AegisforEcosystem / next / AR.js-3.4.0 / three.js / examples / multi-markers /
@KAOKA Daisuke KAOKA Daisuke authored on 31 May 2022
examples into AR.js 2 years ago
markers-page into AR.js 2 years ago
tmp into AR.js 2 years ago into AR.js 2 years ago into AR.js 2 years ago

This is my own version of the multi markers.

Definition of multi marker.

a multi marker is a group of marker acting as one.


Make a multi marker with a nice workflow. It must be as easy as possible for the user. It must handle dynamic markers positions.

  • The user put all the markers where he want until he is satisfied. This is the dynamic part.
  • After that, markers positions is considered stable. aka they are no more supposed to move.
  • Those markers are called sub markers.
  • AR.js will build a multi marker based on them.
  • All the sub-markers will act as one, the multi-marker.
  • the multi-marker pose will be averaged from all the visible sub-markers.

Thus even if only one sub-marker is visible, multi-marker position will still be tracked properly

Area Learning Process

  • the user moves its phone around the area to learn
  • we detect markers position
  • we store statistics on the respective position between each marker
    • if i simultaneously see marker1 and marker2, i store the position of marker2 in relation to marker1
  • When the learning process is considered done, output a file containing a description of this multi-marker


  • tl;dr; there was too many bugs in artoolkit
  • issue in the file parsing - TODO get github issue
  • in jsartoolkit5, it has several issue in the multimarker file loading. It is impossible to use twice the same marker filename.
  • it handles poorly the url. It is forcing the user to put all the files (multimarker file plus all the pattern file) at the root of the url.I tried to workaround those issues, but it rapidely became a pain. So i prefered to devote my energy at building a good version instead of working around those bugs.

High Level Description

The workflow is splitted into 3 steps :

  1. collect statistics about the relative position of each marker couple
  2. generation of multi-marker description
  3. using the multi-marker

So we first have a learning phase to collect data and generating result, then we have a usage phase, where the multi-marker is used in a AR application.

So in short, you put all your markers where you like them. Then you scan them with your phone to collect statistics about their relative position. When you are done, you start using the AR application with this multi-marker.


  • a multi-marker is several markers acting as one
  • a markerA is said to be a sub-marker of a multi-marker

Learning Algo description

  • every time i see markerA and markerB at the same time, i store statistics on their relative position
  • such couple is called a seen-couple
  • the statistics collected are simply an average of position/quaternion/scale
  • this statistics can be trivially expressed as a transformation matrix

Generation of Multi-Marker description

  • when the learning is considered completed, we generate a multi marker description
    • it is a json file in which each sub-markers has a transformation matrix relative to the origin sub-marker
  • the first sub-marker is the anchor/root sub-marker.
  • The origin position of the multi-marker is the origin sub-marker
  • the origin sub-marker MUST be seen at least once during the learning phase

Description Format

  • the description format is simple:
  • it is a list with one item for each sub-markers
    • it contains a description of the sub-markers (e.g. marker barcode 3)
    • and a poseMatrix which is the transformation matrix relative to the origin sub-markers
    • the first item is the origin sub-marker

Computation of the average matrix for each sub-marker

Once statistics are collected, we need to produce a description of this new area. This is a json structure describing each sub-marker and their respective position.

Here are the algo which can be used

Minimal Algo - assume origin always visible

  • Assume that the origin sub-marker is ALWAYS visible
  • Look on all the seen-couple of the origin sub-marker
  • for each sub-markers, you got the relative position with the origin sub-marker
  • just generate the transformation matrix for it

This is the one implemented

Minimal Algo - origin may sometime be invisible

  • do first pass where you compute all couple which contain the origin submarkers
  • so you computed the transformation matrix for each sub-marker which has been visible with the origin marker
  • you computed the level 1 of transformation matrices
  • the level 0 would the transformation matrix of the origin sub-marker. But it is always the identity matrix.
  • you do an iterative process, where each iterations compute one more level.

Algo for one iteration

  1. for each sub-markers, check all the seen couple it appears in
  2. if at least one already has a transformation matrix, compute the transformation
  3. Loop until all sub-markers got computed