routines in the future.  I
 * regret them now.  Their purpose is to work around two problems in the
 * VC++ 6.0 C library:
 *  (1) tmpfile() creates the file in the current directory instead of a
 *	temporary directory
 *  (2) tmpfile() and fclose() think that on NT systems, it works to unlink
 *	the file while it's still open, so there's no need for the _tmpfname
 *	hook at fclose().  Unfortunately, that doesn't work in Win2K.
 * I would be delighted to have a better alternative.

#undef fclose			/* use the real fclose() in close_file() */

/* Substitute for Microsoft's tmpfile() that uses the real temporary directory
 * Returns: FILE structure if success, NIL if failure

FILE *create_tempfile (void)
  FILE *ret = NIL;
  char *s = _tempnam (getenv ("TEMP"),"msg");
  if (s) {			/* if got temporary name... */
				/* open file, and stash name on _tmpfname */
    if (ret = fopen (s,"w+b")) ret->_tmpfname = s;
    else fs_give ((void **) &s);/* flush temporary string */
  return ret;

/* Substitute for Microsoft's fclose() that always flushes _tmpfname
 * Returns: FILE structure if success, NIL if failure

int close_file (FILE *stream)
  int ret;
  char *s = stream->_tmpfname;
  stream->_tmpfname = NIL;	/* just in case fclose() tries to delete it */
  ret = fclose (stream);	/* close the file */
  if (s) {			/* was there a _tmpfname? */
    unlink (s);			/* yup, delete it */
    fs_give ((void **) &s);	/* and flush the name */
  return ret;
/* Get password from console
 * Accepts: prompt
 * Returns: password

#define PWDLEN 128		/* used by Linux */

char *getpass (const char *prompt)
  static char pwd[PWDLEN];
  int ch,i,done;
  fputs (prompt,stderr);	/* output prompt */
  for (i = done = 0; !done; ) switch (ch = _getch()) {
  case 0x03:			/* CTRL/C stops program */
    _exit (1);
  case '\b':			/* BACKSPACE erase previous character */
    if (i) pwd[--i] = '\0';
  case '\n': case '\r':		/* CR or LF terminates string */
    done = 1;
  default:			/* any other character is a pwd char */
    if (i < (PWDLEN - 1)) pwd[i++] = ch;
  pwd[i] = '\0';		/* tie off string with null */
  putchar ('\n');		/* echo newline */
  return pwd;