
view s4-funcs.sh @ 445:12548e1a4ff8

Add comment about quiz board exclusion from search
author HIROSE Yuuji <yuuji@gentei.org>
date Sat, 01 Jul 2017 20:17:41 +0859
parents f1744a954888
children 4769510d6169
line source
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Here's global variable table. Do not use this names.
3 # $HGid$
5 [ -f s4-config.sh ] && . ./s4-config.sh
7 myname=`basename ${SCRIPT_NAME:-$0}`
8 mydir=`dirname ${SCRIPT_FILENAME:-$0}`
9 myargs="$@"
10 PATH=/usr/local/sqlite3/bin:/usr/local/vim7/bin:/usr/iekei/ImageMagick/bin:/usr/local/ImageMagick/bin:$PATH
11 tmpdir=${TMPDIR:-tmp}
12 dbdir=${DBDIR:-db}
13 tmpfiles=""
14 db=${DB:-$dbdir/cgi.sq3}
15 admin=${ADMIN:-hostmaster@example.org}
16 templ=${TEMPL:-templ}
17 layout=${LAYOUT:-$templ/default}
18 formdir=${FORMDIR:-$templ/form}
19 imgdir=${IMGDIR:-img}
21 urlbase=${url%%\?*}
22 msgdir=$templ/msg
23 timeout="+2 days"
24 memoplimitdays="7"
25 dumpcollen=22
26 #thumbxy=120x120
27 thumbxy=96x96
28 iconxy_S=80x80
29 iconxy_M=400x400
30 maximagexy=1600x1600
31 ### maximagexy=400x400
32 file_accept='accept="image/*,text/*,audio/*,application/vnd.oasis.*,application/pdf,application/x-*"'
33 blogreadflagrowid=0
34 querylog=$tmpdir/query.log
36 tconfs=""
37 imgcached=cache/img.`date +%Y/%m`
38 conftbl=_tblconf
39 nl="
40 "
41 iconcachekey="profimgcache_S"
42 case "$HTTP_USER_AGENT" in
43 *i[Pp]hone*|*[Aa]ndroid*) touchpanel=1 ;;
44 *) touchpanel="" ;;
45 esac
46 . ./s4-cgi.sh
48 : <<EOF
50 !! 検索等でblogテーブル参照時は sql4readableblogs() で定義される
51 !! readableblogs テーブルを使うこと
52 資料配布、グループ管理・ML、ファイル交換、クリッカー、アンケート
53 レポート提出管理
54 ひとつのarticleをheadingにして新規ツリーを作成、あるといいかも。
56 [2016]
57 7/12 根本への反省
58 * cgi自身の $1, $2 での切り替えでなく、CGI変数での受け渡しにすべき。
59 arg1/arg2/arg3 的に $1 に / 区切りでつけた方がよかったかな。
61 [以下2015]
62 8/4 ○グループに承認加入モードを追加
63 ○グループに参加していない場合は grpaction できない
64 Web
65 締切設定
67 8/2 ○s4.cgi生成系 → index.cgi生成
68 ○自分の提出物リスト
70 7/19 ○設置
71 ○一斉送信
72 ○getparfilename の tmpd の扱い
73 ○やっぱりs4にしようかな
74 7/18 ○書込著者からホームへのリンク
75 7/17 ○個人blogに「レポート提出用」がついたときの挙動
76 ○添付ファイル回収
77 ○imgcacheは別ディレクトリにしないと + .htaccess
78 7/15 ○レポート提出モードの表示を付ける
79 管理者権限での削除? → まだいいか
81 7/13 ○前回アクセス基準の新着数は欲しいなあ
82 ○レポート提出はどうしよう
83 → ○blogにモードを追加:
84 ○レポート提出モード
85 添付ファイル (誰が見たかログ)
86 クリッカーは別立てメニューにしないと(管理者がON/OFF)
87 ○添付ファイルの読み出し権(6/22から) ← モードで対処
90 7/9 ○管理者の追加
91 △グループメンバの操作 → 要不要を吟味
92 ○グループ情報編集の行先はそのグループがいい?
93 ○新規グループの作成はどこから入るか
94 △グループホームとユーザホームを揃える
96 7/8 ○グループ一覧をユーザ一覧と揃える。
98 7/6の次 ○グループのconf編集の入口
99 ○グループ検索
101 6/22の次 ○ホーム画面、○招待状、親記事追跡、○編集ボタン、削除ボタン、
104 6/7の次 ○blogを作ってみる || userconfig || _mのまとめ編集(削除)
105 6/7の次の次 ○userconfigの画面だけ作ってみる。
107 ○ 5/28の次 edittableに「削除」ボタンを足す
108 ○6/1 par2tableを triplex 対応に
109 select "yuuji@gentei.org",var,"text",NULL,val from par where var in (select col from _tblconf where tbl="/user" and keytype in ('p', 's'));
110 →とすると 一気に
112 ## form.def を考えなおそう:
113 ## userのように必須カラムを決まった位置に付ける?
114 ## 必須カラム、owner(foreign key passwd(name)), update datetime
115 ## ユーザ管理とグループ管理はデフォルトで持たせてしまえ
117 ## 縦持ちデータの入力/編集を供給する関数 single + multi
118 ## 持てるテーブル構造はシステム標準5種 + ユーザ定義2種類
119 ## 1. passwd
120 ## 2. grp
121 ## 3. grp_mem
122 ## 4. topic 記事のIDとなる
123 ## 5. topic_cont 特定IDの記事の内容物
124 ## 6. list 繰り返し登場あり
125 ## 7. hash 繰り返し登場なし
127 ## ● listの定義:
128 ## create table list(id unique, parentID, type, value);
129 ## ● hashの定義:
130 ## create table hash(parentID, type, value, primary key(parentID, type));
132 ## グループ属性: community, friend
133 ## ○ blob使えるのかな。streamで行けるのか? xxdで行けた。ありがたい。
134 ## form-defとtableは1対1対応でいいか
135 ## csv2sq3 で .csv.sq3 の Makefile
137 ## 書き込みオブジェクトとは何か?
138 ## topic : id, belongto, title, owner, mode
139 ## type := root | comment
140 ## topic_cont : id, topicid(F), ppath, contenttype, filename, content,
141 ## unique(id, filename)
142 ## type := body(single) | attachment(multi)
144 ## group := name(P), tag, gecos, owner(F), mode
145 ## tag := personal | friend | ... any string
146 ## group_member := gname(F), type, name(F), UNIQUE(gname, type, name)
147 ## type := "u" | "g"
148 ## できたー!
149 ## with recursive allmem as (select * from grp_mem where gname='bar' union all select grp_mem.* from grp_mem,allmem where allmem.name=grp_mem.gname) select * from allmem where type='u';
151 ↓以下に変更
152 with recursive allmem as
153 (select gname,val from grp_m where gname='foo'
154 union all select grp_m.gname,grp_m.val from
155 grp_m,allmem where allmem.val=grp_m.gname)
156 select val from allmem where val in (select name from user);
159 with recursive allmem as
160 (select gname,val from grp_m where gname='foo'
161 union all select grp_m.gname,grp_m.val from grp_m,allmem
162 where allmem.val=grp_m.gname)
163 select a.*, coalesce(b.val,a.val) from allmem a left join grp_mem_s b
164 on a.gname=b.gname and a.val=b.user and b.key='email'
165 where a.val in (select name from user);
168 ## triggerもできた。
169 ## 5/22から:グループ作成画面
170 ## 埋め込み画像 data:CONTENT-TYPE;base64,.....
172 ## 考え得るノードタイプ
173 ## 日報 - 個人所属かグループ所属か
174 ## 課題提出 - 個人所属かグループ所属か
175 ## グループ管理
176 ## 個人情報管理
177 ##
179 ## 例: group:sip - topic:1:sip:Aperture:yuuji:rw
180 ## - topic:2:sip:ISO:yuuji:rw
181 ## topic_cont 1:1:/:body:text...Aperture
182 ## 2:1:/1:body:text..Aperture
183 ## 3:1:/1:attachment:binary..Aperture
184 ## 4:1:/2:body:text..Aperture
185 ## 5:1:/2:attachment:binary..Aperture
186 ## 6:2:/:body:text..ISO
187 ## 7:2:/6:body:text..ISO
188 ## 8:2:/6:attachment:binary..
190 ## ログテーブル
191 ## time, who, action, tbl, id idなんか取れるかな
195 ■表設計
196 * 3つの表に分散管理
197 id格納表 + hash表 + list表
198 * *_s *_m
202 user, user_map, user_col
204 ■抽象エントリタイプ
205 * user
206 idとして機能 → table中の owner に自動挿入(?)
207 * group
208 権限判定に利用
209 * serial
210 自動idとして機能
211 * password
212 入力 type=passwordで入力
213 変更 oldpasswd, password×2 で確認後修正
214 * session
215 password認証後のセッションキーとして機能
216 * text
217 入力 type=text
218 * textarea
219 入力 textarea
220 * image|document
221 入力 type=fileで入力し、mime-typeを確認
222 * owner
223 入力時の $user で、外部キー制約が付く
224 * gowner
225 グループとしての所有者で、外部キー制約が付く
226 * timestamp
227 datetime()
228 * parent
229 木構造の場合の親の位置
230 * path
231 木構造の場合の自分の位置
233 格納タイプ
234 * list
235 表 parentID, key, val でUNIQUE(parentID, key, val)
236 * hash
237 表 parentID, key, val でUNIQUE(parentID, key)
239 オブジェクトタイプ
240 * entry
241 id, title, owner
242 * textpart
243 id, parentID, text
244 * binarypart
245 id, parentID, contenttype, filename, content
246 * content
247 hash(textpart), list(binarypart)
248 * topic
249 id, hash(content), list(reply)
250 * reply
251 id, parentID, content
252 * blog
253 list(entry)
254 blog = [topic, list(reply)]
257 blog = [ {"title" => "hoge", "owner" => "yuuji", "date" => "2015-04-27",
258 "text" => "hogehoge ..",
259 "reply" => [ {"serial" => 1,
260 "author" => "taro",
261 "date" => "2015-04-28",
262 "parent" => "/",
263 "path" => "/1",
264 "text" => "blah, blah, ....",
265 "image" => ["a.jpg", "b.jpg"] },
266 {"serial" => 2,
267 "author" => "hanako",
268 "date" => "2015-04-29",
269 "parent" => "/",
270 "path" => "/2",
271 "text" => "blah, blah, ....",
272 "image" => [] }]},
273 {"title" => "buha", ...} ]
276 user:=
277 ユーザ名(英数字):name:p:text:length="20" maxlength="40"
278 パスワード:pswd:s:password:length="20" maxlength="40"
279 説明(日本語OK):gecos:s:text:length="20" maxlength="40"
280 セッションキー:skey:s:session
281 メイルアドレス:email:m:text:length="20" maxlength="40"
282 住所:address:m:textarea:maxlength="400"
283 プロフィール画像:profimg:m:image:maxlength="400K"
284 履歴書:profpdf:m:document:maxlength="4M"
286 変換表
287 /user/email=m
289 blog:=
290 シリアル:id:p:serial
291 タイトル:title:s:text:
292 所有者:owner:s:owner:
293 時刻:ctime:s:stamp:
294 リード文:heading:s:textarea:
295 リプライ:reply:m:*article:
297 article:=
298 シリアル:id:p:serial
299 筆者:author:s:owner
300 時刻:ctime:s:stamp:
301 参照元:parent:s:parent:
302 パス:path:s:path:
303 本文:text:s:textarea:
304 画像:image:m:image:
306 履歴書:profpdf:m:document:maxlength="4M"
309 EOF
311 sq() {
312 # ./args.rb -cmd ".timeout 3000" "$@"
313 sqlite3 -cmd 'PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON' -cmd ".timeout 3000" "$@"
314 }
315 dbsetup() {
316 [ -d $tmpdir ] || mkdir -m 1777 $tmpdir
317 [ -d $dbdir ] || mkdir -m 1775 $dbdir
318 sqi=$tmpdir/sqi.$$
319 sqo=$tmpdir/sqo.$$
320 mkfifo $sqi $sqo
321 #tail -f $sqi | sq $db & # "tail -f" is too heavy. DO NOT USE!!
322 sq $db < $sqi &
323 sq3pid="`jobs -p` $!"
324 exec 2>> $tmpdir/error.out
325 exec 3>> $tmpdir/debug.out
326 exec 5> $sqi # Turning $sqi access through fd5 for continuous open state
327 rm $sqi
328 }
329 cleanup2() { # Dirty workaround for produced zombie processes
330 pkill -9 -u `id -u` -P 1
331 }
332 cleanup() {
334 echo .quit >&5
335 kill $sq3pid
336 kill $sq3pid
337 rm -f $sqo $sqi
338 rm -rf $tmpfiles
339 cleanup2
340 }
341 # We want to use piped function to put querylog, but we use
342 # simple redirection for the sake of speed.
343 query() {
344 echo ".once $sqo" >&5
345 echo "`date '+%F %T'`:[${user:-NULL}] <<<" >> $querylog
346 if [ -z "$1" ]; then
347 tee -a $querylog
348 else
349 echo "$@" >> $querylog
350 echo "$@"
351 fi >&5
352 cat $sqo
353 echo '>>>' >> $querylog
354 }
355 _m4() {
356 #_S4NAME_=f,f,f
357 m4 ${_S4NAME_:+"-D_S4NAME_=${_S4NAME_}"} "$@"
358 }
359 ismember() {
360 # $1=user, $2=group
361 err ismem: "select user from grp_mem where gname=$(sqlquote $2) and user='$1';"
362 test -n "`query \"select user from grp_mem where gname=$(sqlquote \"$2\") and user='$1';\"`"
363 }
364 isuser() { # Check if $1 is a valid user
365 test -n "`query \"select name from user where name='$1';\"`"
366 }
367 isgroup() { # Check if $1 is a valid group
368 err isgroup: "select gname from grp where gname=$(sqlquote $1);"
369 test -n "`query \"select gname from grp where gname=$(sqlquote \"$1\");\"`"
370 }
371 isgrpowner() (
372 # $1=user, $2=group
373 gn=`sqlquote "$2"`
374 sql="select user from grp_adm where gname=$gn and user='$1';"
375 err isgrpowner: $sql
376 test -n "`query $sql`"
377 )
378 getgroupadminmails() {
379 # $1=group
380 for i in $(getgroupadmins $1); do
381 email4group "$1" "$i" ;
382 done
383 }
384 getgroupadmins() { # $1=group
385 # This function is called in a backquote, so needn't to be subshellized
386 qgrp=`sqlquote "$1"`
387 query "select user from grp_adm where gname=$qgrp;"
388 }
389 getgroupattr() { # $1=group $2=attr
390 # This function is called in a backquote, so needn't to be subshellized
391 getvalbyid grp $2 \
392 $(query "select rowid from grp where gname=`sqlquote \"$1\"`;")
393 }
394 getgroupbyid() {
395 # $1=id|gname
396 sql="select coalesce((select gname from grp where gname=$(sqlquote \"$1\")),
397 (select gname from grp where rowid=$(sqlquote $1)));"
398 # err ggbyid: `echo $sql`
399 query $sql
400 }
401 isfilereadable() { # $1=user $2=tbl $3=rowid
402 # Return true if user($1) can read attachment files in tbl($2):rowid($3)
403 [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o -z "$3" ] && return 1 # invalid argument
405 # Return true when anonymous mode
406 [ "$anonymousmode" ] && return 0
407 # case `getvalbyid blog mode $2` in
408 # normal|*open*|"") return 0 ;;
409 # *closed*)
410 # owner=`getvalbyid blog owner $2`
411 # if isgrp $owner; then
412 # isgrpowner $1 $owner && return 0 || return 1
413 # elif isuser $owner; then
414 # [ x"$1" = x"$owner" ] && return 0 || return 1
415 # fi
416 # esac
417 # ↑ 要はこういう処理を↓で一気にやっている
418 sql="with getblog as (\
419 select key,val from blog_s where id=(\
420 select blogid from article where id in\
421 (select id from $2 where rowid=$3))),\
422 getowner as (select val from getblog where key='owner'),\
423 getmode as (select val from getblog where key='mode')\
424 select case\
425 when (select author from article where\
426 id=(select id from $2 where rowid=$3))='$1' \
427 then 'author'\
428 when (select val from getmode) in ('report-open', 'normal')\
429 then 'open'\
430 when (select val from getmode) is null \
431 then 'open'
432 when (select val from getowner) in (select gname from grp)\
433 then (select user from grp_adm where \
434 gname=(select val from getowner) and \
435 user='$1')\
436 when (select author from article where\
437 id=(select id from $2 where rowid=$3))='$1'
438 then 'user+author'
439 else '' end;"
440 ## err isfilereadable: sql="`echo $sql`"
441 # caseのネストで内側のcaseがスカラーtrueを返しても外側はtrue扱いにならない
442 result=`query "$sql"`
443 [ -n "$result" ] && return 0
444 return 2
445 }
446 linkhome() {
447 # $1=UserOrGroup
448 echo -n '<a href="?'
449 if isuser $1; then
450 err "select 'home+'||rowid from user where name='$1';"
451 query "select 'home+'||rowid from user where name='$1';"
452 else
453 echo -n "grp+$1"
454 fi
455 echo "\">`gecos $1`</a>"
456 }
457 hreflink() {
458 # s4 specific notation:
459 # ^href=URL
460 # ^iframe=URL
461 # OSM umap Wikistyle Notation:
462 # [[URL]] - Simle Link
463 # [[URL|Word]] - Link with anchor word
464 # {{URL}} - <img src="URL">
465 # {{URL|width}} - <img src="URL" width="width">
466 # {{{URL}} } - <iframe src="URL"></iframe>
467 # {{{URL|height}} - <iframe src="URL" height="height"></iframe>
468 _hrefptn="[-A-Za-z0-9,.:;/~_%#&+?=@!]*"
469 sed -e "s|\[\[\($_hrefptn\)\|\(.*\)\]\]|<a href=\"\1\">\2</a>|g" \
470 -e "s|\[\[\($_hrefptn\)\]\]|<a href=\"\1\">\1</a>|" \
471 -e "s|{{{\($_hrefptn\)\|\(.*\)}}}|<iframe src=\"\1\" height=\"\2\"></iframe>|g" \
472 -e "s|{{{\($_hrefptn\)}}}|<iframe src=\"\1\"></iframe>|g" \
473 -e "s|{{\($_hrefptn\)\|\(.*\)}}|<img src=\"\1\" width=\"\2\">|g" \
474 -e "s|{{\($_hrefptn\)}}|<img src=\"\1\">|g"\
475 -e "s|^href=\($_hrefptn\)|<a &>\1</a>|" \
476 -e "s|^iframe=\($_hrefptn\)|<iframe src=\"\1\"></iframe>|" \
477 -e "s,^#### *\(.*\),<h4>\1</h4>," \
478 -e "s,^### *\(.*\),<h3>\1</h3>," \
479 -e "s,^## *\(.*\),<h2>\1</h2>,"
480 }
481 minitbl() {
482 sed -n '
483 /^|.*|/ {; # If the line begin with "|" and has 2 or more "|"
484 s,|$,,; # Remove trailing "|" first
485 s,|\* *\([^|]*\) *,<th>\1</th>,g; # "|*..." to "<th>...</th>"
486 s,| *\([^|]*\) *,<td>\1</td>,g; # "|..." to "<td>...</td>"
487 s,^,<tr>,; s,$,</tr>,; # Enclose with "<tr>" and "</tr>"
488 H; # Concat this line to HoldSpace
489 s/.*//; # Delete PatternSpace for finalization
490 $ b cont
491 d; # If in final line, output the rest, else jump to next turn
492 }
493 :cont
494 x; # For non-"|" lines, check HoldSpace
495 /^./ {; # If HoldSpace has "|" table elements
496 s|^.|<table class="mini">|; # Enclose whole elements like this:
497 # . of ^. is workaround for FreeBSD sed
498 # s|$|</table>|; # <table class="mini">..\n..</table>
499 p; # Print whole "table" element
500 s/.*//; # Erase all when done.
501 x; s|^|</table>|; x; # Preppend /table to the next line
502 }
503 x; # Back to the newest line
504 p; # Print rest'
505 }
506 acclog() (
507 # $1=table, $2=rowid
508 n=${2%%[!0-9]*} # Remove non-digit chars from $2(should be rowid)
509 if [ -n "$n" ]; then
510 now=`date +"%F %T"`
511 #query "replace into acclog values('$user', '$1', '$n', '$now');"
512 #query "replace into acclog values('$user', '$1', $n, '$now');"
513 query "replace into tblaccesses values('$user', '$1', $n, '$now');"
514 fi
515 )
516 gecos() (
517 u=`sqlquote "${1:-$user}"`
518 query "select gecos from gecoses where name=$u;"
519 )
520 setpar() {
521 query "replace into par values('$session', '$1', '$2', \"$3\");"
522 }
523 replpar() {
524 query "update par set val=\"$3\" where sessid='$session' and var='$1' and type='$2';"
525 }
526 getpar() {
527 val=`query "select val from par where var='$1' and sessid='$session' $2;"`
528 ## err getpar/val1: "val=[$val]"
529 if [ -z "$val" ]; then
530 val=`query "select val from cookie where var='$1' and sessid='$session' $2;"`
531 fi
532 ## err getpar/val2: "val=[$val]"
533 case "$var" in
534 owner)
535 if [ x"$user" = x"$val" ]; then
536 echo $user; return
537 elif ismember $user $val; then
538 echo $val; return
539 fi ;;
540 esac
541 ## err getpar/ret: "val=[$val]"
542 echo "$val"
543 }
545 getpartype() {
546 query "select type from par where var='$1' and sessid='$session' $2;"
547 }
548 getparcount() {
549 query "select count(*) from par where var='$1' and sessid='$session' $2;"
550 }
551 getparfilename() {
552 # null if type of $1 is not file
553 (f=`query "select val from par where var='$1' and sessid='$session' and type='file' $2;"`
554 [ -n "$f" ] && echo $f)
555 }
556 sqlquote() {
557 (v="$1"
558 case "$v" in
559 "") return ;; # null
560 "X'"*) # quoted hex string
561 echo $1 ;;
562 *\"*) # string including dbl-quote"
563 v=`echo "$v"|sed -e 's/\"/\"\"/g'`
564 echo "\"$v\""
565 return ;;
566 *.*.*|*-*-*|*[Ee]*[Ee]*|[Ee]*|*[\ -,:-df-~]*) # string
567 echo "\"$v\""
568 return ;;
569 *)
570 if expr "$v" : '[-0-9.Ee][-0-9.Ee]*$' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
571 echo $v # MAYBE numeric, maybe...
572 else
573 echo "\"$v\""
574 fi ;;
575 esac)
576 }
577 sqlquotestr() (
578 case "$1" in
579 *\'*) v=`echo "$1"| sed "s/'/''/g"`
580 echo "'$v'" ;;
581 *) echo "'$1'" ;;
582 esac
583 )
584 mktempd() {
585 TMPDIR=$tmpd mktemp -d -t $session
586 }
587 getcachedir() { # $1=maintable
588 if [ -n "$imgcached" ]; then
589 echo $imgcached/$(echo ${1:-hoge}|md5)/$thumbxy
590 else
591 echo $tmpd/$thumbxy
592 fi
593 }
594 getval() {
595 # $1=table $2=col $3(optional)=condition
596 case `gettbl_coltype "/$1/$2"` in
597 user|author) # author added 2015-06-18 for article(author)
598 echo "$user" ;;
599 stamp|datetime)
600 date "+%F %T" ;;
601 serial)
602 (s=`getpar $2`
603 if [ -n "$s" ]; then echo $s; else echo "`date +%s`x$$"; fi) ;;
604 *)
605 getpar "$2" "$3";;
606 esac
607 }
609 getvalquote() {
610 # $1=table $2=col $3(optional)=condition
611 (v=`getval "$@"`
612 case "$v" in
613 "") echo NULL ;;
614 *) sqlquote "$v" ;;
615 esac)
616 }
617 getparquote() {
618 sqlquote "`getpar $1`"
619 }
620 getbinbyid() {
621 # $1=tbl $2=col $3=rowid $4=tmpdirForBinary
623 }
624 getvalbyid() {
625 # $1=tbl $2=col $3=rowid $4=tmpdirForBinary
626 # If two or more values found, save them to $tmpd/${column}.$N and
627 # store the number of files into $tmpd/${column}.count and
628 # their each rowid stored into $tmpd/${column}.$N.rowid.
629 ## err gtb-$1=`gettblcols $1`, tbl=$1, col=$2, '$3'=$3
631 (for c in `gettblcols $1`; do
632 if [ x"$2" = x"$c" ]; then
633 ###sq $db "select $2 from $1 where rowid=$3"
634 query "select $2 from $1 where rowid=$3;"
635 return
636 fi
637 done
638 rowid=$3
639 pk=`gettblpkey $1`
640 key=`query "select $pk from $1 where rowid=$3;"`
641 getkey="(select $pk from $1 where rowid=$3)"
642 td=${4:-$tmpd}
643 [ -d $td ] || mkdir -p $td
644 ### err "select $pk from $1 where rowid=$3" - key=$key '$4(tmp)'=$4
645 for kt in s m; do
646 t=${1}_$kt
647 for c in `gettbl_${kt}_cols $1`; do
648 vcount=1 # count(val)
649 if [ x"$2" = x"$c" ]; then
650 #### cond="$t where $pk=\"$key\" and key=\"$c\"" #2015-07-22
651 cond="$t where $pk=$getkey and key=\"$c\""
652 val=`query "select val from $cond limit 1;"`
653 type=`query "select type from $cond limit 1;"`
654 if [ $kt = m ]; then
655 ###vcount=`sq $db "select count(val) from $cond"`
656 # Reset val to store filenames if type is string
657 val=`query "select val from $cond and type like 'file:%' order by rowid;"`
658 err gvb1-sql: "select count(val) from $cond;"
659 vcount=`query "select count(val) from $cond;"`
660 echo $vcount > $td/$c.count
661 i=0
662 ## err gvbid: i=$i vcount=$vcount
663 while [ $i -lt $vcount ]; do
664 slice="order by rowid limit 1 offset $i"
665 i=$((i+1))
666 fn=$c.$i
667 err td=$td, fn=$fn, type=$type, val="[$val]"
668 case $type in
669 file:*)
670 #file=$td/$val
671 r_f=`query "select rowid||'//'||val from $cond $slice;"`
672 f_rid=${r_f%%//*}
673 file=$td/${r_f##*//}
674 # FOR SPEED: Skip file generation if imgcache exists
675 [ -s "$file" -a -s "$td/$fn.rowid" -a -s "$file.rowid" ] \
676 && [ x"$f_rid" = x"`cat $td/$fn.rowid`" ] \
677 && continue
678 # err gvbid-get="select quote(bin) from $cond $slice;"
679 ## err output: "fn=[$fn] file=[$file]"
680 sq $db<<EOF | unhexize > "$file"
681 .output '$td/$fn.rowid'
682 select rowid from $cond $slice;
683 .output '$td/$fn'
684 select val from $cond $slice;
685 .output '$td/${fn}.content-type'
686 select substr(type, 6) from $cond $slice;
687 .output stdout
688 select quote(bin) from $cond $slice;
689 EOF
690 ## err gvbid-get2: "`ls -lF $file`"
691 ## err i=$i - file=$file rowid=`cat $td/$fn.rowid`
692 cp "$td/$fn.rowid" "$file.rowid" 2>&3 # for convenience
693 cp "$file" "$file.orig" 2>&3
694 ls -lh "$file" |
695 awk '{print $5"B"}'|sed 's/BB/B/' > "$file.size"
696 case "$type" in
697 *:[Ii]mage*) mogrify -geometry $thumbxy "$file" ;;
698 ### ここのアイコンを増やしたい
699 *|*:[Aa]pplication*)
700 convert -geometry $thumbxy $imgdir/file-icon.png \
701 png:- > "$file"
702 ;;
703 esac
704 ;;
705 *)
706 sq $db<<EOF
707 .output $td/$fn.rowid
708 select rowid from $cond $slice;
709 .output $td/$fn
710 select val from $cond $slice;
711 EOF
712 val=$val${val:+$nl}"`echo $fn`" # should be delimited by newline
713 ;;
714 esac
715 done
716 else
717 rm -f $td/$c.count
718 case $type in
719 file:*)
720 echo "$val" \
721 | while read fn; do
722 file=$td/$fn
723 if [ ! -s "$file" ]; then
724 ## sq $db "select quote(bin) from $cond and val=\"$fn\"" \
725 query "select quote(bin) from $cond and val=\"$fn\";" \
726 | unhexize > "$file"
727 ##@@## -- echo ${type#file:} > "$file.content-type"
728 case $type in
729 *:[Ii]mage*) mogrify -geometry $thumbxy "$file" ;;
730 *:[Aa]pplication*)
731 convert -geometry $thumbxy $imgdir/file-icon.png \
732 png:- > $file ;;
733 esac
734 fi
735 done
736 ;;
737 esac
738 fi
739 echo "$val" # Keep newlines by ""
740 return
741 fi
742 done
743 done)
744 }
745 getvalbypkey() (
746 # $1=tbl $2=col $3=pkey $4=tmpdirForBinary
747 pk=`gettblpkey $1`
748 rowid=`query "select rowid from $1 where $pk='$3';"`
749 getvalbyid "$1" "$2" $rowid $4
750 )
751 getvalbycond() {
752 # $1=tbl $2=col $3=SQL-Condition
753 ###rowid=`sq $db "select rowid from $1 where $3"`
754 rowid=`query "select rowid from $1 where $3;"`
755 if [ -n "$rowid" ]; then
756 getvalbyid "$1" "$2" $rowid "$4"
757 fi
758 }
759 getpwfield() {
760 # getpwfield user column
761 # val=`sqlite3 $db "select $2 from passwd where name='$1' $3"`
762 val=`getvalbycond user $2 "name='$1'"`
763 if [ -n "$val" ]; then
764 echo "$val"
765 return 0
766 else
767 return 1
768 fi
769 }
770 encode() {
771 if [ -z "$sha1" ]; then
772 if type sha1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
773 sha1=sha1
774 elif type sha1sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then
775 sha1=sha1sum
776 elif type gsha1sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then
777 sha1=gsha1sum
778 fi
779 fi
780 $sha1 "$@" | cut -d' ' -f1
781 }
782 enjpeg() {
783 if [ -z "$cjpeg" ]; then
784 if type cjpeg >/dev/null 2>&1; then
785 cjpeg="cjpeg"
786 else
787 cjpeg="convert - jpeg:-"
788 fi
789 fi
790 $cjpeg "$@"
791 }
792 mycrypt() (
793 key=$1 salt=$2
794 err \$2=$2
795 case $2 in
796 '$'*'$'*) salt=${salt#\$4\$}
797 salt=${salt%\$*} ;;
798 esac
799 echo -n '$4$'"$salt"'$'
800 echo "$salt$key" | encode || exit 1 # Abort if fail to call encode
801 )
802 hexize() {
803 if [ -z "$hexize" ]; then
804 if type xxd >/dev/null 2>&1; then
805 hexize="xxd -p"
806 else
807 hexize_hd() {
808 hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"'
809 }
810 hexize="hexize_hd"
811 fi
812 fi
813 cat "$@" | $hexize | tr -d '\n'
814 }
815 unhexize() {
816 if [ -z "$unhex" ]; then
817 if type xxd >/dev/null 2>&1; then
818 unhex="xxd -p -r"
819 elif type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
820 cat >$tmpd/unhex.pl<<EOF
821 s/([0-9a-f]{2})/print chr hex \$1/gie
822 EOF
823 # Perl refuses -e in setuid circumstances, which can be absurdly
824 # avoided by creating scripts in a file where its parent directory is
825 # world writable...:)
826 unhex="perl -n $tmpd/unhex.pl"
827 fi
828 fi
829 cat "$@" | $unhex
830 # cat $1 | tee /tmp/uh.in| $unhex | tee /tmp/uh.out
831 }
832 percenthex() {
833 hexize "$@" | sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g'
834 }
835 htmlescape() {
836 sed -e 's/\&/\&amp;/g' -e 's/"/\&quot;/g' -e "s/'/\&apos;/g" \
837 -e "s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g"
838 }
839 enascii() {
840 if [ -z "$enascii" ]; then
841 if type kakasi >/dev/null 2>&1; then
842 enascii="kakasi -Ha -Ka -Ja -Ea -ka"
843 else
844 enascii_now=`date +%FT%T`
845 enascii_sed() {
846 nkf -Z0Z1Z2 \
847 | sed -e "s/^/$enascii_now/" -e "s|[^-0-9.A-z/,()_=]|x|g"
848 }
849 enascii="enascii_sed"
850 fi
851 fi
852 cat "$@" | $enascii
853 }
854 size_h() {
855 i="$1" oi=$1
856 set -- B B KB MB GB TB
857 while [ $((i)) -gt 9 -a -n "$1" ]; do # -gt 9 means $oi > 1024
858 oi=$i
859 i=$((i/1024))
860 shift
861 done
862 echo ${oi}$1
863 }
864 gettblconf() {
865 if [ -z "$tconfs" ]; then
866 ## tconfs=`sq $db \
867 tconfs=`query \
868 "select tbl||'/'||col||'='||keytype||'/'||objtype from $conftbl;"`
869 fi
870 # /tb1/col1=p/text /tb1/col2=s/text /tb1/col3=m/image /tb2/col1=p/text ...
871 }
872 gettblkeys() {
873 # $1=tbl
874 gettblconf
875 echo "$tconfs" | fgrep "/$1/" | \
876 (type="" keys="" fks="" cols="" scols="" mcols="" hcols=""
877 while IFS='=' read tc conf; do # tc=/tb1/col1 conf=s/text
878 col=${tc##*/} type=${conf%%/*}
879 case $type in
880 *p*)
881 cols=$cols"${cols:+:}$col"
882 keys=$keys"${keys:+:}$col" ;;
883 *f*) cols=$cols"${cols:+:}$col"
884 fks=$fks"${fks:+:}$col" ;;
885 *m*) mcols=$mcols"${mcols:+:}$col" ;;
886 *s*) scols=$scols"${scols:+:}$col" ;;
887 esac
888 case $type in
889 *h*) hcols=$hcols"${hcols:+:}$col" ;;
890 esac
891 done
892 echo "_keys=$keys _fks=$fks _cols=$cols _scols=$scols _mcols=$mcols _hcols=$hcols")
893 }
894 gettblpkey() {
895 # $1=tbl
896 gettblkeys $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sed -e 's/.*=//' -e 's/:/ /g'
897 }
898 gettblfkey() {
899 (x=`gettblkeys $1`
900 x=${x#*_fks=} # cut before "_fks=" including
901 echo ${x%% *} | tr ':' ' ')
902 }
903 gettblcols() {
904 (x=`gettblkeys $1`
905 x=${x#*_cols=} # cut before "_cols=" including
906 echo ${x%% *} | tr ':' ' ')
907 }
908 gettbl_s_cols() {
909 (x=`gettblkeys $1`
910 x=${x#*_scols=} # cut before "_scols=" including
911 echo ${x%% *} | tr ':' ' ')
912 }
913 gettbl_m_cols() {
914 (x=`gettblkeys $1`
915 x=${x#*_mcols=} # cut before "_mcols=" including
916 echo ${x%% *} | tr ':' ' ')
917 }
918 gettbl_h_cols() {
919 (x=`gettblkeys $1`
920 x=${x#*_hcols=} # cut before "_hcols=" including
921 echo ${x%% *} | tr ':' ' ')
922 }
923 gettbl_coltype() (
924 gettblconf
925 x=`echo "$tconfs"|fgrep $1=`
926 x=${x#*=} # cut before =
927 echo ${x#*/} # cut before p/ including
928 )
929 is_hidden() {
930 # $1=Tbl $2=col
931 gettblconf
932 x=`echo "$tconfs"|fgrep /$1/$2=`
933 x=${x#*=} # cut before =
934 x=${x%%/*} # cut after /
935 case $x in
936 *h*) return 0 ;;
937 *) return 1 ;;
938 esac
939 }
941 dbsetbyid() {
942 # $1=tbl $2=id $3=col $4=val/filename - &optional - $5=content-type
943 (t0=$1 t=$1 p=$2 c=$3
944 tsc=$t/$c val=$4
945 quotedp=$(sqlquotestr "$p")
946 unset primary update
947 gettblconf
948 #err tsc=$tsc, tconfs="$tconfs"
949 conf=`echo "$tconfs"|fgrep "$tsc"=`
950 #err conf=$conf
951 case ${conf#*=} in
952 p*) primary=1 ;;
953 f*) update=1 ;;
954 u*) ;;
955 m*) t=${t}_m;;
956 s*) t=${t}_s;;
957 esac
958 #err t=$t
959 type=string fn=""
960 case $conf in
961 */password)
962 type=encoded ### val=`echo $val|encode`
963 ;;
964 */image*|*/document*)
965 type=`file --mime-type - < "$val" | cut -d' ' -f2`
966 bin="X'`hexize "$val"`'"
967 ;;
968 esac
969 pkey=`echo "$tconfs"|grep "${t0}/.*=p"|sed 1q`
970 pkey=${pkey#/*/} # cut $tbl/
971 pkey=${pkey%=p/*} # cut =p/... -> primary key
972 if [ "$primary" ]; then
973 nulls=`echo "$tconfs"|grep "$t/.*=[fu]/"|sed 's/^.*/, NULL/'|tr -d '\n'`
974 ###sq $db "replace into $t values(\"$val\"$nulls)"
975 query "replace into $t values(\"$val\"$nulls);"
976 elif [ "$update" ]; then
977 query "update $1 set $c=\"$val\" where $pkey=$quotedp;"
978 else
979 query "replace into $t values($quotedp, \"$c\", \"$type\", \"$val\", \"$bin\");"
980 fi
981 )
982 }
983 expire() (
984 at="${1:-$timeout}"
985 FMT="${2:-%F %T}"
986 TZ=GMT gdate -d "$at" +"$FMT"
987 )
988 addsession() {
989 # expireをセット
990 # loginの先にどの画面に行くかの状態遷移表書式を決める
991 expire=`expire ${2:-"+1min"}`
992 query "replace into session values('$1', '$expire');"
993 # Remove old session parameters
994 now=`expire now`
995 query "delete from session where expire < '$now';"
996 }
997 gencookie() (
998 for kv; do
999 expire="`expire '' '%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT'`"
1000 echo "Set-Cookie: $kv; expires=$expire"
1001 done
1003 contenttype() {
1004 echo "Content-type: ${1:-text/html; charset=utf-8}"
1005 contenttype() {} # Only need to work once
1007 putheader() {
1010 putfooter() {
1011 _m4 -D_TITLE_="${TITLE:-$myname}" $layout/footer.m4.html
1013 getcookie() (
1014 for kv in `echo $HTTP_COOKIE|sed 's/[;, ]/ /g'`; do
1015 k="${kv%%=*}"
1016 v="`echo ${kv#*=}|nkf -Ww -mQ|sed -e 's/\"/\"\"/g'`"
1017 query "replace into cookie values('$session', '$k', 'string', \"$v\");"
1018 done
1020 genrandom() {
1021 # $1=columns (default: 10)
1022 dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2>/dev/null|nkf -MB|fold -w${1:-10}|sed -n 10p
1024 genserial() {
1025 echo $((($(date +%s)-1433084400)/10))c$$
1027 smail() {
1028 # smail rcpts subj (file)
1029 # $SMAIL_TO <- Recipient value of To: header
1030 # $MAIL_FROM <- From: header value
1031 from=`echo "${MAIL_FROM:-$admin}"|nkf -jM|tr -d '\n'`
1032 rcpt=`echo $1|tr ' ' '\n'|sort -u|tr '\n' ' '` # uniq and strip newlines
1033 subj=`echo $2|nkf -jM|tr -d '\n'`
1034 (_m4 -D_RCPT_="${SMAIL_TO:-$rcpt}" -D_SUBJ_="\`$subj'" -D_FROM_="$from" $msgdir/mail-header.m4
1035 cat $3 | nkf -jd ) | sendmail -f $admin $rcpt
1037 setviastring() {
1038 table=$1
1039 oifs="$IFS"
1040 IFS="&"
1041 for us in $2; do
1042 k=${us%%=*}
1043 v="`echo ${us#*=}|tr '%+' '= '|nkf -Ww -mQ|sed -e 's/\"/\"\"/g'`"
1044 query "replace into $table values('$session', '$k', 'string', \"$v\");"
1045 #echo $k=$v
1046 done
1047 IFS="$oifs"
1049 checkdomain() (
1050 # Check the validity of domain by referring DNS
1051 item=$1
1052 err checkdomain $1
1053 host ${item#*@} 1>&3 2>&3
1054 host ${item#*@} >/dev/null 2>&1
1056 pwcheck() {
1057 # $1=passwd
1058 dbpswd=`getpwfield $user pswd`
1059 encpswd=`mycrypt "$1" "$dbpswd"`
1060 ## err user=$user, pswd=$1, db=$dbpswd, enc=$encpswd
1061 [ x"$dbpswd" = x"$encpswd" ]
1063 mypwhash() {
1064 mycrypt `cat` `genrandom 5`
1066 wasureta() {
1067 user=$1
1068 if ! checkdomain $user; then
1069 contenttype; echo
1070 _m4 -D_TITLE_='Invalid email' $layout/title-only.html
1071 echo "ユーザ名($user)には正しいメイルアドレスが必要です。" | html p
1072 putfooter
1073 exit 0
1074 fi
1075 newpswd=`genrandom` # newsalt=`genrandom 5`
1076 #encpswd=`mycrypt "$newpswd" "$newsalt"`
1077 encpswd=`echo $newpswd|mypwhash`
1078 dbsetbyid user $user pswd "$encpswd"
1079 # Avoid $user substitution with m4, because $url comes from user input.
1080 _m4 -D_PSWD_="$newpswd" -D_URL_="$url" -D_ADMIN_="$admin" \
1081 $msgdir/mail-newaccount.m4 \
1082 | sed "s/_USER_/$user/g" \
1083 | smail $user "New Account"
1085 checkauth() {
1086 user=`getpar user`
1087 skc=`getpar skey` # from cookie
1088 [ -z "$user" ] && return 3
1089 skey="`getpwfield $user skey`"
1090 if [ -n "$skey" ]; then
1091 if [ x"$skey" = x"$skc" ]; then
1092 return 0
1093 fi
1094 fi
1095 pswd=`getpar pswd`
1096 quser=`sqlquotestr "$user"`
1097 dbuser=`query "SELECT name FROM user WHERE name=$quser;"`
1098 if [ -z "$dbuser" ]; then
1099 return 1
1100 elif [ x"$pswd" = x"wasureta" ]; then
1101 wasureta $user
1102 return 1 # wasureta error
1103 fi
1104 # dbpswd="`sq $db \"select pswd from passwd where name='$user'\"`"
1105 # putheader; echo; echo user=$user, db=$dbpswd, enc=$encpswd
1106 if pwcheck "$pswd"; then
1107 newsession=`genrandom 50`
1108 dbsetbyid user $user skey "$newsession"
1109 gencookie "user=$user" "skey=$newsession"
1110 return 0
1111 fi
1112 return 2 # Password mismatch
1114 showlogin() {
1115 args=`echo $myargs|tr ' ' '+'`
1116 _m4 -D_SYSNAME_="Welcome" -D_MYNAME_="$myname${args+?}$args" \
1117 $layout/login.m4.html
1118 exit 0
1120 dologin() {
1121 checkauth
1122 st=$?
1123 if [ $st != 0 ]; then
1124 contenttype; echo
1125 _m4 -D_USER_="$user" -D_URL_="$url" -D_ADMIN_="$admin" \
1126 $msgdir/login-fail-$st.m4.html
1127 showlogin # and EXIT
1128 fi
1131 # Do instant jobs here
1132 dbsetup
1133 trap cleanup INT HUP EXIT TERM PIPE
1134 # trap cleanup INT HUP
1136 err() {
1137 echo "$@" 1>&3
1140 cgiinit() {
1141 session=`date +%F-$$`
1142 tmpf=tmp/stream
1143 tmpd=`tmpd=$tmpdir mktempd`
1144 tmpfiles=$tmpfiles" $tmpd"
1145 addsession $session
1146 getcookie
1147 case "$REQUEST_METHOD" in
1148 get|GET) s="$QUERY_STRING" ;;
1149 post|POST) ## dd count=$CONTENT_LENGTH bs=1 of=$tmpf 2>/dev/null #slow
1150 ## dd bs=$CONTENT_LENGTH count=1 of=$tmpf # NOT working
1151 # cat > $tmpf # too much?
1152 head -c $CONTENT_LENGTH > $tmpf # safe?
1153 (echo CL=$CONTENT_LENGTH; ls -lF $tmpf) 1>&3
1154 s="`cat tmp/stream`"
1155 tmpfiles=$tmpfiles"${tmpfiles+ }$tmpf"
1156 ;;
1157 esac
1158 case "$CONTENT_TYPE" in
1159 *boundary*)
1160 bndry=${CONTENT_TYPE#*boundary=}
1161 #for us in `LC_CTYPE=C ./mpsplit.rb "$bndry" $tmpd < $tmpf`
1162 for us in `LC_CTYPE=C ./mpsplit.pl "$bndry" $tmpd < $tmpf`
1163 do
1164 k=${us%%\=*}
1165 #echo u=$us
1166 #v="`echo ${us#*=}|nkf -Ww -mQ|sed -e 's/\"/\"\"/g'`"
1167 v="`echo ${us#*=}|unhexize|sed -e 's/\"/\"\"/g'`"
1168 # err k=$k v=$v
1169 case "$k" in
1170 *:filename)
1171 type='file'; k=${k%:filename}
1172 # DO NOT ALLOW Space and '|' in file names
1173 newv=`echo "$v"|sed 's/[ \|]/X/g'`
1174 if [ x"$v" != x"$newv" ]; then
1176 fi
1177 # (echo k=$k v="[$v]"; ls -lF "$tmpd/$v"; file --mime-type "$tmpd/$v") 1>&3
1178 case `file --mime-type - < "$tmpd/$v"|cut -d' ' -f2` in
1179 [Ii]mage/x-xcf)
1180 bzip2 "$tmpd/$v"
1181 v=${v}.bz2
1182 ;;
1183 [Ii]mage/x-*|*/vnd.*) ;;
1184 [Ii]mage/*)
1185 mogrify -resize $maximagexy'>' "$tmpd/$v"
1186 ;;
1187 esac
1188 ;;
1189 *)
1190 type='string'
1191 ;;
1192 esac
1193 #sq $db "replace into par values('$session', '$k', '$type', \"$v\")"
1194 setpar "$k" "$type" "$v"
1195 done
1196 ;;
1197 *)
1198 setviastring par "$s"
1199 ;;
1200 esac
1202 email4group() {
1203 # Get for-$1=group email address(es) for $2...=users
1204 qgrp=`sqlquote "$1"`; shift
1205 users=`for i; do sqlquote "$i"; done`
1206 users=`echo $users|tr ' ' ','`
1207 sql="select coalesce(s.val, g.user) from grp_mem g
1208 left join grp_mem_s s on g.gname=s.gname and g.user=s.user
1209 and s.key='email'
1210 where g.gname=$qgrp and g.user in ($users);"
1211 query "$sql"
1213 email4groupbyuid() {
1214 # Get for-$1=group email address(es) for $2...=user-ids
1215 qgrp=`sqlquote "$1"`; shift
1216 uids=`echo "$@"`
1217 uids=`echo $uids|tr ' ' ','`
1218 sql="WITH
1219 grpemails AS (
1220 SELECT gname, user, val email
1221 FROM grp_mem NATURAL JOIN grp_mem_s
1222 WHERE key='email' AND gname=$qgrp),
1223 useremails AS (
1224 SELECT user.rowid rid, user.name, val email
1225 FROM user
1226 LEFT JOIN user_s
1227 ON user.name=user_s.name AND user_s.key='email')
1228 SELECT DISTINCT coalesce(g.email, u.name)
1229 FROM useremails u LEFT JOIN grpemails g
1230 ON u.name=g.user
1231 WHERE u.rid in ($uids);"
1232 ## err email4gByid `echo $sql`
1233 query "$sql"
1235 collectmembersbyid() {
1236 # Collect user names of group specified by grid
1237 rid=${1%%[!0-9]*} # Cleaning
1238 query "SELECT user FROM grp_mem \
1239 WHERE gname=(SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE rowid=$rid);"
1241 collectmembersbyid() {
1242 # Collect user names of group name
1243 qgrp=`sqlquote "$1"`
1244 query "SELECT user FROM grp_mem WHERE gname=$qgrp;"
1246 collectgecosesbyid() {
1247 # Collect user gecoses of group
1248 rid=${1%%[!0-9]*} # Cleaning
1249 query<<-EOF
1250 SELECT gecos
1251 FROM gecoses
1252 WHERE name IN (SELECT user FROM grp_mem
1253 WHERE gname=(SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE rowid=$rid));
1254 EOF
1256 collectemail() (
1257 # Collect email addresses for group $1
1258 # If $TEAM is set, filter by team name
1259 # If $EXCEPT is set as username(s) delimited by comma,
1260 # remove $EXCEPT from list: ....NOT IN ($EXCEPT)
1261 for e; do
1262 if isuser "$e"; then
1263 em=`query "select val from user_m where name='$e' and key='email';"`
1264 [ -n "$em" ] && echo "$em" || echo "$e"
1265 else
1266 qgrp=`sqlquote "$e"`
1267 if [ -z "$TEAM" ]; then
1268 gmem="grp_mem"
1269 else
1270 tm=`sqlquote "$TEAM"`
1271 gmem="(SELECT gname, user FROM grp_mem_m WHERE gname='$e' AND key='team' AND val=$tm)"
1272 fi
1273 ex=${EXCEPT:+"AND g.user NOT IN ($EXCEPT)"}
1274 sql="select coalesce(s.val,um.val,g.user) from
1275 $gmem g left join grp_mem_s s
1276 on g.gname=s.gname and g.user=s.user and s.key='email'
1277 left join user_m um on g.user=um.name and um.key='email'
1278 where g.gname=$qgrp $ex;"
1279 ## err CollectEmail: `echo "$sql"`
1280 query "$sql"
1281 fi
1282 done
1284 sendinvitation() (
1285 # $1=email
1286 iss="invite-`date +%s`-$user"
1287 addsession $iss +${memoplimitdays}days # 1 week due date
1288 query "replace into par values('$iss', 'invite', 'string', \"$1\");"
1289 gecos=`gecos`
1290 name=$user"${gecos:+($gecos)}"
1291 regist="$urlbase?reg+$iss"
1292 _m4 -D_URL_="$urlbase" \
1293 -D_USER_="$name" \
1294 -D_EMAIL_="$1" \
1295 -D_REGIST_="$regist" \
1296 -D_ADMIN_="$admin" \
1297 $msgdir/mail-invite.m4 \
1298 | smail $1 "BBSへの御招待"
1299 return 0
1301 emaildomaincheck() {
1302 case "$1" in
1303 *@*@*) echo "無効なアドレスです"; return 1 ;;
1304 *@*)
1305 local=${1%@*} domain=${1#*@}
1306 if ! host $domain >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1307 echo "ドメイン($domain)が見付かりません。"
1308 return 2
1309 fi
1310 return 0
1311 ;;
1312 *) echo "正しいメイルアドレスをいれてください"; return 3 ;;
1313 esac
1315 invite() {
1316 email=`getpar email`
1317 case $email in
1318 *@*@*) repo="無効なアドレスです" ;;
1319 *@*)
1320 local=${email%@*} domain=${email#*@}
1321 if ! repo=`emaildomaincheck $email`; then
1322 repo="招待アドレスのエラー: $repo"
1323 elif [ -n "`query \"select * from user where name='$email';\"`" ]; then
1324 repo="$email さんは既に加入しています。"
1325 elif sendinvitation $email; then
1326 repo="アドレス($email)宛に案内を送信しました。"
1327 fi ;;
1328 "") repo="招待したい人のメイルアドレスを入力してください。" ;;
1329 *) repo="無効なアドレスです" ;;
1330 esac
1331 addr=`query "select val from par where sessid like 'invite-%-$user';"`
1332 if [ -n "$addr" ]; then
1333 susp="<h2>招待済みで加入待ちのアドレス</h2><pre>$addr</pre>"
1334 fi
1335 _m4 -D_TITLE_="招待" -D_REPORT_="\`$repo'" -D_ACTION_="?invite" \
1336 -D_BODYCLASS_="default" -D_SUSPENDED_="$susp" \
1337 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/invite.m4.html
1339 regist() {
1340 # $1=session-id-for-invitation
1341 _m4 -D_TITLE_="Invitation" $layout/html.m4.html
1342 if [ -z "$1" ]; then
1343 echo "bye bye" | html p
1344 reutrn
1345 fi
1346 email=`session=$1 getpar invite`
1347 if [ -z "$email" ];then
1348 cat<<EOF
1349 <p>無効な招待状チケットです。</p>
1350 <p>招待状の有効期限(1週間)が切れているか、チケット番号が異なっています。
1351 加入している人に、再度招待してもらいましょう。</p>
1352 EOF
1353 return
1354 fi
1355 echo "$email さんようこそ" | html h2
1356 query "replace into user values('$email');"
1357 # Fake login password to wasureta
1358 query "replace into par values('$session', 'pswd', 'string', 'wasureta'),
1359 ('$session', 'user', 'string', '$email');"
1360 wasureta $email
1361 echo "このアドレスに初期パスワードを送信しました。" |html p
1362 echo "新着メイルを確認してログインしてください。" |html p
1363 addsession $1 # for removal after 1 minute
1364 _m4 -D_SYSNAME_="Initial Login" -D_MYNAME_="$myname?userconf" \
1365 $layout/login.m4.html
1366 return
1368 group_safename() {
1369 # Convert $1 to safe group name
1370 echo "$1" | tr -d '"'"'",
1372 groupupdate() {
1373 gname=`getpar gname`
1374 qgname=`sqlquote "$gname"`
1375 if [ -n "$gname" ]; then
1376 # See ALSO same job in showgroup()
1377 newgname=`group_safename "$gname"`
1378 err newgname=$newgname
1379 if [ x"$newgname" != x"$gname" ]; then
1380 err NewGNAME: gname=$newgname
1381 gname=$newgname
1382 echo "使用禁止文字を除去し $gname としました。" | html p
1383 replpar gname string "$gname"
1384 fi
1385 # Name confliction check
1386 parow=`getpar rowid`
1387 ## err parow=$parow
1388 qgname=`sqlquote "$gname"` # Set again in case gname modified
1389 query "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;"
1390 ## err "select count(gname) from grp where rowid != ${parow:-0} and gname = $qgname;"
1391 count=$(query "select count(gname) from grp where rowid != ${parow:-0} and gname = $qgname;")
1392 if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then
1393 echo "そのグループ名は既にあります。" | html p
1394 query "END;"
1395 return
1396 fi
1397 par2table $formdir/grp.def
1398 query "END TRANSACTION;"
1399 # Remove orphan
1400 : <<EOF
1401 select a.id,b.val from (select * from blog where id in
1402 (select id from blog_s where key='owner'
1403 and val not in (select name from user union select gname from grp)))
1404 a left join blog_s b on a.id=b.id and b.key='owner';
1405 EOF
1406 rm=`getpar rm` cfm=`getpar confirm`
1407 ## err groupupdate:::: after par2tbl rmcfm=$rm$cfm
1408 if [ x"$rm$cfm" = x"yesyes" ]; then
1409 if [ -z "`query \"select gname from grp where gname=$qgname;\"`" ]; then
1410 sql="delete from blog where id in
1411 (select id from blog_s where key='owner' and val=$qgname);"
1412 err rm-grp cleaning sql=`echo $sql`
1413 query "$sql";
1414 grps # When removing a group, switch to grp-list
1415 return # and return
1416 fi
1417 fi
1418 [ -z "$parow" ] && joingrp "$gname" "$user" yes "" as-admin
1419 fi
1420 sql="select rowid from grp where gname=$qgname;"
1421 grid=$(query $sql)
1422 ## err grpupdate:new-grid=$grid, sql=$sql
1423 grp $grid
1425 groupclone() {
1426 # $1=grp-rowid of clone-base group
1427 qgrp=`query "SELECT quote(gname) FROM grp WHERE rowid=$1;"`
1428 if [ -z "$qgrp" ]; then
1429 echo "無効なグループIDです($1)" | html p
1430 return
1431 fi
1432 i=0
1433 while true; do
1434 copy="-copy$i"
1435 newqname=`query "SELECT quote($qgrp || '$copy');"`
1436 # err Trying new grp=$newqname with copy=$copy
1437 test=`query "SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE gname=$newqname;"`
1438 if [ -n "$test" ]; then
1439 i=$((i++))
1440 continue
1441 fi
1442 break
1443 done
1444 # Creating New group "$newqname" with members of old group
1445 # err Creating new grp=$newqname with copy=$copy
1446 query<<-EOF
1447 BEGIN;
1448 INSERT INTO grp VALUES($newqname); -- Create NEW one
1449 REPLACE INTO grp_s(gname, key, val) -- Copy tag
1450 SELECT $newqname, key, val
1451 FROM grp_s WHERE gname=$qgrp AND key IN ('tag', 'mode');
1452 REPLACE INTO grp_s(gname, key, type, val) -- Copy gecos with "copy$n"
1453 SELECT $newqname, key, type, val || '$copy'
1454 FROM grp_s WHERE gname=$qgrp AND key='gecos';
1455 -- Copy members and their configuration --
1456 REPLACE INTO grp_mem SELECT $newqname, user
1457 FROM grp_mem WHERE gname=$qgrp;
1458 REPLACE INTO grp_mem_s SELECT $newqname, user, key, type, val, bin
1459 FROM grp_mem_s WHERE gname=$qgrp;
1460 REPLACE INTO grp_mem_m SELECT $newqname, user, key, type, val, bin
1461 FROM grp_mem_m WHERE gname=$qgrp;
1462 -- Copy administrators --
1463 REPLACE INTO grp_adm SELECT $newqname, user
1464 FROM grp_adm WHERE gname=$qgrp;
1465 COMMIT;
1466 EOF
1467 newrowid=`query "SELECT rowid FROM grp WHERE gname=$newqname;"`
1468 STOPCLONEMSG=1 groupconf "$newrowid"
1470 groupman() {
1471 note="<p>グループ名に使用できない文字は自動的に削除されます。</p>"
1473 GF_STAGE="grpconf"
1474 GF_STAGE=groupupdate
1475 DT_VIEW=grp dumptable html grp 'gname gecos:DESC mtime:TIME' 'order by b.TIME desc' \
1476 |_m4 -D_TITLE_="グループ作成" \
1477 -D_FORM_="$note`genform $formdir/grp.def`" \
1478 -D_DUMPTABLE_="syscmd(cat)" \
1479 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/form+dump.m4.html
1481 userconf() {
1482 [ -n "`getpar rowid`" ] && par2table $formdir/user.def
1483 _m4 -D_BODYCLASS_=userconf -D_TITLE_="ユーザ情報編集" $layout/html.m4.html
1484 GF_ACTION="?home" edittable "$formdir/user.def" "user" "$user"
1486 groupconf() {
1487 # $1=rowid in grp (2015-07-21 changed from gname)
1488 [ -n "`getpar rowid`" ] && par2table $formdir/grp.def
1489 _m4 -D_BODYCLASS_=groupconf -D_TITLE_="グループ情報編集" $layout/html.m4.html
1490 #rowid=`query "select rowid from grp where gname='$1';"`
1491 rowid=${1%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*}
1492 # GF_ACTION="?grp+$1" edittable "$formdir/grp.def" "grp" "$rowid" #2015-0804
1493 GF_STAGE="groupupdate" edittable "$formdir/grp.def" "grp" "$rowid"
1494 if [ -z "$STOPCLONEMSG" ]; then
1495 echo "同じ構成員で新規グループ<a href=\"?groupclone+$rowid\">作成</a>" \
1496 | html p
1497 fi
1499 mems() {
1500 _m4 -D_TITLE_="参加者一覧" -D_BODYCLASS_=listmember $layout/html.m4.html
1501 kwd=`getpar kwd`
1502 listmember $kwd
1504 grps() {
1505 _m4 -D_TITLE_="グループ一覧" -D_BODYCLASS_=listgroup $layout/html.m4.html
1506 kwd=`getpar kwd`
1507 listgroup $kwd \
1508 | _m4 -D_DUMPTABLE_="syscmd(cat)" \
1509 -D_TITLE_="グループ関連操作" \
1510 -D_FORM_="<a href=\"?groupman\">新規グループ作成</a>" \
1511 $layout/form+dump.m4.html
1513 grp() { # $1=group-rowid
1514 gpg=`getpar grp`
1515 grid=${1:-$gpg}
1516 grp=`getgroupbyid "$grid"`
1517 ## . ./s4-blog.sh
1518 jg=`getpar joingrp`
1519 if [ -n "$jg" ]; then
1520 [ -n "$jg" -a -n "$grp" ] &&
1521 joingrp "$grp" "$user" "$jg" "`getpar email`"
1522 fi
1523 htmlheader=$layout/html.m4.html
1524 showgroup "$grid"
1526 sql4interestblogs() {
1527 cat<<EOF
1528 CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW interestblogs AS
1529 SELECT blog.rowid rid, id, author
1530 FROM blog
1532 (SELECT id, val owner FROM blog_s WHERE key='owner') bs
1533 WHERE CASE WHEN (SELECT name FROM user where name=bs.owner) IS NOT NULL
1534 THEN 1 -- blog owner is an user, READABLE
1535 WHEN (SELECT user FROM grp_mem
1536 WHERE gname=bs.owner AND user='$user') IS NULL
1537 THEN 0
1538 ELSE 1
1539 END;
1540 EOF
1542 listnewblogsql() { # $1=user
1543 deftime=`query "SELECT coalesce((SELECT time FROM acclog
1544 WHERE user='$user'
1545 AND tblrowid=$blogreadflagrowid),
1546 "0");"`
1547 cat<<EOF
1548 `sql4interestblogs`
1549 WITH article_ctime as (
1550 SELECT id,blogid,author,val ctime
1551 FROM article join article_s s using(id)
1552 WHERE s.key='ctime'
1553 ), blog_title_owner as (
1554 SELECT blg.rid brid, id,
1555 max(case key when 'title' then val end) title,
1556 max(case key when 'owner' then val end) owner
1557 FROM interestblogs blg, blog_s using(id) group by id
1558 ), visited AS (
1559 SELECT b.id id, brid, b.owner owner, b.title title, ctime, ac.author author
1560 FROM blog_title_owner b, article_ctime ac
1561 JOIN acclog al
1562 ON b.id=ac.blogid
1563 AND al.tbl='blog'
1564 AND al.tblrowid=brid
1565 AND al.user='$user'
1566 AND al.time < ctime
1567 AND '$deftime' < ctime
1568 ), unvisited as (
1569 SELECT b.id id, brid, b.owner owner, b.title title, ctime, ac.author author
1570 FROM blog_title_owner b, article_ctime ac
1571 ON b.id=ac.blogid
1572 WHERE brid NOT IN (SELECT tblrowid FROM acclog
1573 WHERE tbl='blog' AND user='$user')
1574 AND ctime > '$deftime'
1575 ), blogall as (
1576 /* ---------------------------------------
1577 Collect new articles with dividing them into visited and unvisited
1578 separately, because constructing joined table of artice X acclog
1579 tends to become HUGE combinations.
1580 --------------------------------------- */
1581 SELECT * FROM visited UNION SELECT * FROM unvisited
1582 ), news as (
1583 select bl.brid brid, bl.title, bl.id blid, ctime,
1584 count(bl.id) "新着", bl.owner, bl.author
1585 from blogall bl /* left join a_u l
1586 on bl.brid=l.tblrowid */
1587 group by bl.id order by ctime desc,"新着" desc, bl.id
1588 LIMIT 10
1589 ) SELECT brid LINK, "新着",
1590 (SELECT count(*) FROM article WHERE blogid=blid) "総数",
1591 ctime, title,
1592 (SELECT gecos FROM gecoses WHERE name=author) gecos
1593 FROM news;
1594 EOF
1597 search_form() {
1598 help="(1)空白区切りの単語で本文検索
1599 (2)@YYYY-MM-DD 日付け(シェルパターン可)で日付け検索
1600 @2016-0[1-6] → 2016年1月から6月
1601 @>2016-01 @<2016-02-15 → 2016年1月から2月14日までの期間
1602 @week → 最近一週間
1603 (3)#番号 で記事ID検索
1604 (1)と(2)は組み合わせOK
1605 例: @2016-10-0[1-9] 芋煮
1606 → 2016年10月上旬でキーワード「芋煮」を含む記事検索
1607 ※クイズ板は検索対象から外されます。"
1608 auth=""
1609 placeholder="全記事からの検索"
1610 case "$1" in
1611 author=*)
1612 a=`echo "${1#author=}"|htmlescape`
1613 g=`gecos ${1#author=}`
1614 auth="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"author\" value=\"$a\">"
1615 placeholder="このユーザの書込検索"
1616 help="★★ $g さんの書き込みから検索します$nl$help"
1617 ;;
1618 grp=*)
1619 a=`echo "${1#grp=}"|htmlescape`
1620 g=`gecos ${1#grp=}`
1621 auth="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"owner\" value=\"$a\">"
1622 placeholder="このグループからの検索"
1623 ;;
1624 esac
1625 cat<<-EOF
1626 <div class="right">
1627 <form action="$myname">$auth
1628 <input type="text" name="kwd" value="" title="$help"
1629 placeholder=" $placeholder " width="10" accesskey="k">
1630 ${touchpanel:+<p class="help">$help</p>}
1631 <input type="hidden" name="stage" value="searchart">
1632 </form>
1633 </div>
1634 EOF
1637 imgsrc_cache() (
1638 # $1 = directory for cache'ing
1639 # $2 = table (user_m or grp_m)
1640 # $3 = keycond (was: condition for choosingowner)
1641 # $4 = size : S = Small, M = Medium, O = Original
1642 dir="$1" tbl="$2"
1643 keycond="$3"
1644 whos="$keycond AND key='profimg' AND type LIKE 'file:image%'
1645 ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT 1"
1646 [ -d "$dir" ] || mkdir -p "$dir"
1647 tmpf=$tmpd/imgsrc_cache.$$
1648 case "$4" in
1649 [Ss]) size=S ;;
1650 [Oo]) size=O ;;
1651 *) size=M ;;
1652 esac
1653 # ImageCache filename storing schema:
1654 # <table_s>.{key, val}={"profimgcache_S", "$cacheimg_S"}
1655 sql0="SELECT val || '//' || type FROM $tbl WHERE $whos;"
1656 sql1="SELECT hex(bin) FROM $tbl WHERE $whos;"
1657 valtype=`query "$sql0"`
1658 filename=${valtype%%//*}
1659 filetype=${valtype##*//file:}
1660 if [ x"$filename" = x"${filename%.*}" ]; then
1661 # If nor filename extension found, set it to image type
1662 case "$filetype" in
1663 image/*) filename=$filename.${filetype#image/} ;;
1664 esac
1665 fi
1666 cacheimg_S=$dir/S_$filename
1667 cacheimg_M=$dir/M_$filename
1668 cacheimg_O=$dir/$filename
1669 cacheimg=$dir/${size}_$filename
1670 sumfile="$dir/$filename.sum"
1671 sum=`query "$sql1" | tee $tmpf | encode` # encode() is maybe sha1
1672 if test -s "$sumfile" && [ x"`cat \"$sumfile\"`" = x"$sum" ] \
1673 && test -s "$cacheimg_S" && test -s "$cacheimg_M" ; then
1674 # if cache is fresh and has the same checksum,
1675 echo "<img src=\"$cacheimg\">"
1676 else
1677 fifo=`mktemp "$tmpf.fifo.XXXXXXX"`
1678 rm -f $fifo # Safe, because $tmpf is in mktemp dir.
1679 fifo2=$fifo.2
1680 mkfifo $fifo $fifo2
1681 fmt=${filename##*.}
1682 ## [[ NOTE ]]
1683 ## a. convert oldimage newimage
1684 ## b. convert oldimage fmt:- | convert - newimage
1685 ## b is much smaller than a
1686 cat $tmpf | unhexize \
1687 | tee $fifo \
1688 | convert -define ${fmt}:size=${iconxy_M} \
1689 -resize ${iconxy_M}'>' - ${fmt}:- \
1690 | tee $fifo2 \
1691 | convert - "$cacheimg_M" &
1692 cat $fifo | convert -define ${fmt}:size=${iconxy_S} \
1693 -resize ${iconxy_S}'>' - ${fmt}:- \
1694 | convert - "$cacheimg_S" &
1695 printf '%s' "<img src=\"data:${filetype},"
1696 hexize "$fifo2" |sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g' # Use medium as pre-cached image
1697 echo '">'
1698 echo "$sum" > $sumfile
1699 fi
1700 ## Now preparing cache image, done.
1701 ## Store this information to DB
1702 stbl=${tbl%_m}_s # user_s or grp_s
1703 pkey=${keycond%%=*} # Primary Key name
1704 pval=${keycond#*=} # Primary Key value
1705 query <<-EOF
1706 REPLACE INTO $stbl($pkey, key, type, val)
1707 VALUES($pval, '$iconcachekey', 'string', `sqlquote "$cacheimg_S"`);
1708 EOF
1711 showhome() {
1712 # $1=userRowIdToShow
1713 err showhome \$1=$1
1714 case "$1" in
1715 *@*) uname=`getvalbypkey user name "$1"` ;;
1716 *) uname=`getvalbyid user name $1` ;;
1717 esac
1718 ## err ShowHome: uname=$uname
1719 td=`getcachedir home/"$1"`
1720 gecos=`gecos "$uname"`
1721 ## err SH:gecos=$gecos
1723 cond="gname in (select gname from grp_mem where user='$uname')"
1724 search_form_args=""
1725 if [ x"$user" = x"$uname" ]; then
1726 conflink="<a href=\"?userconf\" accesskey=\"e\"
1727 title=\"E\">プロフィールの編集</a> /
1728 <a href=\"?blog\" accesskey=\"n\" title=\"N\">新規話題の作成</a>"
1729 # Display folders
1730 sql="select count(id) from article_m where id
1731 in (select id from article where author='$user')
1732 and type like 'file:%';"
1733 ## err nfile-sql=`echo "$sql"`
1734 nfile=`query "$sql"`
1735 # err nfile=$nfile
1736 if [ $nfile -gt 0 ]; then
1737 conflink="$conflink / <a href=\"?lsmyfile\" accesskey=\"l\"
1738 title=\"L\">過去の提出ファイル</a>"
1739 fi
1740 else
1741 search_form_args="author=$uname"
1742 fi
1743 . ./s4-blog.sh
1745 tf=$tmpd/title.$$ pf=$tmpd/profile.$$ bf=$tmpd/blogs.$$ sf=$tmpd/search.$$
1746 search_form $search_form_args > $sf
1747 echo "$gecos さん" > $tf
1748 { echo "<div class=\"noprofimg\">"
1749 viewtable $formdir/user.def user $1
1750 echo "</div>"
1751 } > $pf
1753 sqcond="WHERE name='$uname' AND key='profimg' AND type LIKE 'file:image%'"
1754 img=`query "SELECT type FROM user_m $sqcond LIMIT 1;"`
1755 imf=$tmpd/profimg.$$; touch $imf
1756 if [ -n "$img" ]; then
1757 if true; then
1758 tbl=user_m
1759 enticond="name='$uname'"
1760 imgsrc_cache "$td/main" user_m "$enticond" M
1761 else
1762 { printf '%s' "<IMG src=\"data:${img#file:},"
1763 query "SELECT hex(bin) FROM user_m $sqcond ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1;" \
1764 | sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g'
1765 echo '">'
1767 fi > $imf
1768 fi
1769 nblog=`query "SELECT count(id) FROM blog_s WHERE key='owner' AND \
1770 val='$uname';"`
1771 listblog $uname > $bf
1773 hometail=$tmpd/tail.$$
1774 mkfifo $hometail
1776 #Calling listgroupbytable, originally here
1779 # Display Most Recent Entry
1780 shortval=${dumpcollen:+"substr(val, 0, $dumpcollen)"}
1781 shortval=${shortval:-val}
1783 # The m.aid in the next line is suspicious. But works fine in SQLite3...
1784 DT_SQL="SELECT b.rowid || '#' || m.aid LINK,
1785 ctime,
1786 (SELECT $shortval FROM blog_s WHERE key='title' AND id=b.id) title,
1787 (SELECT gecos FROM gecoses
1788 WHERE name=(SELECT val FROM blog_s
1789 WHERE key='owner' AND id=b.id)) owner,
1790 (SELECT $shortval val FROM article_s WHERE id=m.aid AND key='text') text
1791 FROM blog b
1792 JOIN
1793 (SELECT distinct blogid, a.id aid, max(val) ctime
1794 FROM article a, article_s s
1795 ON a.id=s.id AND a.author='$uname' AND s.key='ctime'
1796 GROUP BY blogid ORDER BY val DESC LIMIT 50
1797 ) m
1798 ON b.id=m.blogid;"
1799 # This should be as follows
1800 : <<EOF
1801 WITH arts AS(
1802 SELECT (SELECT rowid FROM blog WHERE id=a.blogid) brid,
1803 a.blogid, a.id id, s.val ctime
1804 FROM article a NATURAL JOIN article_s s
1805 WHERE s.key = 'ctime' AND a.author='$user'
1806 GROUP by s.id
1808 SELECT a0.brid,a0.blogid,a0.id,a0.ctime
1809 FROM arts a0
1810 JOIN
1811 (SELECT blogid,max(ctime) mct FROM arts a1 GROUP BY blogid) a1
1812 ON a0.blogid=a1.blogid AND a0.ctime=a1.mct
1813 ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 50;
1814 EOF
1816 cat<<-EOF
1817 `cgi_radio foldtabs yes 'id="mre" accesskey="d"'`<label
1818 for="mre" title="D">最近の書き込み先</label>
1819 <div class="lcto">
1820 `DT_VIEW=replyblog dumptable html blog`
1821 </div>
1822 EOF
1823 unset DT_SQL
1824 if [ x"$user" = x"$uname" ]; then
1825 # Display NEWS
1826 # 2016-06-26
1827 if [ x"`getpar readchk``getpar read`" = x"yesyes" ]; then
1828 acclog blog $blogreadflagrowid
1829 # echo "全部既読にしました" | html p
1830 fi
1831 # 2016-02-19 Counting NEWS without using dumptable.
1832 sql=`listnewblogsql "$user"`
1833 new10=`DT_SQL="$sql" DT_VIEW=replyblog dumptable html blog`
1834 cont=`echo "$new10"|grep "^<TR>"|wc -l`
1835 cont=$((cont-1))
1836 err newcount=$cont
1837 if [ $cont -gt 0 ]; then
1838 #echo "全体の新着記事${cont}傑" | html h2
1839 cgi_radio foldtabs yes 'id="new10" accesskey="f"'
1840 echo "<label for=\"new10\" title=\"F\">新着${cont}傑</label><div>"
1841 cat<<-EOF | html form 'action="?home"'
1842 `cgi_checkbox readchk yes 'id="read"'`<label
1843 for="read">新着ふくめて全部読んだことにする</label>
1844 `cgi_submit '確定'`
1845 `cgi_hidden read yes`
1846 EOF
1847 echo "$new10 <!-- new10 -->"
1848 echo "</div>"
1849 fi
1850 else # Not My Home ($user != $uname)
1851 : # DT_SQL=
1852 fi
1853 ) > $hometail & # Is background call safe to m4??
1855 listgroupbytable $formdir/grp.def $cond |
1856 _m4 -D_BODYCLASS_=home -D_TITLE_="spaste(\`$tf')" \
1857 -D_PROFILE_="spaste(\`$pf')$conflink" \
1858 -D_PROFIMG_="spaste(\`$imf')" \
1859 -D_BLOGS_="spaste(\`$bf')" \
1860 -D_SEARCH_="spaste(\`$sf')" \
1861 -D_NBLOG_="$nblog" \
1862 -D_GROUPS_="syscmd(\`cat')" \
1863 -D_HOMETAIL_="syscmd(\`cat $hometail')" \
1864 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/home.m4.html
1866 # Record access log
1867 [ -n "$1" ] && [ x"$1" != x"$user" ] && acclog user $1
1869 commission() { # $1=grp-rowid $2=user-rowid
1870 contenttype; echo
1871 ## err commission: "$@"
1872 gname=`getgroupbyid $1`
1873 echo "グループ $gname 管理者委任" \
1874 | _m4 -D_TITLE_="syscmd(\`cat')" $layout/html.m4.html
1875 if [ -n "$2" ]; then
1876 grp_reg_adm "$@"
1877 else
1878 echo "無効な指定です。普通のアクセスならここに来ないはず。"|html p
1879 fi
1881 listgroupbytable() {
1882 # $1=deffile $2...=condition
1883 tagline=`grep :tag: $1`; shift
1884 and="${1:+and }" where=${1:+where }
1885 href="<a href=\"$myname?grp+"
1886 echo '<div class="listgroup">'
1887 NGsql="select distinct tag from\
1888 (select gname, max(case key when 'tag' then val end) as tag, \
1889 max(case key when 'ctime' then val end) as ctime\
1890 from grp_s group by gname order by ctime);"
1891 sql="select val from grp_s where key='tag' $and$* group by val;"
1892 ## err ListGRP: query sql="$sql"
1893 for tag in `query "$sql"`
1894 do
1895 ## err ListGrp: tag=$tag
1896 tn=${tagline%%=${tag}*}
1897 tn=${tn##*[ :]}
1898 sql="select rowid||':'||gname as 'グループ名',説明 from
1899 (select (select rowid from grp g where g.gname=grp_s.gname)
1900 as rowid,
1901 gname,
1902 max(case key when 'gecos' then val end) as '説明',
1903 max(case key when 'tag' then val end) as 'tag',
1904 max(case key when 'mtime' then val end) as mtime from grp_s
1905 $where$* group by gname having tag='$tag' order by mtime desc);"
1906 ## err PersonalGroupList= `echo $sql`
1907 echo "<h2>$tn</h2>"
1908 echo '<table class="b listgroup">'
1909 sq -header -html $db "$sql" \
1910 | sed "s,\(<TR><TD>\)\([0-9]*\):\([^ ]*\)</TD>,\1$href\2\">\3</a>,"
1911 echo '</table>'
1912 done
1913 echo '</div>'
1915 iconhref() (
1916 # $1=icon-file, $2=Href $3=title $4...=anchor
1917 data=`percenthex "$1"`
1918 ct=`file --mime-type - < "$1"|cut -d' ' -f2`
1919 ## err iconhref: \$1=$1 \$2=$2 \$3="$@"
1920 href=$2; title=$3; shift 3
1921 echo "<a href=\"$href\"><img title=\"$title\" src=\"data:$ct,$data\">$@</a>"
1923 iconhref2() (
1924 # $1=icon-file, $2=Href $3=title $4...=anchor
1925 src=$1
1926 href=$2; title=$3; shift 3
1927 echo "<a href=\"$href\"><img title=\"$title\" src=\"$src\">$@</a>"
1929 listentry() (
1930 # $1=user/group $2=SearchKeyword $3=condition(if any) $4=grprowid(if in grp)
1931 # Referring variable $iamowner=$grp to attach owner-request links
1932 ## err listentry: \$1=$1 \$2=$2 \$3=$3
1933 cond='' hiddens=''
1934 offset=`getpar offset`
1935 offset=${offset%%[!0-9]*}
1936 offset=$((offset + 0)) # change to numeric forcibly
1937 [ $offset -lt 0 ] && offset=0
1938 limit=30
1939 dir=`getcachedir "$1"`
1940 if [ x"$1" = x"user" ]; then
1941 hrb="$myname?home"
1942 deficon=person-default.png
1943 entity="ユーザ" tbl=user link=rowid nm=name # stage=mems
1944 [ -n "$4" ] && hiddens=`cgi_hidden grid $4`
1945 gcs=gecos
1946 else # if group
1947 hrb="$myname?grp"
1948 deficon=group-default.png
1949 entity="グループ" tbl=grp link=rowid nm=gname stage=grps
1950 gcs=name
1951 tagline=`grep :tag: $formdir/grp.def|cut -d: -f5-`
1952 if [ -n "$tagline" ]; then
1953 tagconv=`echo $tagline|sed 's/\([^= :]*\)=\([^= :]*\)/-D\2=\1/g'`
1954 ## err tagconv=$tagconv
1955 fi
1956 fi
1957 if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
1958 mkdir -p $dir
1959 fi
1960 if [ ! -s $dir/$deficon ]; then
1961 convert -geometry $thumbxy $imgdir/$deficon $dir/$deficon
1962 fi
1963 if [ -n "$2" ]; then
1964 cond="where nick like '%$2%' or b.name like '%$2%'"
1965 fi
1967 # XX: これ複雑すぎるかな。もっとシンプルにしたい。$3条件も。2015-07-08
1968 # grpは呼出し元の動的スコープ変数でよくないな...
1969 ##qgrp=`sqlquote $grp`
1970 getgrp="(select gname from grp where rowid=${rowid:--1})"
1971 sql="select a.rowid, a.$link,
1972 coalesce(b.$gcs, a.$nm) as nick,
1973 quote(a.$nm) as qname,
1974 (SELECT val FROM ${tbl}_s
1975 WHERE $nm=a.$nm AND key='$iconcachekey') icon,
1976 coalesce(b.gecos, a.$nm) /* If group, concat (Nusers) */
1977 || case when a.$nm in (select gname from grp)
1978 then printf('(%d名)',
1979 (select count(user) from grp_mem where gname=a.$nm))
1980 else ' <'||a.$nm||'>'
1981 end
1982 as name,
1983 b.tag,
1984 case when a.$nm in (select user from grp_adm
1985 where gname=$getgrp) then '(管理者)'
1986 when '$user' in (select user from grp_adm where gname=a.$nm)
1987 then '(ADMIN)'
1988 when '$user' in (select user from grp_mem where gname=a.$nm)
1989 then '(Member)'
1990 when '$iamowner' = '' then ''
1991 else ',not='||a.rowid end as ownerlink,
1992 CASE '$entity'
1993 WHEN 'グループ'
1994 THEN coalesce(
1995 (SELECT val FROM grp_s WHERE gname=a.$nm AND key='regmode'),
1996 'open')
1997 ||
1998 CASE WHEN '$user'
1999 IN (SELECT user FROM grp_mem WHERE gname=a.$nm)
2000 THEN ' ismember'
2001 ELSE ''
2002 END
2003 ELSE 'user'
2004 END regmode
2005 from $tbl a left join
2006 (select $nm as name,
2007 max(case key when 'gecos' then val end) as gecos,
2008 max(case key when 'tag' then val end) as tag,
2009 max(case key when 'mtime' then val end) as mtime,
2010 max(case key when 'wtime' then val end) as wtime
2011 from ${tbl}_s group by $nm)
2012 b on a.$nm=b.name $cond $3
2013 order by b.tag desc, b.wtime desc, b.mtime desc, a.rowid asc"
2014 # Give precedence to newer maintained groups (2016-09-24)
2015 # Note that mtime is stored only in grp_s.
2016 ## err LE:sql.1="$sql"
2017 total=`query "with x as ($sql) select count(*) from x;"`
2018 echo "${entity} 一覧" | html h2
2019 if [ $total -gt $limit ]; then
2020 echo '<div class="right">'
2021 cgi_form $stage <<EOF
2022 <label>次の語を含む${entity}で検索:
2023 `cgi_text kwd $kwd`</label>
2024 EOF
2025 echo '</div>'
2026 fi
2027 hiddens="$hiddens
2028 `cgi_hidden kwd \"$kwd\"`
2029 `cgi_hidden stage \"$stage\"`"
2030 cat<<EOF
2031 <p>${total}件中の$((offset+1))件めから${kwd:+" - 検索語: $kwd"}</p>
2032 EOF
2033 if [ $((offset+limit)) -lt $total ]; then
2034 nextbtn=$(
2035 cat<<EOF
2036 <div class="right clear"><form action="$myname" method="POST">
2037 `cgi_submit 次の${limit}件`
2038 $hiddens
2039 `cgi_hidden offset $((offset + limit))`</form></div>
2040 EOF
2042 fi
2043 if [ $offset -gt 0 ]; then
2044 prevbtn=$(
2045 cat<<EOF
2046 <form action="$myname" method="POST">
2047 `cgi_submit 前の${limit}件`
2048 $hiddens
2049 `cgi_hidden offset $((offset - limit))`</form>
2050 EOF
2052 fi
2053 pnbtn="$nextbtn$prevbtn"
2054 echo $pnbtn
2056 ## err ListEntry: `echo "$sql"\;`
2057 # sq $db here??? 2016-11-28
2058 query "$sql limit $limit ${offset:+offset $offset};" \
2059 | while IFS='|' read id lnk name qname icon gecos tag ownerp type; do
2060 err name=$name owner=$ownerp lnk=$lnk
2061 err newlnk=$lnk regmode=$regmode
2062 icondir=$dir/$id
2063 # Pick up only last icon
2064 echo "<div class=\"iconlist xy$thumbxy $type\">
2065 <p class=\"tag _$tag\">$tag</p>" \
2066 | _m4 $tagconv
2067 if [ -n "$NOSPEEDUP" ]; then
2068 files=`getvalbyid $tbl profimg $id $icondir`
2069 if [ -n "$files" ]; then
2070 icon=`echo "$files"|tail -1`
2071 iconhref2 "$icondir/$icon" "$hrb+$lnk" "$gecos"
2072 else
2073 iconhref "$dir/$deficon" "$hrb+$lnk" "$gecos"
2074 fi
2075 elif [ -n "$icon" -a -s "$icon" ]; then
2076 iconhref2 "$icon" "$hrb+$lnk" "$gecos"
2077 else
2078 cond="$nm=$qname"
2079 # err imgsrc_cache "$dir/list" ${tbl}_m "$cond" S
2080 # err query "SELECT type FROM ${tbl}_m $cond LIMIT 1;"
2081 img=`query "SELECT type FROM ${tbl}_m WHERE $cond AND key='profimg' LIMIT 1;"`
2082 # err "img=[$img]"
2083 if [ -n "$img" ]; then
2084 echo "<a href=\"$hrb+$lnk\">"
2085 imgsrc_cache "$icondir" ${tbl}_m "$nm=$qname" S
2086 echo "</a>"
2087 else
2088 iconhref2 "$dir/$deficon" "$hrb+$lnk" "$gecos"
2089 fi
2090 fi
2091 echo "<br>$name${ownerp:+<br>$ownerp}"
2092 echo "</div>"
2093 done
2094 echo ${pnbtn:+"<hr>$nextbtn$prevbtn"}
2096 listmember() {
2097 listentry user "$@"
2099 listgroup() {
2100 listentry group "$@"
2102 hexteams() { # $1=gname, $2(optional)=user
2103 cond=${2:+" AND user='$2'"}
2104 query "SELECT DISTINCT hex(val) FROM grp_mem_m
2105 WHERE gname='$1' AND key='team'$cond;"
2107 showgroup() { # $1=group-rowid
2108 if [ -z "$1" ]; then
2109 grid=`getpar grid`
2110 grid=${grid%%[!0-9]*}
2111 [ -n "$grid" ] && grp=`getgroupbyid $grid`
2112 else
2113 grid=$1
2114 fi
2115 grp=`getgroupbyid $grid`
2116 qgrp=`sqlquote "$grp"`
2117 ## err showgroup2: grid=$grid grp=$grp qgrp="[$qgrp]"
2118 if isgroup "$grp"; then
2119 tf=$tmpd/title.$$
2120 sf=$tmpd/search.$$
2121 bodyclass=`query "SELECT val FROM grp_s
2122 WHERE gname=$qgrp AND key='regmode';"`
2123 if ismember "$user" "$grp"; then
2124 ismember="ismember"
2125 qgrp=`sqlquote "$grp"`
2126 bodyclass="$bodyclass${bodyclass:+ }ismember"
2127 else
2128 ismember="" # bodyclass="group"
2129 fi
2130 bodyclass="$bodyclass grouphome"
2131 echo "<div class=\"search\">`search_form grp=\"$grp\"`</div>"> $sf
2132 echo "グループ $grp" > $tf
2134 showgroupsub $formdir/grp.def "$grid" | \
2135 _m4 -D_TITLE_="syscmd(\`cat $tf')" \
2136 -D_FORM_="syscmd(\`cat')" \
2137 -D_BODYCLASS_="$bodyclass" \
2138 -D_DUMPTABLE_="" \
2139 $htmlheader $sf $layout/form+dump.m4.html
2140 # $htmlheader $layout/form+dump.m4.html
2141 # $htmlheader is defined in grp()
2142 else # if $grp is removed at par2table
2143 listgroup
2144 fi
2146 showgroupsub() {
2147 # $1=def-file $2=group-rowid
2148 # Using $ismember
2149 rowid=$2
2150 grp=`getgroupbyid $2`
2151 qgrp=`sqlquote "$grp"`
2152 td=`getcachedir grp/"$2"`
2153 #rowid=`sq $db "select rowid from grp where gname=$qgrp"`
2154 if [ -z "$rowid" ]; then
2155 #rowid=`sq $db "select rowid from grp where rowid=$grp"`
2156 #grp=`sq $db "select gname from grp where rowid=$grp"`
2157 echo "showgroupsub: invalid argument($1 $2)" | html p
2158 return
2159 fi
2160 val=`getvalbyid grp profimg $rowid $tmpd`
2161 enticond="gname=$qgrp"
2162 img=`query "SELECT type FROM grp_m WHERE $enticond LIMIT 1;"`
2163 if [ -n "$img" ]; then
2164 cat<<-EOF
2165 <p class="groupimg">
2166 `imgsrc_cache $td/main grp_m "$enticond" M`</p>
2167 EOF
2168 fi
2169 echo "<div class=\"noprofimg\">"
2170 viewtable $1 grp $rowid
2171 echo "</div>"
2172 if isgrpowner "$user" "$grp"; then
2173 echo "<p><a href=\"?groupconf+$rowid\">グループ情報の編集</a>"
2174 iamowner=$rowid
2175 colmd=" mode"
2176 fi
2177 if [ -n "$ismember" ]; then
2178 echo "${iamowner:+ / }<a href=\"?blog+$rowid\">グループの新規話題作成</a>"
2179 echo "/ <a href=\"?grpaction+$rowid\">メンバーを個別選択しての操作</a></p>"
2180 # div.fold input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ div {display: block;}
2181 cat<<EOF
2182 <form action="?send2mem" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
2183 <div class="fold clear">
2184 `cgi_checkbox send yes id="send"`<label
2185 for="send">グループ全員にメッセージ送信</label>
2186 <div>
2187 `cgi_textarea message "" "cols=60"`
2188 `cgi_submit 送信`
2189 `cgi_reset リセット`
2190 </div>
2191 `cgi_hidden grp $rowid`
2192 </div></form>
2193 EOF
2194 fi
2195 # 加入ボタン + 加入者リスト
2196 if [ -n "$ismember" ]; then
2197 ismem='checked' state="(参加中)"
2198 else
2199 nomem='checked' state="(現在非加入)"
2200 fi
2201 # このグループでの加入アドレス
2202 eml=`query "select val from grp_mem_s where gname=$qgrp and user='$user' \
2203 and key='email';"`
2204 ##err EML: "select val from grp_mem_s where gname='$2' and user='$user' \
2205 ## and key='email';"
2206 ##err email=$eml
2207 cat <<EOF
2208 <div class="fold clear">
2209 `cgi_checkbox reg yes id="reg"`<label
2210 for="reg">自身の加入状態を操作する</label>$state
2211 <div>
2212 EOF
2213 cgi_form grp <<EOF
2214 <p>このグループに</p>
2215 <table class="b">
2216 <tr><th>メンバーとして</th><td>
2217 <label>`cgi_radio joingrp "yes" $ismem`参加</label> /
2218 <label>`cgi_radio joingrp "no" $nomem`参加しない</label></td></tr>
2219 <tr><th>参加する場合のメイルアドレス<br>
2220 <small>(メインのアドレスとは違うものにする場合に記入<br>
2221 同じでよい場合は空欄に)</small></th>
2222 <td>`cgi_text email $eml`</td></tr>
2223 </table>
2224 `cgi_hidden grp $rowid`
2225 EOF
2226 if [ x`getgroupattr $grp regmode` = x'moderated' -a -z "$ismem" ]; then
2227 echo "moderated (承認加入の)グループなので実際に参加できるのは
2228 グループ管理者が承認操作をした後になります。" | html p 'class="warn"'
2229 fi
2230 echo '</div></div>'
2231 echo '<h2>話題一覧</h2>'
2232 thelp="1ヶ月分のまとめには上部検索窓に @month と入れてください。"
2233 cat<<-EOF
2234 <form class="summary" action="$myname" title="$thelp">
2235 `cgi_hidden owner "$grp"`
2236 `cgi_hidden kwd "@week"`
2237 `cgi_hidden stage searchart`
2238 `cgi_submit "一週間のまとめ"`
2239 </form>
2240 EOF
2241 cond="where a.id in (select id from blog_s where key='owner' and val=$qgrp) order by ctime desc"
2242 colstate="state:稼動状態:frozen=rowclass=凍結"
2243 DT_CHLD=article:blogid \
2244 DT_VIEW=replyblog dumptable html blog \
2245 "ctime title heading team notify:通知$colmd $colstate" "$cond"
2247 getgname="(select gname from grp where rowid=$rowid)"
2248 c="group by a.name having a.name in (select user from grp_mem where gname=$getgname)"
2249 cm="?commission+$rowid"
2250 thumbxy=50x50 listmember "" "$c" "$rowid" \
2251 |sed -e "s|\(<br>\),not=\(.*\)|\1|" # 間違って押しやすい
2252 # team list
2253 hexteams=`hexteams "$grp"`
2254 if [ -n "$hexteams" ]; then
2255 echo "チーム一覧" | html h2
2256 echo '<div class="dumptable"><table class="b">'
2257 sq $db -html -header<<-EOF
2258 SELECT val TEAM,
2259 group_concat((SELECT gecos FROM gecoses WHERE name=user), ',')
2261 FROM grp_mem_m WHERE gname=$qgrp AND key='team' GROUP BY val;
2262 EOF
2263 echo '</table></div>'
2264 fi
2266 grp_getbodyclass() {
2267 # Get css class name for document.
2268 # `moderated' for moderated groups
2269 # `ismember' for groups where user belongs
2270 # $1=GroupName (w/o quote)
2271 # $user=userNameCurrentlyLogin
2272 ## err grp_getbodyclass: 1="$1"
2273 qgrp=`sqlquote "$1"`
2274 query<<-EOF
2275 SELECT coalesce(
2276 (SELECT val FROM grp_s WHERE gname=$qgrp AND key='regmode'),
2277 'open')
2278 ||
2279 CASE WHEN '$user'
2280 IN (SELECT user FROM grp_mem WHERE gname=$qgrp)
2281 THEN ' ismember'
2282 ELSE ''
2283 END;
2284 EOF
2286 grpaction() { # $1=group-rowid
2287 err GRP_ACTION:IN
2288 grid=${1:-`getpar grp`}
2289 grp=`getgroupbyid "$grid"`
2290 if [ -z "$grp" ]; then
2291 echo "無効な指定です。" | html p; return
2292 fi
2293 if ! ismember $user "$grp"; then
2294 echo "加入者のみに許可された操作です。" | html p; return
2295 fi
2296 echo "グループ $grp 個別選択操作" \
2297 | _m4 -D_TITLE_="syscmd(\`cat')" \
2298 -D_BODYCLASS_="`grp_getbodyclass \"$grp\"`" \
2299 $layout/html.m4.html
2301 isowner=""
2302 isgrpowner "$user" "$grp" && isowner="yes"
2303 usel=`getpar usel`
2304 if [ -n "$usel" ]; then
2305 uids=$(echo `echo $usel`|tr ' ' ',')
2306 ## err grpaction-1: grp=$grp, `echo $sql`
2307 text=`getpar text`
2309 rm=`getpar rm` cfm=`getpar confirm`
2310 ## err rm=$rm cfm=$cfm
2311 if [ x"$rm" = x"yes" ]; then
2312 if [ "$isowner" ]; then
2313 if [ x"$rm$cfm" = x"yesyes" ]; then
2314 # Eliminate
2315 cond="where gname=(select gname from grp where rowid=$grid) and user in (select name from user where rowid in ($uids))"
2316 for tbl in grp_mem grp_mem_s grp_mem_m; do
2317 sql="delete from $tbl $cond;"
2318 # echo "sql=$sql"
2319 query "$sql"
2320 err rmGRPuser "$sql"
2321 done
2322 num=`query "select count(*) from user where rowid in ($uids);"`
2323 #err num=$num
2324 if [ 0$num -gt 0 ]; then
2325 sql="select coalesce(b.val,a.name) from user a left join \
2326 user_s b on a.name=b.name and key='gecos' where a.rowid in ($uids);"
2327 # err `echo "$sql"`
2328 html pre<<EOF
2329 以下の${num}名のグループ $grp 登録を解除しました。
2330 `query "$sql"`
2331 EOF
2332 fi
2333 else
2334 echo "確認のチェックがないのでやめておきます。" | html p
2335 return
2336 fi
2337 else # not Group Owner
2338 echo "グループ管理者でないのでメンバー操作はできません。" | html p
2339 return
2340 fi
2341 cat<<EOF
2343 EOF
2344 elif [ x"$rm" = x"send" ]; then # if sendmsg mode
2345 if [ -z "$text" ]; then # if msg is empty
2346 echo "なにかメッセージを..." | html p
2347 return 0
2348 fi
2349 gecos=`gecos $user`
2350 mkfrom=`getpar mkfrom`
2351 if [ x"$mkfrom" = x"yes" ]; then
2352 safegc=`echo "$gecos" | tr -d '<>@'`
2353 myuid=`query "SELECT rowid FROM user WHERE name='$user';"`
2354 fromad=`email4groupbyuid "$grp" "$myuid"`
2355 mail_from="$safegc <$fromad>"
2356 else
2357 mail_from="$admin"
2358 fi
2359 MAIL_FROM=$mail_from \
2360 smail "`email4groupbyuid "$grp" $usel` $user" \
2361 "$gecos さんからのメッセージ" <<EOF
2362 $url
2363 のグループ「$grp」のメンバーである $gecos さんから、
2364 あなた宛へのメッセージです。
2365 ----------------------------------------------------------
2366 $text
2367 EOF
2368 if [ $? = 0 ]; then
2369 echo "Note: 以下のメンバーにメッセージを送信しました。" | html p
2370 sql="select coalesce(b.val, a.name) from
2371 (select name from user where rowid in ($uids)) a
2372 left join user_s b on a.name=b.name and b.key='gecos';"
2373 html pre<<EOF
2374 `query "$sql"`
2375 (送信者である $gecos さんも含まれます)
2376 EOF
2377 err SendDone: `echo $sql`
2378 fi
2379 elif [ x"$rm" = x"commission" ]; then
2380 grp_reg_adm $grid $usel
2381 elif [ x"$rm" = x"addteam" ]; then
2382 team=`getpar team|sed "s/'/''/g"` # for single quotation
2383 newteam=`echo $team|tr -d ,` # ..and strip spaces of both ends
2384 if [ x"$team" != x"$newteam" ]; then
2385 echo "チーム名に使えない文字を除去しました" | html p
2386 team=newteam
2387 fi
2388 if [ -z "$team" -o x"$team" = x"なし" ]; then
2389 cat<<-EOF | html p
2390 有効なチーム名を入力してください。
2391 カンマだけ、「なし」という名前は使えません。
2392 EOF
2393 echo "有効なチーム名を入力してください。" | html p
2394 else
2395 grp_add_team $grid "$team" $usel
2396 fi
2397 elif [ x"$rm" = x"rmteam" ]; then
2398 if [ x"yes" = x"`getpar teamconfirm`" ]; then
2399 rmteam=`getpar rmteam|sed "s/'/''/g"`
2400 if [ -n "`query \"SELECT val FROM grp_mem_m WHERE\
2401 gname='$grp' AND user='$user' AND key='team'\
2402 AND val='$rmteam';\"`" ]; then
2403 grp_rm_team $grid "$rmteam" $usel
2404 else
2405 echo "所属していないチームの除去操作はできません。"|html p
2406 fi
2407 else
2408 echo "確認チェックなしなのでチーム除去しませんでした。"|html p
2409 fi
2410 fi
2411 fi
2412 # New entry
2413 sql="WITH mems AS (
2414 SELECT g.rowid, name, gecos FROM grp_mem gm LEFT JOIN gecoses g
2415 ON gm.user=g.name
2416 WHERE gname=(SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE rowid=$grid)
2417 ), posts AS (
2418 SELECT author, count(author) post
2419 FROM article NATURAL JOIN article_s
2420 WHERE blogid IN (SELECT id FROM blog_s
2421 WHERE key='owner'
2422 AND val=(SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE rowid=$grid))
2423 AND key='text'
2424 GROUP BY author
2425 ), teams AS (
2426 SELECT user, group_concat(val, ', ') team
2427 FROM grp_mem_m
2428 WHERE gname=(SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE rowid=$grid)
2429 AND key='team'
2430 GROUP BY user
2431 ), user_post AS (
2432 SELECT m.rowid, name, m.gecos, coalesce(post, 0) as POST
2433 FROM mems m LEFT JOIN posts
2434 ON m.name=posts.author
2435 GROUP by m.rowid
2438 CASE
2439 WHEN (SELECT user FROM grp_adm
2440 WHERE gname=(SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE rowid=$grid)
2441 AND user=up.name) IS NOT NULL
2442 then 'k'
2443 ELSE ''
2444 END || rowid || ',' || gecos NAME,
2445 post POST, team TEAM
2446 FROM user_post up LEFT JOIN teams t
2447 ON up.name=t.user
2448 ORDER BY gecos;"
2449 ## err grpaction: "`echo \"$sql\"`"
2450 tf=$tmpd/title.$$
2451 echo "グループ[<a href=\"?grp+$grid\">$grp</a>]参加メンバーに対する操作" > $tf
2452 cmmsg="`cgi_radio rm commission id=\"cmadmin\"`<label
2453 for=\"cmadmin\">グループ管理者委任</label>
2454 <div><p>このグループでの全権を付与します。信頼できる人に託してください。
2455 </p></div>"
2456 excmsg="`cgi_radio rm yes id=\"conf\"`<label
2457 for=\"conf\">グループ登録解除</label>
2458 <div>本当に消します! `cgi_checkbox confirm yes` 確認
2459 <p>この操作による通知は本人に行きません。
2460 あらかじめ通知するか、登録解除してよい状況かしっかり確認してください。</p>
2461 </div>"
2462 # Get team list to which current user belongs into $hexteams
2463 myhexteams=$(hexteams "$grp" "$user")
2464 allhexteams=$(hexteams "$grp")
2465 if [ -n "$myhexteams" ]; then
2466 rmteammsg="`cgi_radio rm rmteam 'id=\"cmrmteam\"'`<label
2467 for=\"cmrmteam\">チーム属性除去</label>
2468 <div>チーム属性:`cgi_select_h rmteam \"2d2d2d\" $myhexteams`
2469 を除去します: `cgi_checkbox teamconfirm yes` 確認
2470 <p>この操作による通知は本人に行きません。
2471 あらかじめ通知するか、登録解除してよい状況かしっかり確認してください。</p>
2472 </div><!-- end of $rmteammsg -->
2474 fi
2475 b1='<label> <input type="checkbox" name="usel" value="'
2476 ba='<label class="admin"><input type="checkbox" name="usel" value="'
2477 #b2='"> <span>' b3='</span></label>'
2478 # | sed -e "s|^\(<TR><TD>\)k\([0-9]*\),\([^<]*\)|\1$ba\2$b2\3$b3|" \
2479 # -e "s|^\(<TR><TD>\)\([0-9]*\),\([^<]*\)|\1$b1\2$b2\3$b3|" \
2480 lnk='"> <span>\3</span></label> [<a href="?home+\2">HOME</a>]'
2481 cgi_form grpaction<<EOF \
2482 | sed -e "s|^\(<TR><TD>\)k\([0-9]*\),\([^<]*\)|\1$ba\2$lnk|" \
2483 -e "s|^\(<TR><TD>\)\([0-9]*\),\([^<]*\)|\1$b1\2$lnk|" \
2484 | _m4 -D_TITLE_="spaste(\`$tf')" \
2485 -D_SUBTITLE_="チェック後操作ボタン" \
2486 -D_FORM_="syscmd(cat)" -D_DUMPTABLE_="" \
2487 $layout/form+dump.m4.html
2488 <p>下でチェックした人を対象として:</p>
2489 <div class="foldtabs">
2490 `cgi_radio rm addteam 'id="cmteam"'`<label
2491 for="cmteam">同じチーム属性を付与</label>
2492 <div>チーム名:`cgi_text team "" 'id="inteam" list="teams"'`
2493 `cgi_datalist_h teams $allhexteams`
2494 </div>
2495 ${rmteammsg}
2496 `cgi_radio rm send id="sendmsg"`<label
2497 for="sendmsg">メッセージ送信</label>
2498 <div>
2499 `cgi_checkbox mkfrom yes 'id="mkfrom" checked'`<label for="mkfrom"
2500 >差出人を自分に(チェックを外すと相手が返事できない)</label><br>
2501 `cgi_textarea text "" cols=40`
2502 </div>
2503 ${isowner:+$cmmsg$excmsg}
2504 `cgi_radio rm close id="x"`<label for="x">×</label>
2505 </div>
2506 <h4>$grp 参加者一覧</h4>
2507 <table class="td2r">
2508 `sq $db -header -html "$sql"`
2509 </table>
2510 `cgi_hidden grp $grid`
2511 EOF
2513 crview4article() { # $1=rowid of blog, $2(optional)=extra SQL
2514 # Create TEMPORARY VIEW
2515 query<<EOF
2517 SELECT DISTINCT author FROM article
2518 WHERE id in (
2519 select id from article where blogid=(select id from blog where rowid=$1)
2520 );
2521 CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW movablegroups AS
2522 SELECT g.rowid growid , g.gname
2523 FROM (SELECT grp.rowid, grp.gname FROM grp JOIN grp_mem gm
2524 ON grp.gname=gm.gname -- そのユーザが属している
2525 AND user='$user') g -- グループに絞る
2526 WHERE (SELECT author FROM writeusers
2528 SELECT user FROM grp_mem gm WHERE gm.gname = g.gname)
2529 IS NULL;
2530 $2
2531 EOF
2533 sql4readableblogs() {
2534 # Create view of blogs that can be readable to $user
2535 # Blog is readable when:
2536 # 1: blog owner is an user
2537 # 2: else, 2.1: owner-group where the $user belongs
2538 # 2.2: else, owner-group is not moderated
2539 # blog(id, author), blog_s(id, key='owner', val= ->owner)
2540 cat<<EOF ## | tee tmp/sql.out
2541 CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW readableblogs AS
2542 SELECT blog.rowid rid, id, author
2543 FROM blog
2545 (SELECT id,
2546 max(CASE key WHEN 'owner' THEN val END) owner,
2547 max(CASE key WHEN 'mode' THEN val END) mode
2548 FROM blog_s GROUP by id) bs
2549 WHERE CASE WHEN (SELECT name FROM user where name=bs.owner) IS NOT NULL
2550 THEN 1 -- blog owner is an user, READABLE
2551 WHEN (SELECT val FROM grp_s
2552 WHERE gname=bs.owner AND key='regmode') = 'moderated'
2553 AND
2554 (SELECT user FROM grp_mem
2555 WHERE gname=bs.owner AND user='$user') IS NULL
2556 THEN 0
2557 WHEN mode = 'quiz'
2558 THEN 0 -- "quiz" mode blog cannot be searched
2559 ELSE 1
2560 END;
2561 EOF
2563 editheading() { # $1=rowid-of-heading
2564 rowid=${1%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*}
2565 if [ -z "$rowid" ]; then
2566 echo "話題番号が未指定です。" | html p
2567 return
2568 fi
2569 owner=`getvalbyid blog owner $rowid`
2570 title=`getvalbyid blog title $rowid`
2571 GF_ACTION="?blog" edittable $formdir/blog.def blog $rowid \
2572 | _m4 -D_TITLE_="修正" \
2573 -D_SUBTITLE_="[$title]@$owner" -D_DIARY_="" \
2574 -D_BLOGS_="" -D_DUMPTABLE_="" \
2575 -D_FORM_="syscmd(\`cat')" \
2576 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/form+dump.m4.html
2577 # Move to group
2578 if isuser "$owner"; then
2579 crview4article $rowid
2580 n=`query "SELECT count(*) FROM writeusers;"`
2581 ## err N=$n
2582 if [ $((n)) -gt 0 ]; then
2583 ## err ROWID=$rowid
2584 sql="SELECT growid || ':' || gname FROM movablegroups;"
2585 cat<<-EOF
2586 <div class="fold">
2587 `cgi_checkbox mv send id="mv"`<label
2588 for="mv">この話題をグループ所有に移動する</label>
2589 <div>
2590 <form action="?mvart" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
2591 移動先グループ:
2592 <select name="mv2grp">
2593 EOF
2594 query ".mode html"
2595 query<<-EOF |
2596 $sql
2597 .mode list
2598 EOF
2599 sed -e '/<\/TR>/d' -e 's,<TR>,,' -e 's,TD>,option>,g' \
2600 -e 's,n>\([0-9]*\):\(.*\)<,n value="\1">\2<,'
2601 cat<<-EOF
2602 </select>
2603 <p>(移動できるグループは、この「話題」に書き込んでいる人全てが
2604 そのグループに加入しているものに限られます)</p>
2605 <p>`cgi_checkbox cfm yes`<label>確認
2606 (この操作は元に戻すことができません)</label></p>
2607 `cgi_hidden blogrowid $rowid`
2608 `cgi_submit 移動`
2609 `cgi_reset Reset`
2610 </form>
2611 </div>
2612 </div>
2613 EOF
2614 fi
2615 # end of isuser "$owner"
2616 elif { hexteams=$(hexteams "$owner" ) # blog is of GROUP
2617 [ -n "$hexteams" ];}; then
2618 none="`echo なし|hexize`"
2619 cat<<-EOF
2620 <div class="fold">
2621 `cgi_checkbox mv2team send id="mv2team"`<label
2622 for="mv2team">この話題を以下のチームのものにする</label>
2623 <div><p>現在の所属チーム設定:
2624 `query "SELECT
2625 coalesce((SELECT val FROM blog_s
2626 WHERE id=(SELECT id FROM blog WHERE rowid=$rowid)
2627 AND key='team'),
2628 ':なし');"`</p>
2629 <form action="?mvart" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
2630 移動先チーム: `cgi_select_h mv2team $none $hexteams`
2631 <p>`cgi_checkbox cfm yes`<label>確認</label></p>
2632 `cgi_hidden blogrowid $rowid`<br>
2633 `cgi_submit 移動`
2634 `cgi_reset Reset`
2635 </form></div></div>
2636 EOF
2637 fi
2639 mvart() { # move diary to some group or team
2640 # or move blog of group to team which belong to the group
2641 blogrowid=`getpar blogrowid`
2642 cfm=`getpar cfm`
2643 ##### echo move blog:$blogrowid to $mv2grp | html p
2644 blogrowid=${blogrowid%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*} # Purify
2645 . ./s4-blog.sh
2646 if [ -z "$blogrowid" ]; then
2647 echo "無効な指定です(mvart)。" | html p
2648 return
2649 elif [ x"$cfm" != x"yes" ]; then
2650 echo "記事移動の確認にチェックがないので通常表示に戻ります。" | html p
2651 elif { mv2grp=`getpar mv2grp`
2652 mv2grp=${mv2grp%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*} # Purify
2653 [ -n "$mv2grp" ]; }; then
2654 crview4article $blogrowid
2655 ########## TRANSACTION BEGIN
2656 query "BEGIN;"
2657 n=`query "SELECT count(*) FROM writeusers;"`
2658 ## err Nwriteuser=$n
2659 if [ $((n)) -gt 0 ]; then
2660 query<<-EOF
2661 UPDATE blog_s SET val=(SELECT gname FROM grp WHERE rowid=$mv2grp)
2662 WHERE key='owner'
2663 AND id=(SELECT id FROM blog WHERE rowid=$blogrowid)
2664 AND $mv2grp IN (SELECT growid FROM movablegroups);
2665 EOF
2666 fi
2667 query "END;"
2668 ########## TRANSACTION END
2669 elif { mv2team=`getpar mv2team|sed "s/'/''/g"`
2670 [ -n "$mv2team" ];}; then
2671 # blog owner can move it to ANY team
2672 case "$mv2team" in
2673 'なし')
2674 cat<<-EOF
2675 DELETE FROM blog_s
2676 WHERE id=(SELECT id FROM blog WHERE rowid=$blogrowid)
2677 AND key='team';
2678 EOF
2679 ;;
2680 "") ;;
2681 *)cat<<-EOF
2682 BEGIN;
2683 REPLACE INTO blog_s(id, key, val)
2684 VALUES((SELECT id FROM blog WHERE rowid=$blogrowid),
2685 'team', '$mv2team');
2686 REPLACE INTO blog_s(id, key, val)
2687 VALUES((SELECT id FROM blog WHERE rowid=$blogrowid),
2688 'notify', 'all'); -- Change notify to all
2689 END;
2690 EOF
2691 esac | query
2692 fi
2693 blog_reply $blogrowid
2694 echo yes | html p
2696 editart() { # $1=article-rowid $2=blogrowid
2697 rowid=${1%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*}
2698 blogrowid=${2%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*}
2699 if [ -z "$rowid" -o -z "$blogrowid" ]; then
2700 echo "表示する記事番号が未指定です。" | html p
2701 return
2702 fi
2703 owner=`getvalbyid blog owner $blogrowid`
2704 title=`getvalbyid blog title $blogrowid`
2705 author=`getvalbyid article author $rowid`
2706 ## err EDITart: owner=$owner, author=$author
2707 if isgrpowner "$user" "$owner"; then
2708 : EDIT OK
2709 elif [ x"$owner" != x"$user" -a x"$author" != x"$user" ]; then
2710 echo "本人か所有者しか編集できません." | html p
2711 return
2712 fi
2713 aid=`query "select id from article where rowid=$rowid;"`
2714 tmpout=$tmpd/editart.$$.out
2715 GF_ACTION="?replyblog+$blogrowid#$aid" \
2716 edittable $formdir/article.def article $rowid \
2717 > $tmpout
2718 rm -f /tmp/editart.out
2719 # Cannot use pipelining to m4 with genform() because of stdin stack
2720 _m4 -D_TITLE_="コメントの修正" -D_DIARY_="" \
2721 -D_FORM_="syscmd(cat $tmpout)" \
2722 -D_SUBTITLE_="`gecos $owner`の「$title」" \
2723 -D_BLOGS_= -D_DUMPTABLE_= \
2724 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/form+dump.m4.html
2726 send2mem() {
2727 rowid=`getpar grp`
2728 rowid=${rowid%%[!0-9]*} # Cleaning
2729 if [ -z "$rowid" ]; then
2730 echo "グループが未指定です。" | html p
2731 return
2732 fi
2733 message=`getpar message`
2734 if [ -z "$message" ]; then
2735 echo "文章を入れてください。" | html p
2736 return
2737 fi
2738 grp=`getgroupbyid $rowid`
2739 members=`collectemail $grp`
2740 # smail rcpt subj (file)
2741 SMAIL_TO="`echo "$grp" | nkf -jM | tr -d '\n'` readers <$admin>" \
2742 smail "$members" "グループ $grp 宛メッセージ(from `gecos $user`)" <<EOF
2743 $urlbase?grp+$rowid
2744 グループ $grp に所属する
2745 `gecos $user` さんよりメッセージ:
2747 $message
2748 EOF
2749 cat<<EOF
2750 <p>以下のユーザに送信しました。</p>
2751 <pre>
2752 `collectgecosesbyid "$rowid" | sed 's/$/ さん/'`
2753 </pre>
2754 <p><a href="?grp+$rowid">グループ $grp</a>に戻る。</p>
2755 EOF
2757 joingrpadmit() {
2758 # $1=yes/no $2=session-key
2759 if [ -z "$2" ]; then
2760 echo "bye bye" | html p; return
2761 fi
2762 t_usr=`session=$2 getpar user`
2763 t_grp=`session=$2 getpar group`
2764 ## err joingrpadmit: t_usr=$t_usr, t_grp=$t_grp
2765 _m4 -D_TITLE_="joingrp" $layout/html.m4.html
2766 if [ -z "$t_usr" -o -z "$t_grp" ]; then
2767 echo "無効な加入依頼です。" | html p
2768 echo "有効期限が切れたか、
2769 他の管理者がいる場合は処理済みの可能性があります。" | html p
2770 return
2771 fi
2772 if ! isgrpowner "$user" "$t_grp"; then
2773 echo "グループ管理者のみの機能です。" | html p; return
2774 fi
2775 case $1 in
2776 yes) joingrp "$t_grp" "$t_usr" yes ;;
2777 no) joingrp "$t_grp" "$t_usr" no ;;
2778 *)
2779 echo "無効な指定です($1)。" | html p
2780 return ;;
2781 esac
2782 gid=$(query "select rowid from grp where gname=`sqlquote \"$t_grp\"`;")
2783 rcpts="`getgroupadminmails $t_grp` $user"
2784 ## err admit: msgdir=$msgdir, rcpts="["$rcpts"]"
2785 body="グループ <a href=\"?grp+$gid\">$t_grp</a>
2787 $t_usr
2788 `[ x$1 = xyes ] && echo 'を追加' || echo 'の解除操作を'`
2789 しました。"
2790 (echo "$body"; echo; echo "$url?grp+$gid") | smail "$rcpts" "joingrp $1"
2791 query "delete from session where id='$2';"
2792 echo "$body" | html p
2795 joingrprequest() {
2796 # $1=group $2=user $3=yes/no $4=email(if any $5=AsAdmin)
2797 jss="joingrp-`date +%s`-`genrandom 12`"
2798 addsession $jss +${memoplimitdays}days
2799 query "replace into par values('$jss', 'group', 'string', `sqlquote \"$1\"`),
2800 ('$jss', 'user', 'string', `sqlquote \"$user\"`);"
2801 smail "$(collectemail `getgroupadmins $1`)" "Join request to $1"<<EOF
2802 $url
2803 $user さんから
2804 グループ $1
2805 に加入依頼がありました。
2807 承認する:
2808 $urlbase?joingrpadmit+yes+$jss
2810 白紙に戻す:
2811 $urlbase?joingrpadmit+no+$jss
2812 EOF
2813 echo "管理者に加入依頼を出しました。
2814 ${memoplimitdays}日以内に加入承認操作がされれば加入できますが、
2815 グループ運用方針に懸かることですので直接の問い合わせが重要です。" | html p
2817 joingrp() {
2818 # $1=group $2=user $3=yes/no $4=email(if any $5=AsAdmin)
2819 ## err joingrp: \$1=$1 \$2=$2 \$3=$3 \$4=$4
2820 if isgrpowner "$user" "$1"; then
2821 isowner="yes"
2822 elif [ -n "$5" ]; then
2823 isowner="yes"
2824 else
2825 isowner=""
2826 fi
2827 ## err jg:isgrpowner: isowner="$isowner"
2828 if [ -n "$isowner" ]; then
2830 elif [ x"$2" != x"$user" ]; then # if user is not login user
2831 echo "本人か、グループ管理者しか加入操作はできません。" | html p
2832 return
2833 elif [ x"$3" = x"no" ]; then
2834 : # Do not pursue those who leave
2835 elif [ x"$3" = x"yes" ] && ismember "$user" "$grp"; then
2836 : # Member can change own email address for the joining moderated group
2837 else # adding user is $user itself
2838 case `getgroupattr $1 regmode` in
2839 moderated)
2840 joingrprequest "$@" # Request only
2841 return
2842 ;;
2843 *)
2844 ;;
2845 esac
2846 fi
2847 qgname=`sqlquote "$1"`
2848 grid=`query "SELECT rowid FROM grp WHERE gname=$qgname;"`
2849 cond="where gname=$qgname and user='$2'"
2850 if [ x"$3" = x"yes" ]; then
2851 query "replace into grp_mem values($qgname, '$2');"
2852 # Notify joingrp to admin
2853 action="に加入しました。"
2854 if [ -n "$4" ]; then
2855 if msg=`emaildomaincheck "$4"`; then
2856 query "replace into grp_mem_s values($qgname, '$user', 'email', \
2857 'string', '$4', NULL);"
2858 else
2859 echo $msg
2860 fi
2861 else
2862 query "delete from grp_mem_s $cond and key='email';"
2863 fi
2864 if [ -n "$5" ]; then # as ADMIN
2865 # Coming here means newly created group
2866 sql="select case\
2867 when (select count(*) from grp_mem where gname=$qgname)=1\
2868 then (select user from grp_mem\
2869 where gname=$qgname and user='$user')\
2870 else '' end; "
2871 err NewGrpChk: $sql
2872 if [ -n "`query \"$sql\"`" ]; then
2873 ## err ADMIN: "replace into grp_adm values($qgname, '$user');"
2874 query "replace into grp_adm values($qgname, '$user');"
2875 fi
2876 fi
2877 else
2878 query "delete from grp_mem $cond;
2879 delete from grp_mem_s $cond;
2880 delete from grp_mem_m $cond;"
2881 action="から脱退しました。"
2882 fi
2883 smail "$(collectemail `getgroupadmins $1`)" "Member change of $1"<<-EOF
2884 $url?grp+$grid
2885 $user (`gecos $user`)さんが
2886 グループ $1
2887 $action
2888 EOF
2890 grp_add_team() (
2891 # $1=grp-rowid $2=team $3...=user-rowid(s)
2892 grp=`getgroupbyid $1`
2893 team=$2; shift; shift
2894 [ -z "$grid" -o -z "$team" -o -z "$1" ] && return
2895 { echo "BEGIN;"
2896 for user; do
2897 echo "REPLACE INTO grp_mem_m(gname, user, key, type, val) VALUES(\
2898 '$grp',\
2899 (SELECT name FROM user WHERE rowid=$user),\
2900 'team', 'string', '$team');"
2901 done
2902 echo "END;"
2903 } | query
2905 grp_rm_team() (
2906 # $1=grp-rowid $2=team $3...=user-rowid(s)
2907 grid=$1
2908 qgrp=$(sqlquote "`getgroupbyid $grid`")
2909 team=$2; shift; shift
2910 [ -z "$grid" -o -z "$team" ] && return
2911 { echo "BEGIN;"
2912 for user; do
2913 echo "DELETE FROM grp_mem_m\
2914 WHERE gname=$qgrp \
2915 AND user=(SELECT name FROM user WHERE rowid=$user)\
2916 AND key='team' AND val='$team';"
2917 done
2918 cat<<-EOF
2919 DELETE FROM blog_s
2920 WHERE rowid=(
2921 SELECT rowid
2922 FROM blog_s a
2923 WHERE key='team'
2924 AND id IN (SELECT id FROM blog_s WHERE key='owner' AND val=$qgrp)
2925 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM grp_mem_m
2926 WHERE key='team' AND val=a.val -- a.val=team
2927 AND gname = (SELECT val FROM blog_s b
2928 WHERE a.id=b.id AND key='owner')
2929 ));
2930 EOF
2932 echo "END;"
2933 } | query
2935 grp_reg_adm() {
2936 # $1=grp-rowid $2...=user-rowid
2937 grid=$1
2938 grp=`getgroupbyid "$1"`
2939 if [ -z "$grp" ]; then
2940 echo "無効なグループIDです" | html p; return
2941 fi
2942 if ! isgrpowner "$user" "$grp"; then
2943 echo "$grp グループの管理者しかこの操作はできません。" | html p; return
2944 fi
2945 shift
2946 for urid; do
2947 newadm=`query "select name from user where rowid=$urid;"`
2948 if [ -z "$newadm" ]; then
2949 echo "指定ユーザIDがおかしいようです。" | html p; return
2950 fi
2951 err GRP_reg_adm: "replace into grp_adm values(`sqlquote \"$grp\"`, '$newadm');"
2952 err ismember $newadm $grp
2953 if ismember $newadm "$grp"; then
2954 # OK, go ahead
2955 getgname="(select gname from grp where rowid=$grid)"
2956 query "replace into grp_adm values($getgname, '$newadm');"
2957 # confirm insertion
2958 sql="select * from grp_adm where gname=$getgname and user='$newadm'"
2959 if [ -n "`query \"$sql;\"`" ]; then
2960 echo "追加完了: $newadm" | html p
2961 else
2962 echo "追加失敗($1 $urid)" | html p
2963 fi
2964 fi
2965 showgroup $grid
2966 done
2968 dt_rowhack() {
2969 # From: <TR>
2970 # ....
2971 # <TD>rowclass=foo</TD>
2972 # </TR>
2973 # To: <TR class="foo">....<TD>foo</TD></TR>
2974 sed -e '
2975 /^<TR>/ {
2976 :loop
2977 s/\n//
2979 /<\/TR>/ {
2980 s/\n//
2981 s,^<TR>\(.*\)<TD>rowclass=\(.*\)\(</TD></TR>\),<TR class="\2">\1<TD>\2\3,
2984 $q
2985 b loop
2986 }'
2988 dumptable() {
2989 # $1=mode $2=Table $3=column-list-of-*_s(defaults to *) $4=conditions(if any)
2990 # textのフィールドだけ全てダンプにしたほうがいいか
2991 # $DT_VIEW sets link
2992 # 6/17の次: editリンクじゃなくてスレッドVIEWリンクでいいんちゃう?
2993 ### elink="<a href=\"$myname?edittable+$2+\\2\">EDIT</a>"
2994 VIEW=${DT_VIEW-replyblog}
2995 if [ -n "$VIEW" ]; then
2996 dvlink=" <a href=\"$myname?$VIEW+\\2\\3\">VI</a><a href=\"$myname?$VIEW+\\2#bottom\">EW</a>"
2997 fi
2998 # $DT_CHLD=ChildTable:BindColumn
2999 if [ -n "$DT_CHLD" ]; then
3000 _t=${DT_CHLD%:*} _i=${DT_CHLD#*:}
3001 cntall="(select count($_i) from $_t where $_i=a.id)"
3002 # XXX: Dirty workaround for slow subquery of acclog
3004 SELECT * FROM acclog WHERE user='$user' and tbl='$2';"
3005 cntnew="(select count(val) from ${_t}_s where key='ctime' \
3006 and id in (select id from $_t where $_i=a.id) \
3007 and val > coalesce((select time from myacclog where \
3008 tblrowid=a.rowid),\
3009 '1970-01-01'))"
3010 cnt="$cntnew as '新着', $cntall as '総数',"
3011 dt_class=" td2r td3r dumpblogs"
3012 fi
3013 # Construct join expression
3014 eav="" scols=""
3015 pk=`gettblpkey $2`
3016 substr=${dumpcollen:+"substr(%s, 0, $dumpcollen)"}
3017 substr=${substr:-%s}
3018 for col in ${3:-`gettbl_s_cols $2`}; do
3019 valvar=val
3020 case $col in
3021 gecos) scols="$scols${scols:+, }${col#}"
3022 continue ;; # built-in column name
3023 *:*) as=${col#*:} # as can be 稼動状態:frozen=凍結中
3024 col=${col%%:*} # stage:稼動状態:frozen=凍結中 -> stage
3025 case "$as" in
3026 *:*=*) cnd=${as#*:}
3027 h=${cnd%%=*} v=${cnd#*=}
3028 h=`sqlquotestr "$h"`
3029 v=`sqlquotestr "$v"`
3030 valvar="CASE val WHEN $h THEN $v END"
3031 as=${as%%:*} ;;
3032 esac
3033 ;;
3034 *) as=${col} ;;
3035 esac
3036 ss=`printf "$substr" "$valvar"`
3037 eav=$eav${eav:+,}" max(case key when '$col' then $ss end) as $as"
3038 scols="$scols${scols:+, }b.$as"
3039 done
3040 #case author when '$user' then a.rowid else '---' end as ID,
3041 sql=${DT_SQL:-"select \
3042 a.rowid as LINK,\
3043 $cnt\
3044 $scols from $2 a left join\
3045 (select $pk,$eav,
3046 max(case key when 'owner'
3047 then (SELECT gecos FROM gecoses WHERE name=val) END) as gecos
3048 from ${2}_s c group by $pk) b on a.$pk=b.$pk $4;"}
3049 ## err dt:SQL="`echo \"$presql$sql\"|tr -d '\n'`"
3050 cat<<EOF | sed "s,\(<TR><TD>\)\([1-9][0-9]*\)\(#[0-9a-fxs]*\)*</TD>,\1$elink$dvlink</TD>," | dt_rowhack
3051 <div> <!-- for folding by check button (s4-funcs.sh:dumptable()) -->
3052 <div class="dumptable">
3053 <table class="b$dt_class">
3054 `sq -header -cmd ".mode $1" $db "$presql$sql"`
3055 </table>
3056 </div> <!-- dumptable -->
3057 </div> <!-- for folding by check button (s4-funcs.sh:dumptable()) -->
3058 EOF
3061 par2table() (
3062 # copy current parameters of par into destination table
3063 # $1=definition-file
3064 # Using $user and $session
3065 # Return value:
3066 # 0: Stored successfully
3067 # 1: Insufficient fillings
3068 # 2: No permission to modify the record
3069 # 3: Invalid rowid
3070 # 4: SUCCESS to delete
3071 # 5: Stop deletion for lack of confirm check
3072 # 6: Password length too short
3073 # 7: Password mismatch
3074 # 8: Old password incorrect
3075 rowid=`getpar rowid`
3076 if [ ! -e $1 ]; then
3077 echo "テーブル定義ファイルが見付かりません" | html p
3078 exit 1
3079 fi
3080 tbl=${1%.def}
3081 tbl=${tbl##*/}
3082 if [ -n "$rowid" ]; then # Modify existing entry
3083 if [ x"$tbl" = x"user" ]; then
3084 rowowner=`query "select name from $tbl where rowid=$rowid;"`
3085 elif [ x"$tbl" = x"grp" ]; then
3086 sql="select gname from $tbl where rowid=$rowid;"
3087 ##err p2t:grp:q $sql
3088 isgrpowner "$user" "`query $sql`" && rowowner=$user
3089 else
3090 # 2016-12-05 There's no owner column in $tbl (need confirmation)
3091 rowowner=`query "SELECT author FROM $tbl WHERE rowid=$rowid;"`
3092 fi
3093 ### err rowowner=$rowowner
3094 if [ x"$user" != x"$rowowner" ]; then
3095 echo "他人のレコードはいじれないの" | html p
3096 return 2
3097 elif [ -z "$rowowner" ]; then
3098 echo "指定したレコードはないみたい" | html p
3099 return 3
3100 fi
3101 rm=`getpar rm` cfm=`getpar confirm`
3102 # Editing existent entry
3103 if [ x"$rm" = x"yes" ]; then
3104 if [ x"$rm$cfm" = x"yesyes" ]; then
3105 query "delete from $tbl where rowid=$rowid;"
3106 return 4
3107 else
3108 echo "消去確認のチェックがないので消さなかったの..." | html p
3109 return 5
3110 fi
3111 fi
3112 fi
3114 ts=${tbl}_s tm=${tbl}_m val="" pval="" formaster=""
3115 if [ -n "$rowid" ]; then
3116 # Update of existing record
3117 for col in `gettblcols $tbl`; do
3118 val=`getparquote $col`
3119 [ -z "$val" ] && continue
3120 ## err query "update $tbl set $col=$val where rowid=$rowid"
3121 ## XX: THIS IS DIRTY hack to ensure non-foreign key in blog_s
3122 sql="update $tbl set $col=$val where rowid=$rowid;"
3123 if [ x"$tbl" = x"grp" -a x"$col" = x"gname" \
3124 -o x"tbl" = x"user" -a x"$col" = x"name" ]; then
3125 ## User name cannot be changed with interface provided with this
3126 ## script. But we offer the trigger to change owner user
3127 ## of blog_s table.
3128 #err "select quote($col) from $tbl where rowid=$rowid;"
3129 old=`query "select quote($col) from $tbl where rowid=$rowid;"`
3130 cat<<-EOF | query
3131 -- Here we cannot use BEGIN-COMMIT because groupupdate()
3132 -- should use EXCLUSIVE transaction outside of this.
3133 SAVEPOINT par2table;
3134 $sql
3135 update blog_s set val=$val
3136 where key='owner' and val=$old;
3137 RELEASE SAVEPOINT par2table;
3138 EOF
3139 ## XX: DIRTY Hack Ends here
3140 ## We should keep blog's owner as a single column which has
3141 ## foreign key constraint with primary key of grp/user.
3142 else
3143 query "$sql"
3144 fi
3145 done
3146 # Then, set up $pval for further insertion of tbl_s and tbl_m
3147 for col in `gettblpkey $tbl`; do
3148 val=`query "select $col from $tbl where rowid=$rowid;"|sed -e 's/\"/\"\"/g'`
3149 pval="$pval${pval:+, }\"$val\""
3150 done
3151 else
3152 # New entry
3153 # Generate values() for primary keys
3154 for col in `gettblpkey $tbl`; do
3155 # Genuine primary keys for _m and _s
3156 val=`getvalquote $tbl $col`
3157 [ -z "$val" ] && continue
3158 pval="$pval${pval:+, }$val"
3159 done
3160 ##err pval=$pval
3161 for col in `gettblfkey $tbl`; do
3162 # args for values() to insertion into master table
3163 val=`getvalquote $tbl $col`
3164 [ -z "$val" ] && continue
3165 formaster=$formaster"${formaster:+, }$val"
3166 done
3167 formaster="$pval${formaster:+, }$formaster"
3168 ## err formaster=$formaster
3169 if [ -z "$formaster" ]; then
3170 echo "項目を全て埋めてください" | html pre
3171 return 1
3172 fi
3173 ## err "replace into $tbl values($formaster);"
3174 query "replace into $tbl values($formaster);"
3175 ## Insertion to master table, done
3176 fi
3178 for kt in s m; do
3179 tb2=${tbl}_$kt
3180 for col in `gettbl_${kt}_cols $tbl`; do
3181 ptype=`getpartype $col "limit 1"`
3183 # First, check update of existing entries in _m
3184 if [ $kt = m ]; then
3185 # sessID|address.1.22|string|Somewhere-x.y.z
3186 sql=""
3187 ##err dots from query "select var from par where var like '$col.%';"
3188 for v in `query "select var from par where var like '$col.%';"`; do
3189 # v=address.1.22
3190 st_rowid=${v##*.}
3191 origcol=${v%%.*} # original column derived from
3192 ##err Updating for $v st_rowid=$st_rowid, partype=`getpartype $v`
3193 ##case `getpartype $v` in
3194 ## err CASE `gettbl_coltype $tbl/$origcol` in
3195 ## err edit flag = `getpar action.$v`
3196 case `getpar action.$v` in
3197 rm)
3198 if [ x`getpar confirm.$v` = x"yes" ]; then
3199 newsql="delete from $tb2"
3200 else
3201 echo "削除確認未チェック" | html p
3202 fi ;;
3203 edit)
3204 case `gettbl_coltype $tbl/$origcol` in
3205 image|document|binary)
3206 file=$tmpd/`getparfilename $v`
3207 ## err type=file=$file
3208 [ -z "$file" ] && continue
3209 bn=`sqlquotestr "${file##*/}"`
3210 bin="X'"$(hexize "$file")"'"
3211 ct=`file --mime-type - < "$file" |cut -d' ' -f2`
3212 type=\"file:$ct\"
3213 newsql="update $tb2 set val=$bn, type=$type, bin=$bin"
3214 cachedir=`getcachedir "$tbl/$rowid"`
3215 err getcache tbl/rowid=$tbl/$rowid, rm -r $cachedir
3216 rm -rf $cachedir
3217 ;;
3218 *)
3219 newsql="update $tb2 set val=(select val from par where var \
3220 like '$col.%.$st_rowid')"
3221 ;;
3222 esac
3223 ;;
3224 *) # maybe "keep", do not modify value
3225 continue
3226 ;;
3227 esac
3228 # err newsql=$newsql
3229 sql=$sql$nl"$newsql where rowid=$st_rowid;"
3230 done
3232 if [ x"$bin" = x"NULL" ]; then
3233 ## err repl:normal sql=`echo $sql`
3234 query "$sql
3235 delete from $tb2 where type='string' and val='';"
3236 ## err repl:normal done
3237 else
3238 sqlfile="$tmpd/sqlf.$$"
3239 echo "$sql" > $sqlfile
3240 ## err repl:sqlfile=`ls -lF $sqlfile`
3241 query ".read $sqlfile"
3242 ## err repl:done
3243 fi
3244 # Rest of kt==m: set multiple mode
3245 nr=`getparcount $col`
3246 else
3247 nr=1 # for kt==s, number of records is 1
3248 fi
3250 i=0
3251 while [ $i -lt $nr ]; do
3252 limit="limit 1 offset $i"
3253 i=$((i+1)) # increase beforehand against continue
3254 val=`getvalquote $tbl $col "$limit"`
3255 [ -z "$val" -o x"$val" = x'""' -o x"$val" = x"NULL" ] && continue
3256 ## err $col=$val
3257 bin=NULL
3258 ## err partype$col=`getpartype $col "$limit"`
3259 case $ptype in
3260 file) file=$tmpd/`getparfilename $col "$limit"`
3261 ## err parfile-$col=$file
3262 [ -z "$file" ] && continue
3263 bin="X'"$(hexize "$file")"'"
3264 ct=`file --mime-type - < "$file"|cut -d' ' -f2`
3265 type=\"file:$ct\" ;;
3266 "*"*) continue ;; # foreign table
3267 *) type=\"string\" ;;
3268 esac
3269 case `gettbl_coltype $tbl/$col` in
3270 password) # special care for password
3271 # name={password,pswd1,pswd2}
3272 p1=`getpar pswd1 "$limit"`
3273 if [ -z "$p1" ]; then
3274 continue # SKIP password setting, if p1 is empty
3275 else
3276 pswd=`getpar pswd "$limit"` p2=`getpar pswd2 "$limit"`
3277 ## err pswd=$pswd
3278 if pwcheck "$pswd"; then
3279 if [ x"$p1" = x"$p2" ]; then
3280 case "$p1" in
3281 ??????????*) ;;
3282 *) echo "パスワードは10字以上にしてください。" | html p
3283 return 6;;
3284 esac
3285 val="\"`echo $p1|mypwhash`\""
3286 else
3287 echo "2つの新パスワード不一致" | html p
3288 return 7
3289 fi
3290 else
3291 echo "旧パスワード違います" | html p
3292 return 8
3293 fi
3294 fi
3295 ;;
3296 esac
3297 ## err p2t: "replace into $tb2 values($pval, \"$col\", $type, $val, bin...);"
3298 #query "replace into $tb2 values($pval, \"$col\", $type, $val, $bin);"
3299 sql="replace into $tb2 values($pval, \"$col\", $type, $val, $bin);"
3300 if [ x"$bin" = x"NULL" ]; then
3301 ## err Normal-query: `echo $sql`
3302 query "$sql"
3303 else
3304 sqlfile="$tmpd/query.$$"
3305 echo "$sql" > $sqlfile
3306 ## err sqlfile=`ls -lF $sqlfile`
3307 query ".read $sqlfile"
3308 fi
3309 ## err p2t done
3310 done
3311 done
3312 done
3313 return 0
3314 ##err donee
3316 genform() {
3317 # $1 = form definition file
3318 # $2, $3 (optional)= table name and ROWID
3319 # If $GF_VIEWONLY set and nonNull, output values without form
3320 # If $GF_ARGS set, use it as content-strings in the form
3321 # If $GF_OWNER set, use it as value of name="owner"
3322 # If $GF_STAGE set, use it as value of name="stage"
3323 forms="" hiddens="" rowid=$3
3324 if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
3325 echo "そのようなデータベースはないようです($2)。" | html p
3326 return
3327 elif [ -n "$2" ]; then
3328 rec=`query "select * from $2 where rowid='$rowid';"`
3329 if [ -z "$rec" ]; then
3330 pk=`gettblpkey $2`
3331 ###rec=`sq $db "select rowid from $2 where $pk='$rowid'"`
3332 rec=`query "select rowid from $2 where $pk='$rowid';"`
3333 rowid=$rec
3334 rec=$3
3335 fi
3336 if [ -z "$rec" ]; then
3337 echo "そんなレコードはないみたいね..." | html p
3338 return
3339 fi
3340 fi
3341 if [ -z "$GF_VIEWONLY" ]; then
3342 rm='<input id="rm" name="rm" type="checkbox"
3343 value="yes"><label for="rm">このエントリの削除</label>
3344 <span>ほんとうに消しますよ(確認)!
3345 <input name="confirm" type=checkbox value="yes">はい</span>'
3346 fi
3347 # Image Cache dir
3348 ## err genform: getcache=$2/$rowid
3349 td=`getcachedir "$2/$rowid"`
3350 while IFS=: read prompt name keytype type args; do
3351 [ -z "${prompt%%\#*}" ] && continue # skip comment line(#)
3352 sp="${args:+ }"
3353 form="" val=""
3354 if [ -n "$rowid" ]; then
3355 # err genform2a: Seeking for "$2.$name, type=$type"
3356 rawval=`getvalbyid $2 $name $rowid $td`
3357 val=`echo "$rawval"|htmlescape`
3358 ## err genform3a: getvalbyid $2 $name $rowid $td
3359 ## err genform3b: val="[$val]" type="$type"
3360 fi
3361 if [ -n "$GF_VIEWONLY" ]; then
3362 is_hidden "$2" "$name" && continue
3363 fi
3364 case "$type" in
3365 text*)
3366 cgiform=cgi_multi_$type
3367 if [ -s $td/$name.count -a -n "$val" ]; then
3368 form=`$cgiform $name $td`
3369 val=$(echo "$val"|
3370 while read fn; do
3371 echo "<tr><td>`cat $td/$fn|htmlescape|hreflink`
3372 </td></tr>$nl"
3373 done)
3374 val="<table>$nl$val$nl</table>"
3375 else
3376 #form="<input name=\"$name\" value=\"$val\" type=\"$type\"$sp$args>$nl"
3377 form=`cgi_$type $name "$rawval" "$args"`
3378 fi
3379 ;;
3380 [Rr][Aa][Dd][Ii][Oo])
3381 fh="<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\""
3382 form="`echo $args|sed -e \
3383 \"s,\([^ =][^=]*\)=\([^= ][^= ]*\),$fh value=\\"\2\\">\1</label>,g\"`"
3384 ;;
3385 [Cc][Hh][Ee][Cc][Kk][Bb][Oo][Xx])
3386 form="<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" value=\"${args#*=}\">${args%=*}</label>"
3387 ;;
3388 [Ss][Ee][Ll][Ee][Cc][Tt])
3389 fh="<select name=\"$name\">$nl"
3390 form=$(for l in $args; do
3391 echo "<option value=\"${l#*=}\">${l%=*}</option>"
3392 done)
3393 if [ -n "$val" ]; then
3394 form=`echo $form|sed -e "s,\(value=.$val.\),\\1 selected,"`
3395 fi
3396 form="$fh$form</select>"
3397 ;;
3398 [Ii][Mm][Aa][Gg][Ee]|[Dd][Oo][Cc][Uu][Mm][Ee][Nn][Tt]|[Bb]inary)
3399 if [ -s $td/$name.count ]; then
3400 form=`cgi_multi_file $name $td "$args"`
3401 if [ -n "$val" ]; then
3402 hrfb="$myname?showattc+$2_m"
3403 val=$(echo "$rawval" \
3404 | while read fn; do
3405 data=`percenthex "$td/$fn"`
3406 #ct=`cat $td/$fn.content-type`
3407 ct=`file --mime-type - < "$td/$fn"|cut -d' ' -f2`
3408 ri=`cat "$td/$fn.rowid"`
3409 ## err fn=$fn, name=$name, ri=$ri; ls -lF "$td/" 1>&3
3410 #imgsrc="<img src=\"data:$ct,$data\">"
3411 #echo "<a href=\"$hrfb+$ri\">$imgsrc</a><br>"
3412 iconhref "$td/$fn" "$hrfb+$ri" ""
3413 done)
3414 fi
3415 else
3416 form="<input type=\"file\" name=\"$name\" $args>"
3417 if [ -n "$val" ]; then
3418 imgs=$(echo "$rawval"\
3419 |while read fn;do
3420 data=`percenthex "$td/$fn"`
3421 echo "<img src=\"data:image/png,$data\">$fn<br>"
3422 done)
3423 form=$form"<br>$imgs"
3424 val=$imgs # 2015-06-15
3425 else
3426 form="<input type=\"file\" name=\"$name\" $args>"
3427 fi
3428 fi
3429 ;;
3430 [Hh][Ii][Dd][Dd][Ee][Nn])
3431 if [ -n "$GF_STAGE" -a x"$name" = x"stage" ]; then
3432 args="value=\"$GF_STAGE\""
3433 fi
3434 form="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" $args>"
3435 prompt='' # Remove prompt
3436 ;;
3437 [Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh][Oo][Rr])
3438 [ -n "$GF_VIEWONLY" ] && continue
3439 form="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"author\" value=\"$user\">"
3440 prompt="" ;;
3441 [Oo][Ww][Nn][Ee][Rr])
3442 [ -n "$GF_VIEWONLY" ] && continue
3443 val=${GF_OWNER:-$val}
3444 val=${val:-$user}
3445 form="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"owner\" value=\"$val\">"
3446 prompt="" ;;
3447 [Uu][Ss][Ee][Rr])
3448 # XXX: is null $user ok?
3449 #form="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user\" value=\"$user\">"
3450 [ -n "$GF_VIEWONLY" ] && continue
3451 form="$user"
3452 ;;
3453 [Pp]assword)
3454 [ -n "$GF_VIEWONLY" ] && continue
3455 form="`cgi_passwd`"
3456 val=""
3457 ;;
3458 [Ss][Ee][Rr][Ii][Aa][Ll]|[Ss][Tt][Aa][Mm][Pp])
3459 [ -n "$GF_VIEWONLY" ] && continue
3460 if [ -z "$rowid" ]; then
3461 val=`genserial`
3462 fi
3463 form="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$val\">"
3464 prompt="" ;;
3465 [Ss][Ee][Ss][Ss][Ii][Oo][Nn])
3466 prompt=""
3467 ;;
3468 parent|path|blog*)
3469 prompt=""
3470 ;;
3471 "*"*)
3472 tail=$tail"``"
3473 continue ;;
3474 esac
3475 if [ -n "$prompt" ]; then
3476 if [ -n "${GF_VIEWONLY}" ]; then
3477 form=$val
3478 else
3480 fi
3481 forms=$forms" <tr class=\"$name\"><th>$prompt</th><td>$form</td></tr>$nl"
3482 else
3483 hiddens=$hiddens$nl"$form"
3484 fi
3485 done < $1
3486 # enctype="multipart/form-data"
3487 cat<<EOF
3488 <form action="${GF_ACTION:-$myname}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
3489 ${rowid:+$rm}
3490 <table class="b $2">
3491 $forms
3492 </table>$hiddens
3493 ${GF_STAGE:+`cgi_hidden stage $GF_STAGE`}
3494 ${rowid:+<input type="hidden" name="rowid" value="$rowid">}
3495 EOF
3496 if [ -z $GF_VIEWONLY ]; then
3497 cat<<EOF
3498 <input type="submit" name="sub" value="OK">
3499 <input type="reset" name="res" value="Reset">
3500 EOF
3501 fi
3502 cat<<EOF
3503 $GF_ARGS</form>
3504 $tail
3505 EOF
3507 edittable() {
3508 # $1=form-def $2=table $3 rowid
3509 genform "$@"
3511 viewtable() {
3512 GF_VIEWONLY=1 genform "$@"
3514 showattc() {
3515 # $1=table_m $2=rowid &optional $3=RawFlag
3516 ## err \$1=$1 \$2=$2 \$3=$3
3517 if ! isfilereadable $user $1 $2; then
3518 contenttype; echo
3519 echo "このファイルは管理者のみしか見られません" | html p
3520 putfooter; exit
3521 fi
3522 idir=`umask 002; mktempd` || exit 1
3523 # tmpfiles=$tmpfiles"${tmpfiles+ }$idir"
3524 bin=$idir/$myname-$$.bin
3525 sql="select quote(bin) from $1 where rowid='$2';"
3526 ## err showattc: sql: $sql
3527 sq $db "$sql" | unhexize > $bin
3528 tv=`query "select type||'//'||val from $1 where rowid='$2';"`
3529 type=${tv%//*} fn=${tv#*//}
3530 ## err tv=$tv type=$type fn=$fn, tp2=${tv%\|*}
3531 ct=${type#file:}
3532 case $ct in # all text/* changed to text/plain
3533 text/*)
3534 charset=`nkf -g $bin|cut -d' ' -f1`
3535 case $charset in
3536 ASCII*) charset="" ;;
3537 esac
3538 if [ -z "$3" ]; then
3539 ct="text/html${charset:+; charset=$charset}"
3540 link="?showattc+$1+$2+raw"
3541 nkf -e $bin | htmlescape | nkf --oc="$charset" \
3542 | sed 's,^,<span></span>,' \
3543 | _m4 -D_TITLE_="$fn" -D_CONTENT_TYPE_="$ct" \
3544 -D_LINK_="$link" \
3545 -D_BODY_="syscmd(\`cat')" $layout/pretty.m4.txt
3546 exit $?
3547 fi
3548 ct="text/plain${charset:+; charset=$charset}"
3549 ;;
3550 esac
3551 contenttype "$ct"
3552 echo "Content-Disposition: filename=\"$fn\""
3553 echo "Content-Length: " `cat $bin | wc -c`; echo
3554 #echo "Content-Type: " ${type#file:}; echo
3555 cat $bin
3558 # Some default stupid handler on CGI values
3560 default_storedb() {
3561 # ARG: $1=table-def-file
3562 # RET: $tbl=table-name, $col=mail-column, $cols=columns
3563 tbl=`basename $1`
3564 tbl=${tbl%.def}
3565 cols="`grep :text $1|cut -d: -f2`"
3566 col=`echo "$cols"|head -1`
3567 vcol=`getpar $col`
3568 err default0: \$1=$1 col=$col cols="[$cols]" vcol=$vcol
3569 if [ -n "$vcol" ]; then
3570 par2table $1
3571 else
3572 return 2 # No insertion occurred
3573 fi
3576 default_view() { # $1=def-file
3577 ### DT_VIEW="edittable+$tbl" dumptable html $tbl "$cols" \
3578 ## DT_VIEW="edittable+$tbl" dumptable html $tbl "name memo file" \
3579 default_storedb "$@"
3580 query "select rowid from $tbl order by rowid desc;" \
3581 | while read rowid; do
3582 viewtable $1 $tbl $rowid
3583 done | _m4 -D_TITLE_="$tbl" \
3584 -D_FORM_="`genform $1`" \
3585 -D_DUMPTABLE_="syscmd(cat)" \
3586 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/form+dump.m4.html
3588 default_viewtext() { # $1=def-file
3589 ### DT_VIEW="edittable+$tbl" dumptable html $tbl "$cols" \
3590 default_storedb "$@"
3591 DT_VIEW="viewtable+$tbl" dumptable html $tbl "name memo file" \
3592 | _m4 -D_TITLE_="$tbl" \
3593 -D_FORM_="`genform $1`" \
3594 -D_DUMPTABLE_="syscmd(cat)" \
3595 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/form+dump.m4.html
3597 default_smail() {
3598 default_storedb "$@"
3599 if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
3600 _m4 -D_TITLE_="入力" \
3601 -D_FORM_="`genform $1`" \
3602 -D_DUMPTABLE_="" \
3603 $layout/html.m4.html $layout/form+dump.m4.html
3604 return
3605 fi
3606 cond=""
3607 for pk in `gettblpkey $tbl`; do
3608 pv=$(sqlquote "$(getpar $pk)")
3609 cond="$cond${cond:+ and }$pk=$pv"
3610 done
3611 sql="select rowid from $tbl where $cond;"
3612 rowid=`query "$sql"`
3613 ## err smail1 - "$sql" "-> rowid=$rowid"
3615 while IFS=: read prompt name keytype type args; do # Read from $1
3616 val=`getpar $name`
3617 if [ -n "$val" ]; then
3618 text="$text
3619 $prompt
3620 $name=$val
3621 ---------------------------------------------------------"
3622 fi
3623 case "$type" in
3624 image|document|file)
3625 fn="`getvalbyid $tbl $name $rowid $tmpd`"
3626 fns=$(echo "$fn"|while read fn; do
3627 err mv $tmpd/$fn.orig $tmpd/$fn
3628 mv $tmpd/$fn.orig $tmpd/$fn
3629 rm $tmpd/$fn.rowid # Remove cache flag
3630 ## err "`ls $tmpd/$fn`"
3631 echo $fn
3632 done)
3633 files="$files $fns"
3634 ;;
3635 esac
3636 done < $1
3637 ## err FILES=$files "`ls -lF $tmpd`"
3638 subj="from ${REMOTE_ADDR}"
3639 (echo "$url"
3640 echo "への書き込みがありました。"
3641 echo "------"
3642 echo "$text"
3643 ) | (cd $tmpd &&
3644 err LS="`ls -lF`" &&
3645 $mydir/sendmultipart.sh -t "$admin" -s "$subj" $files)
3646 _m4 -D_TITLE_="入力完了" $layout/html.m4.html
3647 echo "以下の内容で送信しました。" | html p
3648 viewtable $1 $tbl \
3649 `query "select rowid from $tbl order by rowid desc limit 1;"`
3650 echo "戻る" | html a "href=\"?\""