(yatexe)Static region for typesetting

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Static region

  Typeset-region by `[prefix] tr' passes the region between point and mark
to typesetting command by default.  But when you want to typeset static
region, enclose the region by `%#BEGIN' and `%#END' as follows.


This is the rule of deciding the region.

  1. If there exists %#BEGIN before point,

       1. If there exists %#END after %#BEGIN,
             * From %#BEGIN to %#END.

       2. If %#END does not exist after %#BEGIN,
             * From %#BEGIN to the end of buffer.

  2. If there does not exist %#BEGIN before point,
        * Between point and mark(standard method of Emacs).

  It is useful to write `%#BEGIN' in the previous line of \begin and
`%#END' in the next line of \`end' when you try complex environment such
as `tabular' many times.  It is also useful to put only `%#BEGIN' alone at
the middle of very long text.  Do not forget to erase `%#BEGIN' `%#END'

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