windows-el / revive.el
@yuuji yuuji on 1 Apr 1998 32 KB FSF's Address fixed
;;; -*- Emacs-Lisp -*-
;;; <plaintext>
;;; revive.el(renamed from resume.el): Resume Emacs.
;;; (c ) 1994-1997 by HIROSE Yuuji []
;;; $Id$
;;; Last modified Wed Apr  1 12:51:39 1998 on crx

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Software Foundation Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
;; 02111-1307, USA.

;;;[[[   NOTICE 注意 NOTICE 注意 NOTICE 注意 NOTICE 注意 NOTICE 注意   ]]]
;;;	If you are using `windows.el', you can omit the settings of
;;;	define-key and autoload.
;;;	windows.elを普段使っている場合は revive.el のためのキーの割り当
;;;	てもautoloadの設定もする必要がありません。
;;;		Resume Emacs:		revive.el
;;;[What is `revive'?]
;;;	  Revive.el  saves current editing  status including  the window
;;;	splitting   configuration,   which   can't   be   recovered   by
;;;	`desktop.el' nor by `saveconf.el', into a file  and reconstructs
;;;	that status correctly.
;;;	  Put revive.el into your elisp  directory included in load-path
;;;	and write the next expressions.
;;;	  (autoload 'save-current-configuration "revive" "Save status" t)
;;;	  (autoload 'resume "revive" "Resume Emacs" t)
;;;	  (autoload 'wipe "revive" "Wipe Emacs" t)
;;;	And define favorite keys to those functions.  Here is a sample.
;;;	  (define-key ctl-x-map "S" 'save-current-configuration)
;;;	  (define-key ctl-x-map "F" 'resume)
;;;	  (define-key ctl-x-map "K" 'wipe)
;;;[How to use]
;;;	 Call `save-current-configuration' (`C-x S' if you define key as
;;;	above) when  you want to   save current editing status  and call
;;;	`resume' to restore it.  Numerical prefix  arg to them specifies
;;;	the buffer number in which the editing status will be saved.
;;;		[Sample Operations]
;;;		C-u 2 C-x S		;save status into the buffer #2
;;;		C-u 3 C-x F		;load status from the buffer #3
;;;[Save Variables]
;;;	  Revive.el can save global or local variables.  The default
;;;	variables to be saved are in revive:save-variables-global-default
;;;	and revive:save-variables-local-default.  If you want to save other
;;;	global/local variables, define them in
;;;	revive:save-variables-global-private or
;;;	revive:save-variables-local-private in a form of a list.  If you
;;;	are using `gmhist', the next expression in ~/.emacs is useful.
;;;		(setq revive:save-variables-global-private
;;;		      '(file-history buffer-history minibuffer-history))
;;;[Restoring abnormal buffers]
;;;	  The variable revive:major-mode-command-alist-default holds the
;;;	list of  major-mode  name  vs.   command  name.   For  example,
;;;	mh-rmail  command sees the directory ~/Mail/inbox/ and sets  the
;;;	major-mode  to  'mh-folder-mode.   And  gnus  command  sets  the
;;;	major-mode to  'gnus-Group-mode.   If  you want to define  other
;;;	relations between major-mode and command,  set the user variable
;;;	revive:major-mode-command-alist-private as follows:
;;;		(setq revive:major-mode-command-alist-private
;;;		  '((your-own-mode	. your-own)
;;;		    (foo-mode		. foo)
;;;		    ("*Hanoi*"		. hanoi)
;;;	it tells revive.el to execute the corresponding command when the
;;;	saved configuration has the buffer with that major-mode. To know
;;;	the major-mode of a certain buffer, type `M-ESC' and `major-mode
;;;	CR'.   And as  you  see above, buffer-name  string  can be  used
;;;	instead of major-mode symbol.
;;;	  For  other  special modes that  cannot be resumed by executing
;;;	certain function,  define a function to resume and declare it in
;;;	the  variable revive:major-mode-command-alist-private.  In  that
;;;	function, the following values are available.
;;;		(revive:prop-file-name x)	;file name
;;;		(revive:prop-buffer-name x)	;buffer name
;;;		(revive:prop-major-mode x)	;major-mode
;;;		(revive:prop-point x)		;(point)
;;;		(revive:prop-mark x)		;(mark)
;;;		(revive:prop-varlist x)		;list of pairs of (var . val)
;;;[For programmers]
;;;	  This program provides two powerful functions:
;;;		* current-window-configuration-printable
;;;		* restore-window-configuration
;;;	When you want to save a screen your program manages into a file,
;;;	and  restore  it,  save  the  return  value  of  current-window-
;;;	configuration-printable, and read and give it to restore-window-
;;;	configuration.
;;;	*Sample*
;;;	;;To save
;;;	(insert (prin1-to-string (current-window-configuration-printable)))
;;;	;;To restore
;;;	(restore-window-configuration (read (current-buffer)))
;;;	Since set-window-configuration cannot set the configuration of
;;;	other frame, the program as below should be useful.
;;;	*Sample*
;;;	(defun frame-copy-configuration (nth)
;;;	  "Copy confinguration of current frame to NTH next frame."
;;;	  (let ((config (current-window-configuration-printable)))
;;;	    (other-frame nth)
;;;	    (restore-window-configuration config)))
;;;	  This program is distributed as a free  software. The author is
;;;	not responsible  for  any  possible   defects   caused  by  this
;;;	software.
;;;	  Comments  and bug   reports  are welcome. Don't  hesitated  to
;;;	report.  My possible e-mail address is following.
;;; Japanese Document follows:
;;;	  revive.el を使うと、Emacs 使用時の状態をファイルにセーブして、
;;;	次回 Emacs を起動する時にその状態に復帰することができます。もち
;;;	ろんウィンドウの分割状態も復元されるので saveconf や desktop で
;;;	いらいらしていた人にもお勧めです。
;;;	  revive.el を load-path の通ったディレクトリに入れ、~/.emacs に
;;;	以下の記述を入れてください。
;;;	  (autoload 'save-current-configuration "revive" "Save status" t)
;;;	  (autoload 'resume "revive" "Resume Emacs" t)
;;;	  (autoload 'wipe "revive" "Wipe emacs" t)
;;;	そして上の関数を好きなキーに割り当ててください。以下は例です。
;;;	  (define-key ctl-x-map "S" 'save-current-configuration)
;;;	  (define-key ctl-x-map "F" 'resume)
;;;	  (define-key ctl-x-map "K" 'wipe)
;;;	  上の define-key をした場合には、C-x S で現在の編集状態をセーブ
;;;	することができます。save-current-configuration 関数に数引数をつ
;;;	けると複数の状態を別々にセーブできます。「C-u 2 C-x S」とすると2
;;;	番のバッファに現状をセーブできます。これをロードする時も同様に
;;;	「C-u 2 C-x F」とタイプすると2番のバッファから状態をロードします。
;;;	  変数の値もセーブしておくことができます。デフォルトでセーブする 
;;;	global 変数は revive:save-variables-global-default に、local 変
;;;	数は revive:save-variables-local-default に定義されています。ほ
;;;	かの変数も保存したい場合は、revive:save-variables-global-private 
;;;	に global 変数名を、revive:save-variables-local-private に local 
;;;	変数名をそれぞれリストの形で定義しておきます。例えば gmhist を使っ
;;;	ている場合には、
;;;		(setq revive:save-variables-global-private
;;;		      '(file-history buffer-history minibuffer-history))
;;;	などと ~/.emacs に書いておくと快適でしょう。
;;;	  mh-rmail ではカレントバッファが mh-folder-mode, gnus ではカレ
;;;	ントバッファが gnus-Group-mode になります。この対応関係は、変数 
;;;	revive:major-mode-command-alist-default に書かれています。この変
;;;	数に登録されている以外のものを定義したい場合は、
;;;		(setq revive:major-mode-command-alist-private
;;;		  '((hogehoge-mode	. hoge)
;;;		    (herohero-mode	. herohero)
;;;		    ("タイプ&メニュー"	. trr)))
;;;	のように revive:major-mode-command-alist-private の値を設定する
;;;	と次回 resume した時に自動的に対応するコマンドが起動されます。ま
;;;	た上の例にあるように、major-mode(シンボル)の代わりに buffer-name
;;;	(文字列)を指定することもできます。
;;;	  また、SKKの辞書のようにリジュームするとうまく動かなくなってし
;;;	まうバッファがある場合は、変数 revive:ignore-buffer-pattern にそ
;;;	のバッファ名がマッチするような正規表現を設定してください。
;;;	  英語版ドキュメント [For programmers] の項を参照してください。
;;;	  最初は resume というファイル名だったのですが、Emacs 19 のディ
;;;	レクトリに resume.el というファイルがあってショックを受けました。
;;;	こちらはコマンドラインで何回 emacs と打っても、既に起動している 
;;;	emacs にファイルを渡すというだけの(ピーー)プログラムで「どこが 
;;;	resume やねん」と言いたくなりましたが我慢して revive.el にリネー
;;;	ムしました。ああまったく、saveconf でも desktop でもなし得なかっ
;;;	たウィンドウ分割状態の復元をサポートしたと言うのに…、なんてこと
;;;	は英語版には書けないな:-)。
;;;	  このプログラムは、フリーソフトウェアといたします。このプログラ
;;;	ムを使用して生じたいかなる結果に対しても作者は一切の責任を負わな
;;;	いものといたしますが、コメントやバグレポートは大いに歓迎いたしま
;;;	す。お気軽にご連絡下さい。連絡は以下のアドレスまでお願いいたしま
;;;	す(1995/3現在)。

(defconst revive:version
  "Version of revive.el")

(defconst revive:version-prefix ";;;")

(defvar revive:emacs-19 (string< "18" (substring emacs-version 0 2)))
(defun revive:window-edges (&optional window)
  "Borrowed from tapestry.el"
  (if (fboundp 'window-pixel-edges)
      (let ((edges (window-pixel-edges window))
        (setq tmp edges)
        (setcar tmp (/ (car tmp) (face-width 'default)))
        (setq tmp (cdr tmp))
        (setcar tmp (/ (car tmp) (face-height 'default)))
        (setq tmp (cdr tmp))
        (setcar tmp (/ (car tmp) (face-width 'default)))
        (setq tmp (cdr tmp))
        (setcar tmp (/ (car tmp) (face-height 'default)))
    (window-edges window)))

(defun revive:minx () 0)
(defun revive:miny ()
  (if revive:emacs-19
      (car (cdr (revive:window-edges (frame-first-window nil))))

(defun revive:window-list ()
  "Return the all window list in sorted order."
  (let*((curwin (selected-window)) (win curwin) wlist)
    (if (null
	 (catch 'found
	   (while t
	     (if (and (= (revive:minx) (car (revive:window-edges win)))
		      (= (revive:miny) (car (cdr (revive:window-edges win)))))
		 (throw 'found t))
	     (if (eq (setq win (next-window win)) curwin)
		 (throw 'found nil)))))
	(error "Unexpected window configuration."))
    (setq curwin win wlist (list win))
    (while (not (eq curwin (setq win (next-window win))))
      (setq wlist (append wlist (list win)))) ;use append to preserve order

(defun revive:window-buffer-list ()
  "Return the all shown buffer list.
Each element consists of '(buffer-file-name window-start point)"
  (let ((curw (selected-window))(wlist (revive:window-list)) wblist)
      (while wlist
	(select-window (car wlist))
	(set-buffer (window-buffer (car wlist))) ;for Emacs 19
	(setq wblist
	      (append wblist
		      (list (list
			     (if (and (fboundp 'abbreviate-file-name)
				 (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name))
	      wlist (cdr wlist)))
      (select-window curw)

(defun revive:all-window-edges ()
  "Return the all windows edges by list."
  (let ((wlist (revive:window-list)) edges)
    (while wlist
      (setq edges (append edges (list (revive:window-edges (car wlist))))
	    wlist (cdr wlist)))

(defun revive:select-window-by-edge (x y)
  "Select window whose north west corner is (X, Y).
If the matching window is not found, select the nearest window."
  (let*((curwin (selected-window)) (win (next-window curwin)) edges
	s2 (min 99999) minwin)
     (catch 'found
       (while t
	 (setq edges (revive:window-edges win)
	       s2 (+ (* (- (car edges) x) (- (car edges) x))
		     (* (- (nth 1 edges) y) (- (nth 1 edges) y))))
	  ((= s2 0)
	   (select-window win)
	   (throw 'found t))
	  ((< s2 min)
	   (setq min s2 minwin win)))
	 (if (eq win curwin) (throw 'found nil)) ;select the nearest window
	 (setq win (next-window win))))
     (select-window minwin)))

(defun revive:split-window-safe (window size &optional hor-flag)
  "Same as split-window but avoids error."
   (min (max (if hor-flag window-min-width window-min-height) size)
	(if hor-flag (- (screen-width) window-min-width 1)
	  (- (screen-height) window-min-height 1)))

(defun revive:restore-winconf (x1 y1 x2 y2 edges)
  "Restore partial window configuration.
Assume (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2) as diagonal corners of partial window.
EDGES is a list of sub-windows' edges."
  (let*((topwin (car edges)) (width (- x2 x1)) (height (- y2 y1))
	right lower)
     ((= (length edges) 1) nil)		;nothing to do.

     ;;if the top window has the same width as whole frame.
     ;; +---------+
     ;; |top      |
     ;; +-----+---+
     ;; |2    |3  |
     ;; +-----+---+
     ((= width (- (nth 2 topwin) (car topwin)))
      (setq lower (cdr edges))
      (revive:select-window-by-edge x1 y1)
      (revive:split-window-safe nil (- (nth 3 topwin) (nth 1 topwin)))
       (car (car lower)) (nth 1 (car lower)) x2 y2 lower))

     ;;if the top window has the same height as whole frame.
     ;; +-----+---+
     ;; |top  |2  |
     ;; |     +---+
     ;; |     |3  |
     ;; +-----+---+
     ((= height (- (nth 3 topwin) (nth 1 topwin)))
      (setq right (cdr edges))
      (revive:select-window-by-edge x1 y1)
      (revive:split-window-safe nil (- (nth 2 topwin) (car topwin)) t)
       (car (car right)) (nth 1 (car right)) x2 y2 right))

     ;;These two cases above are specialized solution of below for speed.

     ;;general cases.
     ;; +------+--+  Detect whether window is mainly divided vertically or
     ;; |top   |2 |  horizontally.  And call this function recursively on
     ;; +---+--+--+  former (that is, upper half in vertical division or
     ;; |3  |4..  |  left half in horizontal) and latter configuration.
     ;; +---+-----+  
      (let ((flist (list topwin))
	    (elist (cdr edges)) divwin div-x div-y former latter)
	(while elist
	  (if (or (and (= x1 (car (car elist)))
		       (not (eq (car divwin) x1)))
		  (and (= y1 (nth 1 (car elist)))
		       (not (eq (nth 1 divwin) y1))))
	      (setq divwin (car elist)
		    former flist
		    latter elist))
	  (setq flist (append flist (list (car elist))))
	  (setq elist (cdr elist)))
	(setq div-x (car divwin) div-y (nth 1 divwin))
	 ((= x1 (car divwin))	;Mainly divided vertically
	  (revive:select-window-by-edge x1 y1)
	  (revive:split-window-safe nil (- div-y y1))
	  (revive:restore-winconf x1 y1 x2 div-y former)
	  (revive:restore-winconf x1 div-y x2 y2 latter)
	  (message "=="))
	 ((= y1 (nth 1 divwin))
	  (revive:select-window-by-edge x1 y1)
	  (revive:split-window-safe nil (- div-x x1) t)
	  (revive:restore-winconf x1 y1 div-x y2 former)
	  (revive:restore-winconf div-x y1 x2 y2 latter)
	  (message "||"))
	 (t (message "dame!"))))

(defvar revive:major-mode-command-alist-default
  '((gnus-Group-mode	. gnus)
    (gnus-group-mode	. gnus)		;version 4.x or later
    (mh-folder-mode	. revive:mh)
    (mew-summary-mode	. revive:mew)
    (shell-mode		. revive:shell)
    (sokoban-mode	. sokoban)
    (dired-mode		. revive:dired)
    (view-mode		. revive:view)
    (Info-mode		. info)
  "Default alist of major-mode vs. command name.")
(defvar revive:major-mode-command-alist-private nil
  "*User defined revive:major-mode-command-alist")
(defvar revive:major-mode-command-alist nil
  "*Alist of major-mode vs. commandname.")
(setq revive:major-mode-command-alist
      (append revive:major-mode-command-alist-private

(defvar revive:save-variables-global-default
    make-backup-files version-control
  "Default list of global variables to save.")
(defvar revive:save-variables-global-private nil
  "*User defined list of the global variables to save.")
(defvar revive:save-variables-global nil
  "*List of global variables to save.")
(setq revive:save-variables-global
      (append revive:save-variables-global-private

(defvar revive:save-variables-local-default
    truncate-lines fill-column fill-prefix case-fold-search default-directory
  "Default list of the local variables to save.")
(defvar revive:save-variables-local-private nil
  "*User defined list of the local variables to save.")

(defvar revive:save-variables-mode-local-default
  '((dired-mode dired-actual-switches)
    (yatex-mode YaTeX-math-mode YaTeX-modify-mode YaTeX-parent-file))
  "Default list of the mode specific local variables to save.
Actually, revive doesn't make the buffer local variables assuming
those variable have already localized by their major mode.")
(defvar revive:save-variables-mode-local-private
  '((dired-mode dired-actual-switches)
    (yatex-mode YaTeX-math-mode YaTeX-modify-mode))
  "*User defined list of the mode specific local variables to save.")

(defvar revive:configuration-file
  (if (eq system-type 'ms-dos) "~/_revive.el" "~/.revive.el")
  "*File to save window configuration")

(defvar revive:ignore-buffer-pattern "^ \\*"
  "*Regexp of buffer names revive should ignore.")

(defun revive:normalize-edges (width height edgelist)
  "Normalize all coordinates for current screen size.
'(WIDTH, HEIGHT) is old screen size and EDGELIST is a list of
  (let (normalized (curw (screen-width)) (curh (screen-height)) e n)
    (if (and (equal curw width) (equal curh height))
      (while edgelist
	(setq e (car edgelist)
	      n (list (/ (+ (* curw (nth 0 e)) (/ width 2)) width)
		      (/ (+ (* curh (nth 1 e)) (/ height 2)) height)
		      (/ (+ (* curw (nth 2 e)) (/ width 2)) width)
		      (/ (+ (* curh (nth 3 e)) (/ height 2)) height))
	      normalized (append normalized (list n))
	      edgelist (cdr edgelist)))

(defun construct-window-configuration (edgelist)
  "Restore window configuration by EDGELIST.  EDGELIST should be sorted."
  (revive:restore-winconf (revive:minx) (revive:miny)
			  (screen-width) (1- (screen-height)) edgelist)

(defun current-window-configuration-printable ()
  "Return the printable current-window-configuration.
This configuration will be stored by restore-window-configuration.
Returned configurations are list of:
'(Screen-Width Screen-Height Edge-List Buffer-List)

Edge-List is a return value of revive:all-window-edges, list of all
window-edges whose first member is always of north west window.

Buffer-List is a list of buffer property list of all windows.  This
property lists are stored in order corresponding to Edge-List.  Buffer
property list is formed as
'((buffer-file-name) (buffer-name) (point) (window-start)).
  (let ((curwin (selected-window))
	(wlist (revive:window-list)) (edges (revive:all-window-edges)) buflist)
      (while wlist
	(select-window (car wlist))
	;should set buffer on Emacs 19
	(set-buffer (window-buffer (car wlist)))
	(setq buflist
	      (append buflist (list (list
				     (if (and
					  (fboundp 'abbreviate-file-name))
	      wlist (cdr wlist)))
      (select-window curwin)
      (list (screen-width) (screen-height) edges buflist)))

(defmacro revive:get-file (x)
  (list 'car x))
(defmacro revive:get-buffer (x)
  (list 'nth 1 x))
(defmacro revive:get-point (x)
  (list 'nth 2 x))
(defmacro revive:get-window-start (x)
  (list 'nth 3 x))

(defun revive:find-file (file)
  "Make the best effort to find-file FILE."
   ((or (null file) (not (stringp file))) nil)
   ((file-exists-p file) (find-file file) (current-buffer))
   ((string-match ":" file)		;maybe ange-ftp's external file
    (if (progn (load "ange-ftp" t) (featurep 'ange-ftp))
	(progn (condition-case err
		   (find-file file)
		  (message "Can't remote file `%s'" file)
		  (condition-case err2	;give a user one more chance.
		      (find-file file)
		    (ftp-error (error "Maybe you made mistake twice.")))))
   (t nil)

(defun restore-window-configuration (config)
  "Restore the window configuration.
Configuration CONFIG should be created by
  (let ((width (car config)) (height (nth 1 config))
	(edges (nth 2 config)) (buflist (nth 3 config)) buf)
    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))
    (setq edges (revive:normalize-edges width height edges))
    (construct-window-configuration edges)
    (revive:select-window-by-edge (revive:minx) (revive:miny))
    (while buflist
      (setq buf (car buflist))
       ((and (revive:get-buffer buf)
	     (get-buffer (revive:get-buffer buf)))
	(switch-to-buffer (revive:get-buffer buf))
	(goto-char (revive:get-window-start buf)) ;to prevent high-bit missing
	(set-window-start nil (point))
	(goto-char (revive:get-point buf)))
       ((and (stringp (revive:get-file buf))
	     (not (file-directory-p (revive:get-file buf)))
	     (revive:find-file (revive:get-file buf)))
	(set-window-start nil (revive:get-window-start buf))
	(goto-char (revive:get-point buf))))
      (setq buflist (cdr buflist))
      (other-window 1)))

(defun revive:buffer-list ()
  (delq nil
	(mapcar (function
		 (lambda (b)
		   (if (string-match
			(buffer-name b)) nil

(defun wipe ()
  "Wipe Emacs."
  (mapcar (function kill-buffer) (revive:buffer-list))

(defun revive:varlist (var2save)
  "Return the (variable . value) list of variables in VAR2SAVE."
  (delq nil (mapcar 
	     (function (lambda (s)
			 (if (and s (boundp s)) (cons s (symbol-value s)))))

(defun revive:map-string-match (string alist)
  "Return sub-list if a car component of list in ALIST matches STRING.
That car component is regexp."
  (let (regex)
    (catch 'match
      (while alist
	(setq regex (car (car alist)))
	(if (and regex
		 (stringp regex)
		 (string-match (car (car alist)) string))
	    (throw 'match t))
	(setq alist (cdr alist)))))

(defvar revive:buffer-property-list-hook nil
  "*Evaluated at the beginning of revive:buffer-property-list.")
(defun revive:buffer-property-list ()
  "Return buffers property list.
Returned list is a form of: '(Buffer-List Variable-List).
Buffer-List is a list as
'((buffer-file-name) (buffer-name) major-mode (point) (mark)).
Variable-List is a return value of revive:varlist."
  (let ((buflist (revive:buffer-list)) plist
	(local-var (append revive:save-variables-local-default
	(mode-local-var (append revive:save-variables-mode-local-default
      (run-hooks 'revive:buffer-property-list-hook)
      (while buflist
	(set-buffer (car buflist))
	(if (or (assq major-mode revive:major-mode-command-alist)
		 (buffer-name) revive:major-mode-command-alist)
		(if (and (fboundp 'abbreviate-file-name) (buffer-file-name))
		    (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name))
	    (setq plist
		     (if (and (fboundp 'abbreviate-file-name)
			 (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name))
		     (if revive:emacs-19 (mark t) (mark))
		      (append local-var (assq major-mode mode-local-var)))
	(setq buflist (cdr buflist))))
    (list plist (revive:varlist revive:save-variables-global)))
(defmacro revive:prop-file-name (x)
  (list 'car x))
(defmacro revive:prop-buffer-name (x)
  (list 'nth 1 x))
(defmacro revive:prop-major-mode (x)
  (list 'nth 2 x))
(defmacro revive:prop-point (x)
  (list 'nth 3 x))
(defmacro revive:prop-mark (x)
  (list 'nth 4 x))
(defmacro revive:prop-varlist (x)
  (list 'nth 5 x))

(defun save-current-configuration (&optional num)
  "Save current window/buffer configuration into configuration file."
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((bufs (revive:buffer-property-list))
	(config (current-window-configuration-printable)))
     (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name revive:configuration-file)))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (and (search-forward revive:version-prefix nil t)
	 (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (kill-line 1))
    (insert (format "%s%s\n" revive:version-prefix revive:version))
    (setq num (or num 1))
    (if (re-search-forward (format "^(%d" num) nil t)
	(progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
	       (kill-sexp 1) (delete-char 1))
      (goto-char (point-max)))
    (if (not (bolp)) (newline 1))
    (insert (format "%s\n" (prin1-to-string (list num bufs config))))
    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))

(defun revive:restore-value (vlist)
  "Restore variables in VLIST which is a return value of revive:varlist."
  (while vlist
    (if (and (car vlist) (listp (car vlist)))
	(set (car (car vlist)) (cdr (car vlist))))
    (setq vlist (cdr vlist)))

(defvar revive:restore-buffers-hook nil
  "*Run at the end of revive:restore-buffers.")
(defun revive:restore-buffers (buflist)
  "Restore all buffers in BUFLIST which is from revive:buffer-property-list."
  (let ((blist (car buflist)) x command success
	(mmc-alist revive:major-mode-command-alist))
    (revive:restore-value (car (cdr buflist)))
    (while blist
      (setq x (car blist) success nil)
      (if (setq command (or (assq (revive:prop-major-mode x) mmc-alist)
			    (assoc (revive:prop-buffer-name x) mmc-alist)))
	  (condition-case err
	      (let ((noninteractive nil))
		(if (fboundp (cdr command))
		      (call-interactively (cdr command))
		      (setq success t))))
	    ;;(funcall (cdr command))
	    (error (message "%s: %s." (cdr command) err) (sit-for 1)))
	(if (revive:find-file (revive:prop-file-name x))
	      (if (and (not (eq (revive:prop-major-mode x) major-mode))
		       (fboundp (revive:prop-major-mode x)))
		  (if (commandp (revive:prop-major-mode x))
		      (call-interactively (revive:prop-major-mode x))
		    (funcall (revive:prop-major-mode x))))
	      (setq success t)
	(if (not (string= (revive:prop-buffer-name x) (buffer-name)))
	    (rename-buffer (revive:prop-buffer-name x)))
	(set-mark (revive:prop-mark x))
	(goto-char (revive:prop-point x))
	(revive:restore-value (revive:prop-varlist x))))
      (setq blist (cdr blist)))
    (run-hooks 'revive:restore-buffers-hook))

(defvar resume-hook nil "*Run at the end of resume.")
(defun resume (&optional num)
  "Resume window/buffer configuration.
Configuration should be saved by save-current-configuration."
  (interactive "p")
  (setq num (or num 1))
  (let (sexp bufs x config)
    (find-file (expand-file-name revive:configuration-file))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (if (null (search-forward revive:version-prefix nil t))
	(error "Configuration file collapsed."))
    (if (and (not (string= revive:version
			    (prog2 (end-of-line) (point)))))
	      "Configuration file's version conflicts. Continue?"))
	(error "Configuration file is old.  Please update."))
    (if (null (re-search-forward (format "^(%d" num) nil t))
	(error "Configuration empty."))
    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
    (setq sexp (read (current-buffer))
	  bufs (nth 1 sexp)
	  config (nth 2 sexp))
    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
    (revive:restore-buffers bufs)
    (restore-window-configuration config)
    (run-hooks 'resume-hook))

;; Special functions (Each functions should be an interactive one)
(defun revive:dired ()
  "Restore dired buffer referring the variable x of revive:restore-buffers."
  (let ((find-file-run-dired t)
	(dir (cdr (assq 'default-directory (revive:prop-varlist x)))))
    (if (and (stringp dir) (file-directory-p dir))
	  (dired dir
		 (cdr (assq 'dired-actual-switches (revive:prop-varlist x))))
	  (setq default-directory dir)
	  (cd dir))
      (error "Directory [%s] not found" dir)))
(defun revive:view ()
  "Restore view-mode's buffer."
  (require 'view)
  (if (fboundp 'view-exit) (view-file (revive:prop-file-name x))
    (if (get 'revive:view 'warning)
	(concat "** out of use - " (revive:prop-file-name x) " **")))
	"Skip view-modes' buffer since your view.el may use recursive-edit."))
      (kill-buffer nil)
      (put 'revive:view 'warning t)
      (sit-for 5)))
(defun revive:mh ()
  "Restore mh-e's buffer."
  (require 'mh-e)
  (require 'mh-utils)
  (get-buffer-create " *mh-temp*")
  (mh-visit-folder (revive:prop-buffer-name x) "all")
  (setq buffer-file-name (revive:prop-file-name x)
	(or (cdr (assq 'default-directory (revive:prop-varlist x)))
  (cd default-directory)
(defun revive:mew ()
  "Restore mew's summary buffer."
  (require 'mew)
  (set-buffer (get-buffer-create (revive:prop-buffer-name x)))
  (setq default-directory
	(or (cdr (assq 'default-directory (revive:prop-varlist x)))
  (or (and (boundp 'mew-path) mew-path)
      (and (fboundp 'mew-init) (let (mew-demo) (mew-init))))
  (mew-cache-flush)			;Mew should take more care of 
  (get-buffer-create " *mew tmp*")	;unexisting buffer...
  (mew-summary-folder-create (revive:prop-buffer-name x))
(defun revive:shell ()
  "Restore shell-mode's buffer."
  (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *tmp*"))
  (let ((default-directory
	  (or (cdr (assq 'default-directory (revive:prop-varlist x)))
    (cd default-directory)
    (kill-buffer " *tmp*"))
;;(provide 'resume)
(provide 'revive)

;; $Id$
;; $Log$
;; Revision 2.13  1998/04/01 03:52:08  yuuji
;; FSF's Address fixed
;; Revision 2.12  1997/11/29 13:19:33  yuuji
;; XEmacs support
;; Revision 2.11  1997/10/16 16:13:25  yuuji
;; for Emacs-20
;; Revision 2.10  1997/01/27 04:05:17  yuuji
;; revive:split-window-safe fixed
;; mew support fixed again
;; Revision 2.9  1997/01/17 05:33:59  yuuji
;; fix for mew (" *mew tmp*")
; Revision 2.8  1997/01/17  03:06:10  yuuji
; Support mew
; Revision 2.7  1995/07/13  01:36:10  yuuji
; Correct document.
; Abbriviate file (directory) name of revive file if possible.
; GNUS v4.x revivable.
; Revive functions for 'mh and 'shell are available.
; Revision 2.6  1995/01/23  11:12:08  yuuji
; revive:ignore-buffer-pattern added
; Revision 2.5  1994/12/18  09:18:00  yuuji
; Fixed the bug of revive:split-window-safe.
; Revision 2.4  1994/11/19  17:50:06  yuuji
; Add revive:save-variables-mode-local-*.
; Revision 2.3  1994/09/26  17:17:15  yuuji
; Fix the bug in counting menu-bar-lines.
; Revision 2.2  1994/06/06  07:55:05  yuuji
; Support remote file opened with ange-ftp.
; Revision 2.1  1994/03/07  08:24:31  yuuji
; Fix the recovery of dired-mode buffer.
; Revision 2.0  1994/02/21  07:08:15  yuuji
; Initial version as `revive.el'.
; Revision 1.5  1994/02/17  08:48:41  yuuji
; Add `wipe'.
; Revision 1.4  1994/02/09  12:41:40  yuuji
; Check nil for file-exists-p.
; Revision 1.3  1994/02/09  10:57:49  yuuji
; Resume dired.
; Revision 1.2  1994/02/07  12:40:23  yuuji
; Add saving of global variables.
; Revision 1.1  1994/02/05  07:55:11  yuuji
; Initial revision
; Local variables:
; fill-prefix: ";;;	"
; paragraph-start: "^$\\|\\|;;;$"
; paragraph-separate: "^$\\|\\|;;;$"
; End: