view yatexgen.el @ 14:b7b023a74293

Region-based section-type completion. Kill section-type command and parens (sometimes with font) with [prefix] k. Rewrite error-jump functions. Fix the bug of recursive section-type completion.
author yuuji
date Fri, 22 Apr 1994 17:35:25 +0000
parents eafae54794a0
children b00c74813e56
line wrap: on
line source

;;; -*- Emacs-Lisp -*-
;;; Generate add-in functions for YaTeX.
;;; yatexgen.el rev.1(beta2)
;;; (c )1991-1994 by HIROSE Yuuji.[]
;;; Last modified Sat Apr 23 02:26:34 1994 on pajero
;;; $Id$

(require 'yatex)
(provide 'yatexgen)

(defmacro YaTeX-setq (var japanese english)
  (list 'setq var
	(if YaTeX-japan japanese english))

(put 'YaTeX-setq 'lisp-indent-hook 1)

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-initial-message
  "             自動生成モードへようこそ!!

本番の時もこのバッファに出るメッセージを *よく読んで* 操作しないとう

  "             Welcome to auto-generation mode!!

If this is your first trial, exercise this according to example and
following my messages.  Then, at making actual function, operate
reading my messages *carefully*, or you'll fail to generate appropriate

  Hit return key!"

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-start-message
たとえば section 型補完の \\documentstyle だったら \\documentstyle{}
だけをいれてみてね. ちゃんと『〜型補完』を使わないとダメよ!。
  "Let's begin completion for which you want to make add-in function.
If you want to make add-in function for \\documentstyle input only
`\\documentstyle{}' *with* completion of yatex-mode.
If you finish this, please press RET."

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-abort-message

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-same-message
  "それじゃ、なにも変わってねぇだろーが! やめた。"
  "I found no difference between them.  So I'm quitting."

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-invalid-message
  "It's impossible."

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-idontknow-message
  "Sorry I can't tell your adding method."

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-confirm-message
  "Is it additional string of add-in function?"

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-output-message
  "2.じゃ、それにくっつけたいものを *カーソルの位置に* 足してみて. 
さっきの \\documentstyle{} の例だと \\documentstyle[12pt]{} とかにするの。
  "2.Then input additional string *at CURSOR POSITION*
According to last example \\documentstyle{},
modify it \\documentstyle[12pt]{}.  RET to finish."

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-put-arg-message
さっきの \\documentstyle[12pt]{} だったら、付加する文字は[12pt]だけど
手で入れたいのは 12pt の部分だけですね。
  "3.In this string, extract string which you want to input from key
board with quiry afterwards.  For example, though additional string is
\\documentstyle[12pt]{}, but you want enter only `12pt' by hand.
RET to finish!"

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-read-prompt-message
出したいですか? 順に入れて下さい。面倒なら単にリターンを打ってね。
さっきの 12pt の部分だったら、『サイズは』とかがおすすめ。"
  "4.When you use this add-in function afterwards, what message
do you like to be prompted with to enter these values.  In last
example `12pt', typical prompt string may be `Size?: '."

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-done-message
  "よし! これが、君の作りたかった関数だ。~/.emacs にでも入れてせいぜい
楽してくれ。このバッファ(*ご案内*)を yatex-mode にしておくから
  ところで、この関数こんなに簡単だろう? そろそろ自分で書いたらどう?
  "OK! This is the definition of function you want to make!  Add
this description to your ~/.emacs or so.  Use this buffer(*Guide*)
for testing of this function please.
  But you can see this function quite easy, can't you? You had better
write your most favorite add-in function yourself!

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-nomatch-message
  "No such string in additional string."
(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-buffer

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-message-buffer

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-bug-message
  "ごめ〜ん!! ちょっと、このアドイン関数つくるの失敗しちゃったみたい!!
  "Sorry I failed to make add-in function for you...
Send bug report to me."

(YaTeX-setq YaTeX-generate-narrow-message
  "Too narrow screen height."

(defvar YaTeX-generate-message-height
  10 "Window height of YaTeX-generate-message-buffer")

;Generate mode.
(defun YaTeX-generate ()
  "Genarate YaTeX add-in function with enquiry."
  (if (< (screen-height) (+ YaTeX-generate-message-height 10))
      (error YaTeX-generate-narrow-message))
  (put 'YaTeX-generate 'disabled t)
	(let (input output (i 0) (beg 0) end add-in map map1 si str slist
		    (from (make-marker)) (to (make-marker)))
	  (switch-to-buffer YaTeX-generate-message-buffer)
	  (insert YaTeX-generate-initial-message)
	   (if YaTeX-japan "リターンキーを押して下さい." "Press RETURN."))
	  (insert YaTeX-generate-start-message)
	  (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create YaTeX-generate-buffer))
	  (enlarge-window (- (window-height) YaTeX-generate-message-height 1))
	  (use-local-map (setq map (copy-keymap YaTeX-mode-map)))
	  (define-key (current-local-map) "\n" 'exit-recursive-edit)
	  (define-key (current-local-map) "\r" 'exit-recursive-edit)
	  (define-key (current-local-map) "\C-g" 'abort-recursive-edit)
	  (setq map1 (copy-keymap map))
	  (YaTeX-suppress-sparse-keymap map)
	  ;;First get input form.
	  (setq input (buffer-string)
		end (1- (length input)))
	  (if (string= "" input) (error YaTeX-generate-abort-message))
	  (set-marker from (1- (point)))  ;;Can't write before `from'
	  (set-marker to (1+ (point)))    ;;Can't write after `to'
	  ;;Second get output form.
	  (setq beg (1- (point)));;Cheat begin point!
	  (YaTeX-generate-display-message YaTeX-generate-output-message)
	  (use-local-map map1)
	  (fset 'si (symbol-function 'self-insert-command))
	  (defun self-insert-command (arg)
	    (interactive "p")
	    (if (or (not (equal (buffer-name) YaTeX-generate-buffer))
		    (and (> (point) (marker-position from))
			 (< (point) (marker-position to))))
		(insert (this-command-keys)) (ding)))
	    (fset 'self-insert-command (symbol-function 'si)))
	  (setq output (buffer-string))
	  (cond ((string= "" output)	(error YaTeX-generate-abort-message))
		((string= input output)	(error YaTeX-generate-same-message))
		((< (length output) (length input))
		 (error YaTeX-generate-invalid-message)))
	  ;;(while (and (< beg end) (= (aref input beg) (aref output i)))
	  ;;  (setq beg (1+ beg) i (1+ i))) ;;for universal use.
	  (setq i (1- (length output)))
	  (while (and (>= end beg) (= (aref output i) (aref input end)))
	    (setq end (1- end) i (1- i)))
	  (setq add-in (substring output beg
				  (if (= i (1- (length output))) nil (1+ i))))
	  (insert add-in)
	  (if (not (y-or-n-p YaTeX-generate-confirm-message))
	      (error YaTeX-generate-idontknow-message))
	  ;;Extract arguments.
	  (YaTeX-generate-display-message YaTeX-generate-put-arg-message)
	  (setq i 1)
	  (while (not (string=
		       "" (setq str (read-string (format "Arg %d: " i)))))
	    (if (not (string-match (regexp-quote str) add-in))
		   YaTeX-generate-nomatch-message -1))
	      (setq slist (append slist (list (list str))) i (1+ i)))
	    );input all of arguments.
	  ;;Compare with output string.
	  (set-buffer YaTeX-generate-buffer) ;;for safety
	  (if (> i 1)
	      (YaTeX-generate-parse-add-in slist add-in)
	    (insert "(defun " (YaTeX-generate-function-name) " ()\n")
	    (insert "\"" (YaTeX-generate-lisp-quote add-in) "\")\n")
	    (indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)
	    (message (if YaTeX-japan
		       "You don't need me to make such easy function.")))
      (put 'YaTeX-generate 'disabled nil)
      (put 'YaTeX-addin 'disabled nil)
  (YaTeX-generate-display-message YaTeX-generate-done-message)
  (switch-to-buffer YaTeX-generate-buffer)
  (condition-case error
    (error (insert YaTeX-generate-bug-message)))
  (pop-to-buffer YaTeX-generate-message-buffer)

(defun YaTeX-generate-parse-add-in (args add-in)
  "Parse add-in string and extract argument for it.
Variable add-in is referred in parent function."
  (let ((i 1) j (case-fold-search nil) ;i holds argument number
	(prompt (make-vector (length args) ""))
	(used (make-vector (length add-in) nil))
	func-name (string ""))
    ;;Phase 1. extract argument from add-in string.
     '(lambda (arg)
	(let ((index 0) (match 0) beg end (carg (car arg)))
	  (aset prompt (1- i)
		  (if YaTeX-japan "%d番目(%s)を読む時?: "
		    "When reading argument #%d(%s)?: ") i (car arg))))
	  (while (string-match (regexp-quote carg) (substring add-in index))
	    (setq beg (+ index (match-beginning 0))
		  end (+ index (match-end 0)))
	    (if (aref used beg) nil
	      (setq match (1+ match))
	       ((= match 1)
		;;(setq arg (append arg (list (list beg end))))
	    (setq index end))
	  (setq i (1+ i))))
    ;;Phase 2. Generate function!!
    (setq i 0)
    (setq func-name (YaTeX-generate-function-name))
    (while (< i (length add-in))
      (setq beg i j (aref used i))
      (while (and (< i (length add-in)) (equal j (aref used i)))
	(setq i (1+ i)))
      (if j		;If it is argument.
	  (setq string (concat string (format " arg%d" j)))
	(setq string
	      (concat string " \""
		      (YaTeX-generate-quote-quote (substring add-in beg i))
    (setq i 1)
     "(defun " func-name " ()\n"
     "  (let (")
     '(lambda (arg)
	(insert (format "(arg%d (read-string \"%s: \"))\n"
			i (aref prompt (1- i))))
	(setq i (1+ i)))
    (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line -1) (end-of-line) (point)))
    (insert ")\n(concat " (YaTeX-generate-lisp-quote string)
    (indent-region (point-min) (point) nil)

(defun YaTeX-generate-ask-match-position ()
  "Ask user whether match-position is in his expectation,
Referencing variables in parent function YaTeX-generate-parse-add-in."
  (pop-to-buffer YaTeX-generate-message-buffer)
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (insert "\n\n"
	  (format (if YaTeX-japan "%d 番目の引数 %s って"
		    "Is argument #%d's value `%s' also corresponding to")
		  i carg) "\n" add-in "\n")
  (indent-to-column beg)
  (let ((c beg))
    (while (< c end) (insert "^") (setq c (1+ c))))
  (insert "\n" (if YaTeX-japan "ここにも対応してるの?"
		 "this underlined part too?"))
  (other-window -1)
  (y-or-n-p (if YaTeX-japan "下線部はあってますか" "Is underline right"))

(defun YaTeX-generate-register-match ()
  (nconc arg (list (list beg end)))
  (let ((x beg))
    (while (< x end) (aset used x i)(setq x (1+ x))))

(defun YaTeX-generate-display-message (mes &optional bottom)
  "Display message to generation buffer."
  (pop-to-buffer YaTeX-generate-message-buffer)
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (insert "\n\n")
  (if bottom (recenter (1- bottom)) (recenter 0))
  (insert mes)
  (other-window -1)

(defun YaTeX-generate-move-to-add-in-position ()
  "Move cursor where add-in function should insert string."
   ((eq YaTeX-current-completion-type 'begin)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (skip-chars-forward "^{")
    (setq env-name
	  (buffer-substring (1+ (point))
			    (progn (skip-chars-forward "^}") (point))))
    (forward-char 1))
   ((eq YaTeX-current-completion-type 'section)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (skip-chars-forward "^{"))
   ((eq YaTeX-current-completion-type 'maketitle)
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (if (= (preceding-char) ? )
	(forward-char -1)))

(defun YaTeX-generate-function-name ()
    ((eq YaTeX-current-completion-type 'begin) env-name)
    ((eq YaTeX-current-completion-type 'section) section-name)
    ((eq YaTeX-current-completion-type 'maketitle) single-command)))

(defun YaTeX-generate-lisp-quote (str)
  (let ((len (length str))(i 0) (quote ""))
    (while (< i len)
      (if (= (aref str i) ?\\)
	  (setq quote (concat quote "\\")))
      (if (= (aref str i) 127)
	  (setq quote (concat quote "\""))
	(setq quote (concat quote (substring str i (1+ i)))))
      (setq i (1+ i)))

(defun YaTeX-generate-quote-quote (str)
  (let ((len (length str))(i 0) (quote ""))
    (while (< i len)
      (if (= (aref str i) ?\")
	  (setq quote (concat quote (char-to-string 127))))
      (setq quote (concat quote (substring str i (1+ i))))
      (setq i (1+ i)))

(defun YaTeX-suppress-sparse-keymap (map)
  (let ((i ? ))
    (while (< i 127)
      (define-key map (char-to-string i) 'undefined)
      (setq i (1+ i))))