2018-natto-thesis / so2ron.blg
@natto natto on 20 Nov 2018 1 KB so2ron_file
This is pBibTeX, Version 0.99d-j0.33 (utf8.euc) (TeX Live 2017/Debian)
Capacity: max_strings=100000, hash_size=100000, hash_prime=85009
The top-level auxiliary file: so2ron.aux
The style file: junsrt.bst
Database file #1: is.bib
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "10025591245"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "安田繁2011超高齢社会における福祉マップの必要性と"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "須田力2007豪雪地住民の人力除雪の作業能力と体力要素"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "hamap"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "hazard"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "mdn"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "leaflet"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "safari"
You've used 10 entries,
            2270 wiz_defined-function locations,
            597 strings with 5414 characters,
and the built_in function-call counts, 2185 in all, are:
= -- 152
> -- 40
< -- 6
+ -- 20
- -- 10
* -- 51
:= -- 254
add.period$ -- 30
call.type$ -- 10$ -- 10$ -- 0
cite$ -- 10
duplicate$ -- 145
empty$ -- 267$ -- 20
if$ -- 538$ -- 0$ -- 10
missing$ -- 2
newline$ -- 53
num.names$ -- 10
pop$ -- 109
preamble$ -- 1
purify$ -- 0
quote$ -- 0
skip$ -- 120
stack$ -- 0
substring$ -- 76
swap$ -- 34
text.length$ -- 6
text.prefix$ -- 0
top$ -- 0
type$ -- 0
warning$ -- 0
while$ -- 15
width$ -- 12
write$ -- 98
is.kanji.str$ -- 76
(There were 8 warnings)