AegisforEcosystem / node_modules / leaflet / src / layer / vector / Path.js
@KAOKA Daisuke KAOKA Daisuke on 26 Jan 2022 4 KB upd
import {Layer} from '../Layer';
import * as Util from '../../core/Util';

 * @class Path
 * @aka L.Path
 * @inherits Interactive layer
 * An abstract class that contains options and constants shared between vector
 * overlays (Polygon, Polyline, Circle). Do not use it directly. Extends `Layer`.

export var Path = Layer.extend({

	// @section
	// @aka Path options
	options: {
		// @option stroke: Boolean = true
		// Whether to draw stroke along the path. Set it to `false` to disable borders on polygons or circles.
		stroke: true,

		// @option color: String = '#3388ff'
		// Stroke color
		color: '#3388ff',

		// @option weight: Number = 3
		// Stroke width in pixels
		weight: 3,

		// @option opacity: Number = 1.0
		// Stroke opacity
		opacity: 1,

		// @option lineCap: String= 'round'
		// A string that defines [shape to be used at the end]( of the stroke.
		lineCap: 'round',

		// @option lineJoin: String = 'round'
		// A string that defines [shape to be used at the corners]( of the stroke.
		lineJoin: 'round',

		// @option dashArray: String = null
		// A string that defines the stroke [dash pattern]( Doesn't work on `Canvas`-powered layers in [some old browsers](
		dashArray: null,

		// @option dashOffset: String = null
		// A string that defines the [distance into the dash pattern to start the dash]( Doesn't work on `Canvas`-powered layers in [some old browsers](
		dashOffset: null,

		// @option fill: Boolean = depends
		// Whether to fill the path with color. Set it to `false` to disable filling on polygons or circles.
		fill: false,

		// @option fillColor: String = *
		// Fill color. Defaults to the value of the [`color`](#path-color) option
		fillColor: null,

		// @option fillOpacity: Number = 0.2
		// Fill opacity.
		fillOpacity: 0.2,

		// @option fillRule: String = 'evenodd'
		// A string that defines [how the inside of a shape]( is determined.
		fillRule: 'evenodd',

		// className: '',

		// Option inherited from "Interactive layer" abstract class
		interactive: true,

		// @option bubblingMouseEvents: Boolean = true
		// When `true`, a mouse event on this path will trigger the same event on the map
		// (unless [`L.DomEvent.stopPropagation`](#domevent-stoppropagation) is used).
		bubblingMouseEvents: true

	beforeAdd: function (map) {
		// Renderer is set here because we need to call renderer.getEvents
		// before this.getEvents.
		this._renderer = map.getRenderer(this);

	onAdd: function () {

	onRemove: function () {

	// @method redraw(): this
	// Redraws the layer. Sometimes useful after you changed the coordinates that the path uses.
	redraw: function () {
		if (this._map) {
		return this;

	// @method setStyle(style: Path options): this
	// Changes the appearance of a Path based on the options in the `Path options` object.
	setStyle: function (style) {
		Util.setOptions(this, style);
		if (this._renderer) {
			if (this.options.stroke && style &&, 'weight')) {
		return this;

	// @method bringToFront(): this
	// Brings the layer to the top of all path layers.
	bringToFront: function () {
		if (this._renderer) {
		return this;

	// @method bringToBack(): this
	// Brings the layer to the bottom of all path layers.
	bringToBack: function () {
		if (this._renderer) {
		return this;

	getElement: function () {
		return this._path;

	_reset: function () {
		// defined in child classes

	_clickTolerance: function () {
		// used when doing hit detection for Canvas layers
		return (this.options.stroke ? this.options.weight / 2 : 0) + this._renderer.options.tolerance;