2018-fumichan-thesis / sinatra-practice / form-sample / vendor / bundle / ruby / 2.5.0 / gems / backports-3.11.4 / spec / tags / 1.8.6 / core / io / binread_spec.rb
fails:IO.binread reads the contents of a file
fails:IO.binread reads the contents of a file up to a certain size when specified
fails:IO.binread reads the contents of a file from an offset of a specific size when specified
fails:IO.binread returns a String in ASCII-8BIT encoding
fails:IO.binread returns a String in ASCII-8BIT encoding regardless of Encoding.default_internal
fails:IO.binread raises an ArgumentError when not passed a valid length
fails:IO.binread raises an Errno::EINVAL when not passed a valid offset