changeset 47:d65174b867aa draft

Add fromhack mode
author HIROSE Yuuji <>
date Mon, 11 Jun 2012 23:47:45 +0900
parents b491a43bd5fe
children 05de5274c110
files after5.rb
diffstat 1 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/after5.rb	Mon Jun 11 23:47:35 2012 +0900
+++ b/after5.rb	Mon Jun 11 23:47:45 2012 +0900
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # Associative Scheduling Table - after5
 # (C)2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012 by HIROSE Yuuji [yuuji<at>]
 # $Id: after5.rb,v 1.19 2012/04/01 11:52:25 yuuji Exp yuuji $
-# Last modified Mon Jun 11 00:12:27 2012 on firestorm
+# Last modified Mon Jun 11 23:37:31 2012 on firestorm
 # See
 # このスクリプトはEUCで保存してください。
 $hgid = <<_HGID_.split[1..-2].join(" ")
@@ -414,9 +414,47 @@
 	  map[g]['members'] << a.untaint
+      # get other attributes
+      Dir.foreach(d) {|attr|
+        next if /^\./ =~ attr
+        next unless /^[-_a-z]+$/i =~ attr
+        next if attr == "name"   # already collected
+        attr.untaint
+        file = File.join(d, attr) #.untaint
+        next if test(?d, file)
+        next unless test(?s, file) && test(?r, file)
+        map[g][attr] = IO.readlines(file).join.toeuc.strip
+      }
+  def putgroupattr(group, attr, value)
+    d = File.join(@groupmapdir, group).untaint
+    Dir.mkdir(d) unless test(?d, d)
+    file = File.join(d, attr)
+    begin
+      unless @groupmap[group]
+        @groupmap[group] = {}
+      end
+      @groupmap[group][attr] = value
+      if value == nil
+        File.unlink(file)
+      else
+        open(file, "w"){|w| w.puts @groupmap[group][attr]}
+      end
+    rescue
+      return nil
+    end
+    return {attr => value}
+  end
+  def getgroupattr(group, attr)
+    if @groupmap.has_key?(group) && @groupmap[group][attr].is_a?(String) &&
+	@groupmap[group][attr] > ''
+      return @groupmap[group][attr].untaint
+    else
+      return nil
+    end
+  end
   def groupmap()
@@ -1232,6 +1270,8 @@
 	  'it is mischief by someone else'],
 	'user'		=> ['ユーザ', 'user'],
 	'group'		=> ['グループ', 'group'],
+        'fromhack'	=> ['ML配送時のFrom:を常にMLのアドレスにする',
+'Set From: address of all ML messages to ML address.'],
 	'personal'	=> ['個人で', 'personal'],
 	'registas'	=> ['グループ予定として登録?', 'Register as group?'],
         'headsched'	=> ['下の枠内に予定を記入: 1行以内で短めに。
@@ -1240,7 +1280,7 @@
 Or, put short subject in the first line, details in latter lines.'],
 	'joinquit'	=> ['入退', 'joining/quiting'],
 	'of'		=> ['の', "'s"],
-	'id'		=> ['ID(英単語かローマ字の1単語半角空白なしで)', 'ID(without spaces)'],
+	'id'		=> ['ID(英単語かローマ字の分かりやすい1単語半角空白なしで)', 'ID(without spaces)'],
 	'name'		=> ['名前', 'name'],
 	'anystring'	=> ['(日本語OK)', '(any length, any characters)'],
 	'setto'		=> ['を設定 → ', 'set to '],
@@ -2585,29 +2625,52 @@
     exit 0
   # ML functions
-  def tagify_subj(body, tag, removeregexp)
+  def parseaddress(spec)        # from catchup.rb
+    # Return [email, comment]
+    # nil if comment does not exitst.
+    if /(.*)\s*<(.*)>/ =~ spec then
+      [$2, $1.strip]
+    elsif /(.*)\s*\((.*)\)/ =~ spec then
+      [$1.strip, $2]
+    else
+      [spec.strip, nil]
+    end
+  end
+  def rewritefrom(email, comment, newseed) # from catchup.rb
+    # no need to setcomment here because if comment set, it's enough
+    comment.sub!(/(\"?)(.*)\1/, '\2')
+    comment += "/" if comment>""
+    return comment.gsub(/([^\x00-\x7f]+)/){NKF.nkf('-jM', $1)} +
+      email.sub("@", "=")+" <"+newseed+">"
+    #  end
+  end
+  def tagify_subj(body, tag, removeregexp, fromhack = nil)
     # This method should be generic for other headers than `Subject'?
     hold = []
     ret = []
     skip = false
-    regexp = /^Subject: /
     while line = body.shift
       case line.toeuc
       when /^$/
         hold << "\n"
-      when regexp
-        skip = true
+      when /^(subject|from): /i
+        skip = $1.downcase
         ret += hold
         hold = [line]
       when /^\s/                # continued line
         hold << line
-        if skip then
+        if skip=="subject"
           sj = hold.join.toeuc.sub("Subject: ", "").gsub(tag, "").strip
           sj.gsub!(removeregexp, "")
           sj = sj.sub(/^(re: *)+/i, "Re: ").gsub("\n", "")
           ret << "Subject: "+NKF.nkf('-jM', tag+" "+sj).strip+"\n"
+        elsif skip=="from" && fromhack.is_a?(String)
+          from = hold.join.toeuc.sub(/From: */i, "").strip
+          email, comment = parseaddress(from)
+          ret << "From: "+rewritefrom(email, comment, fromhack)+"\n"
           ret += hold
@@ -2642,6 +2705,7 @@
       from = sprintf("%s <%s>", nick, @params['user'])
       body = @params['body'].gsub("\r", "").untaint
+    fromhack = @sc.getgroupattr(name, 'fromhack')
     mldir = "ml/"+name
     prefix = (@opt['mailprefix'] || "")
     dash = prefix > '' ? "-" : ""
@@ -2654,9 +2718,13 @@
       gsub("%n", Regexp.quote(nickname(name))).
       gsub("%i", Regexp.quote(name)).
       gsub(/%(\d*)c/, '\d+')
+    tagre =
     subj = sjtag.strip+" "+subj.gsub(, "")
     if viamail then
-      body = tagify_subj(STDIN.readlines, sjtag,
+      body = tagify_subj(STDIN.readlines, sjtag, tagre,
+                         fromhack ? to : nil).join
+    elsif fromhack
+      from = rewritefrom(@params['user'], nick, to)
     header = {
       "Reply-to" => to,
@@ -2898,7 +2966,7 @@
     @O.print \
     @H.elementln("form", {'action'=>@myname+"?-groupmod", 'method'=>'POST'}){
       @H.elementln("table", {'border'=>'1', 'vertical-align'=>'top'}){
-	grmap.collect{|g, ghash|
+	grmap.sort.collect{|g, ghash|
           memberp = @sc.ismember(user, g)
 	    @H.element("td", @sc.isadmin(user, g) ? admclass : nil){
@@ -2923,16 +2991,18 @@"groupadd-#{g}", "no", "OUT", !memberp)
 	    } + \
-              memlist = ghash['members']
-              if memberp        # move this user to the beginning of list
-                memlist.delete(user)
-                memlist.unshift(user)
-              end
-              memlist.collect{|u|
-                @sc.nickname(u) + \
-                ((u == user) ? ("("+@H.text("mail4-#{g}", memberp, 30, 80)+")") : "")
-	      }.join(", ")
-	    } + \
+              @H.element("div", {'class'=>'memlist5'}){
+                memlist = ghash['members']
+                if memberp        # move this user to the beginning of list
+                  memlist.delete(user)
+                  memlist.unshift(user)
+                end
+                memlist.collect{|u|
+                  @sc.nickname(u) + \
+                  ((u == user) ? ("("+@H.text("mail4-#{g}", memberp, 30, 80)+")") : "")
+                }.join(", ")
+              }
+            } + \
               @H.a(@myname+"?-listdraft+#{g}", msg('sendall'))
@@ -3077,7 +3147,8 @@
 	  @H.text("gname", '') + "\n"
       end + \
-      @H.elementln("table", {'border'=>'1'}){
+      @H.elementln("div", {'class'=>'memlist'}){
+       @H.elementln("table", {'border'=>'1'}){
 	  @H.element("th"){msg('join')} + \
 	  @H.element("th"){msg('administrator')} + \
@@ -3134,7 +3205,10 @@
+       }
       } + "<br>\n" + \
+      @H.checkbox("fromhack", "yes", msg('fromhack'),
+                  @sc.getgroupattr(group, 'fromhack')) + "<br>\n" + \
     } # form
     @O.print @H.p(@H.element("span", warnclass){"(*)"}+
@@ -3329,6 +3403,18 @@
     end # groups
+    # Change parameter(s)
+    # To be more generic...
+    fhsetp = (@params['fromhack'] && /^yes/i =~ @params['fromhack'])
+    cusetp = (@sc.getgroupattr(group, 'fromhack')!=nil)
+    if  cusetp ^ fhsetp
+      @sc.putgroupattr(group, 'fromhack', @params['fromhack'])
+      @O.print @H.elementln("p") {
+        putLog(sprintf("%s[fromhack] -&gt; %s",
+                       group, @params['fromhack'].inspect))
+      }
+      somethingdone = true
+    end
     unless somethingdone
       # @O.print @H.p(msg('nothingtodo'))
@@ -3353,7 +3439,7 @@
     @sc.creategroup(newgroup, newgname, [user]) &&
       putLog("New group '#{newgroup}'(#{newgname}) created\n")
-    admgroup(newgroup)
+    admgroupsub()