(yatexe)All customizable variables

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All customizable variables

  Here are the customizable variables of yatex-mode.  Each value setq-ed
in `~/.emacs' is preferred and that of defined in `yatex.el' is neglected.
Parenthesized contents stands for the default value.  When you are to
change some of these variables, see more detailed documentation of the
variable by `M-x describe-variable'.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-japan
     Set this nil to produce all messages in English (`Depends on Japanese
     feature of Emacs')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-kanji-code
     Default buffer-file-coding-system for YaTeX modes' buffer.  Set this
     0 to no language conversion.  Nil to preserve original
     coding-system. 1=Shift JIS, 2=JIS, 3=EUC, 4=UTF-8 (`1 or 2')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-prefix
     Prefix key stroke (`C-c')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter
     Change key stroke from `C-c letter' to `C-c C-letter' (`nil')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-fill-prefix
     Fill-prefix used in yatex-mode (`nil')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-user-completion-table
     Name of user dictionary where learned completion table will be
     stored.  (`"~/.yatexrc"')

 -- Variable: tex-command
     LaTeX typesetter command (`"latex"')

 -- Variable: dvi2-command
     Preview command (`"xdvi -geo +0+0 -s 4"')

 -- Variable: dviprint-command-format
     Command format to print dvi file (`"dvi2ps %f %t %s | lpr"')

 -- Variable: dviprint-from-format
     Start page format of above %f. %b will turn to start page (`"-f %b"')

 -- Variable: dviprint-to-format
     End page format of above %t. %e will turn to `end' page (`"-t %e"')

 -- Variable: makeindex-command
     Default makeindex command (`"makeindex"' (`"makeind"' on MS-DOS))

 -- Variable: YaTeX-dvipdf-command
     Default command name to convert .dvi to PDF (`"dvipdfmx"')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-on-the-fly-preview-interval
     Interval time in seconds of idle to trigger on-the-fly preview of
     environment by `[prefix] t e'(0.9).
     `Nil' disables on-the-fly preview.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-on-the-fly-math-preview-engine
     Function symbol to use on-the-fly preview of MATH environment started
     by `[prefix] t e' (`'YaTeX-typeset-environment-by-lmp' which calls
     latex-math-preview-expression function if latex-math-preview is
     available, otherwise `'YaTeX-typeset-environment-by-builtin' which
     alls built-in function).

     `Nil' disables on-the-fly preview.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-gimp
     Command name of GIMP (code{"gimp"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-tgif
     Command name of tgif (code{"tgif"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-inkscape
     Command name of Inkscape (code{"inkscape"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-dia
     Command name of Dia (code{"dia"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-ooo
     Command name of OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice (code{"soffice"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-gs
     Command name of Ghostscript (code{"gs"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-dvips
     Command name of dvips (code{"dvips"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-displayline
     Command name of displayline
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-edit-ps
     Command name for editing PostScript files(Value of
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-edit-pdf
     Command name for editing PDF files(Value of code{"YaTeX-cmd-ooo"})
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-edit-ai
     Command name for editing `.ai' files(Value of
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-edit-svg
     Command name for editing SVG files(Value of
 -- Variable: YaTeX-cmd-edit-images
     Command name for editing image files(Value of code{"YaTeX-cmd-gimp"})

 -- Variable: YaTeX-need-nonstop
     Put `\nonstopmode{}' or not (`nil')

 -- Variable: latex-warning-regexp
     Regular expression of warning message latex command puts out
     (`"line.* [0-9]*"')

 -- Variable: latex-error-regexp
     Regular expression of error message (`"l\\.[1-9][0-9]*"')

 -- Variable: latex-dos-emergency-message
     Message latex command running on DOS puts at abort (`"Emergency

 -- Variable: YaTeX-item-regexp
     Regular expression of item command (`"\\\\item"')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-verb-regexp
     Regexp of verb family.  Omit \\\\. (`"verb\\*?\\|path"')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-nervous
     T for using local dictionary (`t')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-sectioning-regexp
     Regexp of LaTeX sectioning command

 -- Variable: YaTeX-fill-inhibit-environments
     Inhibit fill in these environments (`'("tabular" "tabular*" "array"
     "picture" "eqnarray" "eqnarray*" "equation" "math" "displaymath"
     "verbatim" "verbatim*")')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-uncomment-once
     T for deleting all preceding `%' (`nil')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-close-paren-always
     T for always close all parenthesis automatically, `nil' for only eol

 -- Variable: YaTeX-auto-math-mode
     Switch math-mode automatically (`t')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-math-key-list-private
     User defined alist, math-mode-prefix vs completion alist used in
     image completion (`nil').  See `yatexmth.el' for the information
     about how to define a completion alist.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-default-pop-window-height
     Initial height of typesetting buffer when one-window.  Number for the
     lines of the buffer, numerical string for the percentage of the
     screen-height. `nil' for half height (10)

 -- Variable: YaTeX-help-file
     Global online help file name

 -- Variable: YaTeX-help-file-private
     Private online help file name (`"~/YATEXHLP.eng"')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-no-begend-shortcut
     Disable [prefix] b ?? shortcut (`nil)'

 -- Variable: YaTeX-hilit-pattern-adjustment-private
     List of the list that contain the regular expression and the symbol
     of logical meaning of the string that matches the pattern.  See also
     the value from `(assq 'yatex-mode hilit-patterns-alist)' and the
     value of `YaTeX-hilit-pattern-adjustment-default' (and even the
     document of hilit19.el).

 -- Variable: YaTeX-sectioning-level
     Alist of LaTeX's sectioning command vs its height.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-hierarchy-ignore-heading-regexp
     `YaTeX-display-hierarchy' searches for sectioning command first, and
     comment line secondary as a file headings.  In latter case, ignore lines
     that match with regular expression of this variable.  Default value of
     this variable is RCS header expressions and mode specifying line `-*- xxxx

 -- Variable: YaTeX-skip-default-reader
     Non-nil for this variable skips the default argument reader of
     section-type command when add-in function for it is not defined

 -- Variable: YaTeX-create-file-prefix-g
     When typing `prefix g' on the `\include' line, open the target file
     even if the file doesn't exist (`nil')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-simple-messages
     Simplyfy messages of various completions (`nil')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-hilit-sectioning-face
     When hilit19 and yatex19 is active, YaTeX colors the sectioning
     commands.  This variable specifies the foreground and background
     color of `\part' macro.  The default value is `'(yellow/dodgerblue
     yellow/slateblue)'.  The first element of this list is for the screen
     when `hilit-background-mode' is `'light', and the second element is
     for `'dark'.  You should specify both color as `forecolor/backcolor'.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-hilit-sectioning-attenuation-rate
     When color mode, this variable specifies how much attenuate the color
     density of `\subparagraph' compared with that of `\chapter' (`'(15
     40)') See also `YaTeX-hilit-sectioning-face'.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-use-AMS-LaTeX
     If you use AMS-LaTeX, set to `t' (`nil')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-use-LaTeX2e
     If you use LaTeX2e, set to `t' (`t')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-template-file
     File name which is automatically inserted at creation

 -- Variable: YaTeX-search-file-from-top-directory
     Non-nil means to search input-files from the directory where main
     file exists (`t')

 -- Variable: YaTeX-use-font-lock
     Use font-lock to fontify buffer or not (`(featurep 'font-lock)'

 -- Variable: YaTeX-use-hilit19
     Use hilit19 to highlight buffer or not (`(featurep 'hilit19)'

 -- Variable: YaTeX-use-italic-bold
     YaTeX tries to search italic, bold fontsets or not (`t' if Emacs-20
     or later).  This variable is effective only when font-lock is used.
     (`(featurep 'hilit19)'

 -- Variable: YaTeX-singlecmd-suffix
     Suffix which is always inserted after maketitle-type macros.
     `"{}"' is recommended.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-package-alist-private
     Alist of LaTeX2e-package name vs. lists of macros in it.  Set this
     alist properly and YaTeX automatically check the declaratiion of
     `usepackage' for corresponding macro, when you input that macro with
     completion.  If required `usepackage' is not found, YaTeX also
     automatically inserts `\usepackage'.  Alist is as follows;
     '((PackageName1 (completionType ListOfMacro) (completionType
     ListOfMacro)) (PackageName2 (completionType ListOfMacro)
     (completionType ListOfMacro...))....)  completionType is one of `env,
     section, maketitle'.  Consult the value of
     `YaTeX-package-alist-default' as an example.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-tabular-indentation
     At indentation by `C-i' in tabular or array environment, YaTeX put
     the additional spaces to the normail indentation depth.  The number
     of additional spaces is the product of YaTeX-tabular-indentation and
     the number of column position in tabular.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-noindent-env-regexp
     Regexp of environment names that should begin with no indentation.
     All verbatime-like environment name should match with.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-electric-indent-mode
     Emacs 24.4 introduces automatic indentation of current and new lines.
     This might be annoying for some people.  Pass this value to the
     function 'electric-indent-local-mode.  If you prefer to stop
     electric-indent-mode in yatex-mode, set `-1' to this variable.

 -- Variable: YaTeX-ref-default-label-string
     Default \\ref time string format.  This format is like strftime(3)
     but allowed conversion char are as follows; %y -> Last 2 digit of
     year, %b -> Month name, %m -> Monthe number(1-12), %d -> Day, %H ->
     Hour, %M -> Minute, %S -> Second, %qx -> alphabetical-decimal
     conversion of yymmdd.  %qX -> alphabetical-decimal conversion of
     HHMMSS.  Beware defualt label-string should be always unique.  So
     this format string should have both time part (%H+%M+%S or %qX) and
     date part (%y+(%b|%m)+%d or %qx).

 -- Variable: YaTeX-ref-generate-label-function
     Function to generate default label string for unnamed \\label{}s.
     The function pointed to this value should take two arguments.  First
     argument is LaTeX macro's name, second is macro's argument.  Here is
     an example for using this value.
            (setq YaTeX-ref-generate-label-function 'my-yatex-generate-label)
            (defun my-yatex-generate-label (command value)
              (and (string= command "caption")
                   (re-search-backward "\\\\begin{\\(figure\\|table\\)}" nil t)
                   (setq command (match-string 1)))
              (let ((alist '(("chapter" . "chap")
                             ("section" . "sec")
                             ("subsection" . "subsec")
                             ("figure" . "fig")
                             ("table" . "tbl"))))
                (if (setq command (cdr (assoc command alist)))
                    (concat command ":" value)
                  (YaTeX::ref-generate-label nil nil))))

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