reroad-test / 2020-ryusei / aframe-master / examples / performance / animation-set-attribute / index.html
@ryusei ryusei on 22 Oct 2020 2 KB パノラマ表示
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Animation Performance with setAttribute</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Animation Performance with setAttribute - A-Frame">
    <script src="../../../dist/aframe-master.js"></script>
      AFRAME.registerComponent('generate-fans', {
        init: function () {
          var ball =
            '<a-entity>' +
              '<a-entity mixin="ball opacityAnimation"></a-entity>' +
          var ballInitX = -15;
          var fanInitX = -60;
          var fanInitY = -40;
          var numBalls = 11;
          var numFanRows = 3;
          var numFans = 3;
          var numRows = 4;

          for (let n = 0; n < numFanRows; ++n) {
            let fanRow = document.createElement('a-entity');
            fanRow.object3D.position.y = fanInitY - (n * fanInitY);
            for (let k = 0; k < numFans; ++k) {
              let fanEl = document.createElement('a-entity');
              fanEl.object3D.position.x = fanInitX - (k * fanInitX);
              fanEl.setAttribute('mixin', 'spinAnimation');
              for (let i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
                let rowEl = document.createElement('a-entity');
                rowEl.object3D.rotation.z = THREE.Math.degToRad(i * (180 / numRows));
                for (let j = 0; j < numBalls; ++j) {
                  let offset = ballInitX + 3 * j;
                  if (offset === 0) { continue; }
                  let ballEl = document.createElement('a-entity');
                  ballEl.object3D.position.x = ballInitX + 3 * j;
                  ballEl.innerHTML = ball;
                  ballEl.setAttribute('animation', 'delay', Math.random() * 2000);
    <a-scene stats>
        <a-mixin id="ball" geometry="primitive: sphere; radius: 1" material="shader: flat; color: red"></a-mixin>
        <a-mixin id="opacityAnimation" animation="property: material.opacity; dur: 2000; dir: alternate; loop: true; easing: linear; from: 0.3; to: 1"></a-mixin>
        <a-mixin id="spinAnimation" animation="property: rotation; from: 0 0 0; to: 0 360 0; dur: 5000; loop: true; easing: linear"></a-mixin>

      <a-entity id="fans" position="0 0 -80" generate-fans></a-entity>