Shortest example of WebSocket

@HIROSE Yuuji HIROSE Yuuji authored on 11 Jun 2022
.gitignore add .gitignore 1 year ago Add:how to run 1 year ago
ews.html Replaced to new example 1 year ago
ews.js Replaced to new example 1 year ago
ews.rb Add:how to run 1 year ago
screen.jpg Add:how to run 1 year ago


Shortest example of WebSocket

How to run

  1. Start ews.rb by "./ews.rb"
  2. Start browser and create 2 windows (C-n twice)
  3. Browser-1: Open-File -> ews.html
  4. Browser-2: Open-File -> ews.html
  5. Write comment in a form and PUSH!