diff s4-blog.sh @ 17:01f579d2c889

Rename to s4
author HIROSE Yuuji <yuuji@gentei.org>
date Tue, 21 Jul 2015 14:43:24 +0900
parents y4-blog.sh@636df1c1bdf2
children 7ae119a14613
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/s4-blog.sh	Tue Jul 21 14:43:24 2015 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+type cgiinit >/dev/null 2>&1 || . ./s4-funcs.sh
+blog_genform() {
+  #
+  t=$1 
+blog_writable() (
+  # $1=articleid $2=user
+  blogowner=`getvalbyid blog owner "$1"`
+  [ x"$blogowner" = x"$2" ] || isuser "$blogowner" || ismember "$2" "$blogowner"
+blog_notify_reply() {
+  # $1=articleid $2=ReplyingUser $3=WrittenText
+  blogowner=`getvalbyid blog owner "$1"`
+  blogtitle=`getvalbyid blog title "$1"`
+  blogurl="$urlbase?replyblog+$1"
+  emails=`collectemail $blogowner`
+  smail "$emails" "書込通知 $urlbase"<<EOF
+場所: $blogurl
+題目: $blogtitle
+筆者: `gecos $2`
+`echo "$3"|sed 's/^/> /'`
+blog_showentry() {
+  # $1=table $2=rowid
+  if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$imgcached" ]; then
+      tmpd=$tmpdir/$imgcached/$thumbxy
+    else
+      tmpd=`mktempd`
+      tmpfiles=$tmpfiles" $tmpd"
+    fi
+  fi
+  tbl=${1%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*} rowid=${2%%[!A-Z0-9a-z_]*}
+err rowid=$rowid, '$2'=$2
+  ts=${tbl}_s tm=${tbl}_m
+  at=article as=article_s am=article_m
+  serial=$(($(date +%s)-1420038000))s$$
+  # This function grasps blog entry definiton directly.
+  # blog:   id
+  # blog_s: title,ctime,heading
+  # blog_m: *article
+  err "SELECT id from $tbl where rowid=$rowid"
+  id=`query "select id from $tbl where rowid=$rowid;"`
+err id=$id
+err "select val from $ts where key='title' and id='$id';"
+  #(1)Display root article
+  cat<<EOF
+<form class="replyblog" action="$myname?replyblog+$rowid" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+<table class="bloghead">
+  href="<a href=\"?editheading+$rowid\"> 編集 </a>"
+  href2="<a href=\"?lshandout+$rowid\"> 提出状況 </a>"
+  href3="(<a href=\"?gethandout+$rowid\">ファイル取得</a>)"
+  cat<<EOF | sq -html $db \
+      | sed -e "s|\(<TR><TD>\),e,|\1 $href |" \
+	    -e "s|,s,\(</TD>\)|$href2$href3\1|"
+-- select val from $ts where key="title" and id="$id";
+ coalesce((select ",e," from blog where rowid=$rowid and author='$user'),'')
+||val||" "
+||case (select val from $ts where key="mode" and id="$id")
+  when 'report-closed' then "レポート提出用(自身のファイルのみ参照可),s,"
+  when 'report-open' then "レポート提出用,s,"
+  else ""
+  end
+ from $ts where key="ctime" and id="$id";
+select val from $ts where key="heading" and id="$id";
+  cat<<EOF
+<table class="blog_replies">
+  #(2)Display following articles
+textform='<div><table class="b">
+<tr><td><textarea name="text" cols="40" rows="4"></textarea></td></tr>
+<tr><td>添付ファイル: <input type="file" name="image" multiple></td></tr>
+<input type="submit" value="送信">
+<input type="reset" value="リセット"></div>
+  ## 6/11の次: articleを出して行く
+: <<EOF
+本文:text:s:textarea:cols="60" rows="8"
+article(id, blogid, author)
+article_s: Visible = ctime, text	Invisible = parent, path
+article_m: image
+article	=	hoge|1433812374x20849|yuuji@gentei.org
+article_s =	hoge|ctime|string|2015-06-13 12:27:34|
+		hoge|text|string|Shall we dance?|
+  ## 
+  ## 
+err "select id from $at where blogid='$id';"
+#  arts=`sq $db "select a.rowid,a.id,
+#-- coalesce(b.gecos, a.author)
+# a.author from $at a
+# LEFT JOIN (select name,val as gecos from user_s where key='gecos') b
+# on a.author=b.name where blogid='$id'";`
+  arts=`query "select rowid,id,author from $at where blogid='$id';"`
+err  arts="[$arts]"
+  number=0
+  hrefhome0="<a href=\"?home"
+  for a in $arts; do
+    arid=${a%%|*} aid=`echo "$a"|cut -d'|' -f2` author=${a##*|} imgs=""
+    ### err a=$a, aid=$aid, author=$author
+    # name=''	# Get gecos??
+    td=$(echo $tmpd/`echo $a|md5`)
+    val=`getvalbyid article image $arid $td`
+err val="[$val]" and td as follows:
+    if true; then
+      if [ -n "$val" ]; then
+	hrfb="$myname?showattc+article_m"
+	imgs="<br>"$(echo "$val"\
+		    |while read fn; do
+		       #data=`percenthex $td/$fn`
+		       #ct=`cat $td/$fn.content-type`
+		       ri=`cat $td/$fn.rowid`
+err fn=$fn ct=$ct ri=$ri; ls -lF $td/ 1>&3
+		       #case $ct in
+		#	 [Ii]mage*) anch="<img src=\"data:$ct,$data\">$fn" ;;
+		#	 *) anch=$fn ;;
+		#       esac
+		       # Should not contain newlines for sed argument
+		#       echo -n "<a href=\"$hrfb+$ri\">$anch</a>"
+			iconhref $td/$fn "$hrfb+$ri" "$fn" "$fn"
+		     done)
+      fi
+    fi
+    ### number=$((number+1))
+#    reply="<input type=\"radio\" name=\"parent\" class=\"replybtn\" \
+# value=\"$number\">"
+    getgecos="(select rowid from user where name='$author')||':'||\
+	coalesce((select val from user_s \
+	where name='$author' and key='gecos'), '$author')||',[/a],'"
+    href="$myname?editart+$arid+$rowid"
+    link="<a href=\"$href\">編集</a>"
+    cat<<EOF | sq -html $db \
+	| sed -e "s|,n,\([0-9]*\):|,n,$hrefhome0+\1\">|" \
+	      -e 's|,\[/a\],|</a>|' \
+	      -e 's/,n,/<br>/g' -e "s|,i,|$imgs|" \
+	      -e "s|<TR>\(<TD>\)|<TR id=\"$aid\">\1|" \
+	      -e "s|\(<TR.*>\)\(<TD>\),e,|\1\2$link|"
+  coalesce((select ",e," from article where id='$aid' and author='$user'),"")
+  ||
+  max(case key when 'ctime' then ",n,"||val||
+  ",n,"||$getgecos end) as TIME,
+--  max(case key when 'parent' then val||"への返信" end) as REPLYTO,
+  max(case key when 'text' then val||",i," end) as TEXT
+  from article_s where id = '$aid'
+  group by id order by TIME;
+  done
+  echo "</table>"
+  blog_writable $rowid $user && cat<<EOF
+<div class="blogcomment">
+<input type="hidden" name="blogid" value="$id">
+<input type="hidden" name="stage" value="replyblog">
+<input type="hidden" name="serial" value="$serial">
+  echo "</form>"
+  # Record access log
+  acclog blog $rowid
+lshandout() {
+  # $1=rowid of blog
+  time=`getvalbyid blog ctime $1|colrm 11`
+  owner=`getvalbyid blog owner $1`
+  title=`getvalbyid blog title $1`
+  ge=`gecos $owner`
+  lshandoutsub $owner "$@" \
+      |m4 -D_TITLE_="提出状況" \
+	  -D_SUBTITLE_="$time [$title]@${ge:-$owner}" -D_DIARY_="" \
+	  -D_FORM_="syscmd(cat)" -D_BLOGS_= -D_DUMPTABLE_= \
+	  $layout/html.m4.html $layout/diary.m4.html
+lshandoutsub() {
+  # $1=owner $2=rowid of blog
+  if isgroup $1; then
+    sample="(select user from grp_mem where gname='$1')"
+  else
+    sample="(select distinct author as user from arts)"
+    echo "<p>(集計は板への投稿者のみ)</p>"
+  fi
+  sql="with arts as (select id,author from article \
+	    where blogid=(select id from blog where rowid=$2))\
+      select (select rowid from user where name=c0.user)||'	'|| \
+	      coalesce((select val from user_s where name=c0.user \
+			and key='gecos'),\
+		      c0.user) as 'メンバー',\
+	     sum(case when c1.key is not null then 1 else 0 end)\
+		 as 'コメント記入',\
+	     sum(case when c2.key is not null then 1 else 0 end)\
+		 as 'ファイルの提出'\
+	 from $sample c0 \
+	        left join (select id,author from arts) a\
+		on c0.user=a.author\
+	        left join (select id,key from article_s where key='text') c1\
+		on a.id=c1.id left join (select id,key from article_m ) c2\
+		on c1.id=c2.id group by c0.user order by c0.user;"
+    err ishandoutsub: sql="$sql"
+    echo '<table class="b td2r td3r">'
+    hrb="<a href=\"?home+"
+    echo "$sql" | sq -header -html $db \
+	| sed -e "s,\(<TR><TD>\)\([^	]*\)	\(.*\)</TD>,\1$hrb\2\">\3</TD>," -e 's,<TD>0</TD>,<TD class="warn">0</TD>,'
+    echo '</table>'
+gethandout() {
+  # $1=rowid of blog
+  i=0
+  bd=$tmpd/archive.$$
+  mkdir $bd
+  query "select m.rowid,author,m.val from article a join article_m m\
+	 on a.id=m.id where blogid=(select id from blog where rowid=$1)\
+	 and m.key in ('image', 'document', 'binary');" \
+      | while IFS='|' read rowid author filename; do
+	  # err isfilereadable $user article_m $1
+	  isfilereadable $user article_m $1 || continue
+	  err ok
+	  i=$((i+1))
+	  dir=`printf $bd/%03d $i`
+	  mkdir $dir
+	  query "select quote(bin) from article_m where rowid=$rowid;" \
+	      | unhexize > $dir/$filename
+	done
+  if [ ! -d $bd/001 ]; then
+    contenttype; echo
+    echo "<p>取得できるファイルがありませんでした。</p>"
+    return
+  fi
+  (cd $bd
+   err cdto$bd; (pwd; ls -lFa) 1>&3
+   tar zcf .archive.tar.gz * && mv .archive.tar.gz archive.tar.gz
+  )
+  arc=$bd/archive.tar.gz
+  echo "Content-type: application/x-gzip"
+  echo "Content-Length: `cat $arc|wc -c`"
+  echo "Content-Disposition: filename=\"archive.tar.gz\""
+  echo
+  cat $arc
+listblog() (
+  # $1=user
+  cond="where a.id in (select id from blog_s where key='owner' and val='$1') order by ctime desc"
+  DT_CHLD=article:blogid
+  cgi_form searchart<<EOF
+<label>`cgi_text kwd`という語を含む記事を検索</label>
+`cgi_hidden owner $user`
+  dumptable html blog 'ctime title heading' "$cond"
+blog_addentry() {
+  # $1=GRPname(if it is a group)
+  grprowid=$1
+  rowid=`getpar rowid`
+err ba: rowid=$rowid
+  #if [ -z "$rowid" ]; then
+    # When rowid is SET, it is updation of existing entry
+    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+      listing=$user guide="[個人]"
+#listing代入は rowid 時でもするべき
+    else
+      grp=`getgroupbyid $grprowid`
+      if [ -n "$grp" ]; then
+	listing=$1 guide="[${grp}]" GF_OWNER=$grp
+      else
+	echo "<p>無効なグループ指定です。</p>"
+	return
+      fi
+    fi
+  #fi
+  if [ -n "`getpar title`" ]; then
+    owner=`getpar owner`
+    if isuser $owner; then
+      if [ x"$user" != x"$owner" ]; then
+	echo "<p>他人の日記は書けません</p>"
+	return
+      fi
+    elif isgroup $owner; then	# if write to group log
+      grp=$owner #\`getpar grp\`
+      err ismember: $user $grp
+      if ! ismember "$user" "$grp"; then
+	echo "<p>(話題作成はこのグループに加入してから)</p>"
+	return
+      fi
+    fi
+    par2table $formdir/blog.def
+    serial=`getpar serial`
+    err SERIAL: $serial ROWID=$rowid listing=$listing
+    id=""
+    if [ -n "$rowid" ]; then
+      # Here, id becomes NULL when removal of entries at par2table
+      id=`query "select rowid from blog where rowid=$rowid;"`
+    elif [ -n "$serial" ]; then
+      # If new blog leader created, traverse to its head.
+      id=`query "select rowid from blog where id='$serial';"`
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$id" ]; then
+      ## If new aritcle is entered, JUMP to blog_reply
+      blog_reply $id
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  m4 -D_TITLE_="${guide}新規話題作成" -D_DIARY_="新規話題の記入" \
+     -D_SUBTITLE_="序文は簡単に詳しくはコメントに" \
+     -D_BLOGS_="これまでの蓄積" \
+     -D_FORM_="`genform $formdir/blog.def`" \
+     -D_DUMPTABLE_="`listblog $listing`" \
+     $layout/html.m4.html \
+     $layout/diary.m4.html
+blog_reply() {
+  rowid=$1
+err  rowid=$1
+  if [ -z "$rowid" ]; then
+    echo "<p>表示する日記番号が未指定です。</p>"
+    return
+  fi
+  title=`getvalbyid blog title $rowid`
+  owner=`getvalbyid blog owner $rowid`
+  if isuser "$owner"; then
+    subtitle="`gecos $owner` さんの話題"
+  else
+    grprowid=`query "select rowid from grp where gname=\"$owner\";"`
+    subtitle="<a href=\"?grp+$grprowid\">`gecos $owner`</a> での話題"
+  fi
+  if [ -z "$title" ]; then
+    echo "<p>日記番号指定が無効です。</p>"
+    return
+  fi
+  text=`getpar text`
+  if [ -n "$text" ]; then
+    if blog_writable $rowid $user; then
+      if par2table $formdir/article.def; then
+	blog_notify_reply $rowid $user "$text"
+      fi
+    else
+      title="$title(加入してないので書き込み不可)"
+    fi
+  fi
+  def=$formdir/article.def
+  cat $layout/html.m4.html $layout/diary.m4.html \
+      | sed '/_DIARY_/q' \
+      | m4 -D_TITLE_="$title" -D_DIARY_="" -D_BODYCLASS_=general \
+	   -D_SUBTITLE_="$subtitle"
+  blog_showentry blog $rowid
+  sed '1,/_DIARY_/d' $layout/diary.m4.html | m4 -D_FORM_= -D_DUMPTABLE_=
