AegisforEcosystem / node_modules / leaflet / src / layer / marker / Marker.js
@KAOKA Daisuke KAOKA Daisuke on 26 Jan 2022 9 KB upd
import {Layer} from '../Layer';
import {IconDefault} from './Icon.Default';
import * as Util from '../../core/Util';
import {toLatLng as latLng} from '../../geo/LatLng';
import * as DomUtil from '../../dom/DomUtil';
import {MarkerDrag} from './Marker.Drag';

 * @class Marker
 * @inherits Interactive layer
 * @aka L.Marker
 * L.Marker is used to display clickable/draggable icons on the map. Extends `Layer`.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * L.marker([50.5, 30.5]).addTo(map);
 * ```

export var Marker = Layer.extend({

	// @section
	// @aka Marker options
	options: {
		// @option icon: Icon = *
		// Icon instance to use for rendering the marker.
		// See [Icon documentation](#L.Icon) for details on how to customize the marker icon.
		// If not specified, a common instance of `L.Icon.Default` is used.
		icon: new IconDefault(),

		// Option inherited from "Interactive layer" abstract class
		interactive: true,

		// @option keyboard: Boolean = true
		// Whether the marker can be tabbed to with a keyboard and clicked by pressing enter.
		keyboard: true,

		// @option title: String = ''
		// Text for the browser tooltip that appear on marker hover (no tooltip by default).
		title: '',

		// @option alt: String = ''
		// Text for the `alt` attribute of the icon image (useful for accessibility).
		alt: '',

		// @option zIndexOffset: Number = 0
		// By default, marker images zIndex is set automatically based on its latitude. Use this option if you want to put the marker on top of all others (or below), specifying a high value like `1000` (or high negative value, respectively).
		zIndexOffset: 0,

		// @option opacity: Number = 1.0
		// The opacity of the marker.
		opacity: 1,

		// @option riseOnHover: Boolean = false
		// If `true`, the marker will get on top of others when you hover the mouse over it.
		riseOnHover: false,

		// @option riseOffset: Number = 250
		// The z-index offset used for the `riseOnHover` feature.
		riseOffset: 250,

		// @option pane: String = 'markerPane'
		// `Map pane` where the markers icon will be added.
		pane: 'markerPane',

		// @option shadowPane: String = 'shadowPane'
		// `Map pane` where the markers shadow will be added.
		shadowPane: 'shadowPane',

		// @option bubblingMouseEvents: Boolean = false
		// When `true`, a mouse event on this marker will trigger the same event on the map
		// (unless [`L.DomEvent.stopPropagation`](#domevent-stoppropagation) is used).
		bubblingMouseEvents: false,

		// @section Draggable marker options
		// @option draggable: Boolean = false
		// Whether the marker is draggable with mouse/touch or not.
		draggable: false,

		// @option autoPan: Boolean = false
		// Whether to pan the map when dragging this marker near its edge or not.
		autoPan: false,

		// @option autoPanPadding: Point = Point(50, 50)
		// Distance (in pixels to the left/right and to the top/bottom) of the
		// map edge to start panning the map.
		autoPanPadding: [50, 50],

		// @option autoPanSpeed: Number = 10
		// Number of pixels the map should pan by.
		autoPanSpeed: 10

	/* @section
	 * In addition to [shared layer methods](#Layer) like `addTo()` and `remove()` and [popup methods](#Popup) like bindPopup() you can also use the following methods:

	initialize: function (latlng, options) {
		Util.setOptions(this, options);
		this._latlng = latLng(latlng);

	onAdd: function (map) {
		this._zoomAnimated = this._zoomAnimated && map.options.markerZoomAnimation;

		if (this._zoomAnimated) {
			map.on('zoomanim', this._animateZoom, this);


	onRemove: function (map) {
		if (this.dragging && this.dragging.enabled()) {
			this.options.draggable = true;
		delete this.dragging;

		if (this._zoomAnimated) {'zoomanim', this._animateZoom, this);


	getEvents: function () {
		return {
			zoom: this.update,
			viewreset: this.update

	// @method getLatLng: LatLng
	// Returns the current geographical position of the marker.
	getLatLng: function () {
		return this._latlng;

	// @method setLatLng(latlng: LatLng): this
	// Changes the marker position to the given point.
	setLatLng: function (latlng) {
		var oldLatLng = this._latlng;
		this._latlng = latLng(latlng);

		// @event move: Event
		// Fired when the marker is moved via [`setLatLng`](#marker-setlatlng) or by [dragging](#marker-dragging). Old and new coordinates are included in event arguments as `oldLatLng`, `latlng`.
		return'move', {oldLatLng: oldLatLng, latlng: this._latlng});

	// @method setZIndexOffset(offset: Number): this
	// Changes the [zIndex offset](#marker-zindexoffset) of the marker.
	setZIndexOffset: function (offset) {
		this.options.zIndexOffset = offset;
		return this.update();

	// @method getIcon: Icon
	// Returns the current icon used by the marker
	getIcon: function () {
		return this.options.icon;

	// @method setIcon(icon: Icon): this
	// Changes the marker icon.
	setIcon: function (icon) {

		this.options.icon = icon;

		if (this._map) {

		if (this._popup) {
			this.bindPopup(this._popup, this._popup.options);

		return this;

	getElement: function () {
		return this._icon;

	update: function () {

		if (this._icon && this._map) {
			var pos = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng).round();

		return this;

	_initIcon: function () {
		var options = this.options,
		    classToAdd = 'leaflet-zoom-' + (this._zoomAnimated ? 'animated' : 'hide');

		var icon = options.icon.createIcon(this._icon),
		    addIcon = false;

		// if we're not reusing the icon, remove the old one and init new one
		if (icon !== this._icon) {
			if (this._icon) {
			addIcon = true;

			if (options.title) {
				icon.title = options.title;

			if (icon.tagName === 'IMG') {
				icon.alt = options.alt || '';

		DomUtil.addClass(icon, classToAdd);

		if (options.keyboard) {
			icon.tabIndex = '0';

		this._icon = icon;

		if (options.riseOnHover) {
				mouseover: this._bringToFront,
				mouseout: this._resetZIndex

		var newShadow = options.icon.createShadow(this._shadow),
		    addShadow = false;

		if (newShadow !== this._shadow) {
			addShadow = true;

		if (newShadow) {
			DomUtil.addClass(newShadow, classToAdd);
			newShadow.alt = '';
		this._shadow = newShadow;

		if (options.opacity < 1) {

		if (addIcon) {
		if (newShadow && addShadow) {

	_removeIcon: function () {
		if (this.options.riseOnHover) {{
				mouseover: this._bringToFront,
				mouseout: this._resetZIndex


		this._icon = null;

	_removeShadow: function () {
		if (this._shadow) {
		this._shadow = null;

	_setPos: function (pos) {

		if (this._icon) {
			DomUtil.setPosition(this._icon, pos);

		if (this._shadow) {
			DomUtil.setPosition(this._shadow, pos);

		this._zIndex = pos.y + this.options.zIndexOffset;


	_updateZIndex: function (offset) {
		if (this._icon) { = this._zIndex + offset;

	_animateZoom: function (opt) {
		var pos = this._map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(this._latlng, opt.zoom,;


	_initInteraction: function () {

		if (!this.options.interactive) { return; }

		DomUtil.addClass(this._icon, 'leaflet-interactive');


		if (MarkerDrag) {
			var draggable = this.options.draggable;
			if (this.dragging) {
				draggable = this.dragging.enabled();

			this.dragging = new MarkerDrag(this);

			if (draggable) {

	// @method setOpacity(opacity: Number): this
	// Changes the opacity of the marker.
	setOpacity: function (opacity) {
		this.options.opacity = opacity;
		if (this._map) {

		return this;

	_updateOpacity: function () {
		var opacity = this.options.opacity;

		if (this._icon) {
			DomUtil.setOpacity(this._icon, opacity);

		if (this._shadow) {
			DomUtil.setOpacity(this._shadow, opacity);

	_bringToFront: function () {

	_resetZIndex: function () {

	_getPopupAnchor: function () {
		return this.options.icon.options.popupAnchor;

	_getTooltipAnchor: function () {
		return this.options.icon.options.tooltipAnchor;

// factory L.marker(latlng: LatLng, options? : Marker options)

// @factory L.marker(latlng: LatLng, options? : Marker options)
// Instantiates a Marker object given a geographical point and optionally an options object.
export function marker(latlng, options) {
	return new Marker(latlng, options);