AegisforEcosystem / node_modules / leaflet / src / layer / marker / Icon.Default.js
@KAOKA Daisuke KAOKA Daisuke on 26 Jan 2022 1 KB upd
import {Icon} from './Icon';
import * as DomUtil from '../../dom/DomUtil';

 * @miniclass Icon.Default (Icon)
 * @aka L.Icon.Default
 * @section
 * A trivial subclass of `Icon`, represents the icon to use in `Marker`s when
 * no icon is specified. Points to the blue marker image distributed with Leaflet
 * releases.
 * In order to customize the default icon, just change the properties of `L.Icon.Default.prototype.options`
 * (which is a set of `Icon options`).
 * If you want to _completely_ replace the default icon, override the
 * `L.Marker.prototype.options.icon` with your own icon instead.

export var IconDefault = Icon.extend({

	options: {
		iconUrl:       'marker-icon.png',
		iconRetinaUrl: 'marker-icon-2x.png',
		shadowUrl:     'marker-shadow.png',
		iconSize:    [25, 41],
		iconAnchor:  [12, 41],
		popupAnchor: [1, -34],
		tooltipAnchor: [16, -28],
		shadowSize:  [41, 41]

	_getIconUrl: function (name) {
		if (!IconDefault.imagePath) {	// Deprecated, backwards-compatibility only
			IconDefault.imagePath = this._detectIconPath();

		// @option imagePath: String
		// `Icon.Default` will try to auto-detect the location of the
		// blue icon images. If you are placing these images in a non-standard
		// way, set this option to point to the right path.
		return (this.options.imagePath || IconDefault.imagePath) +, name);

	_detectIconPath: function () {
		var el = DomUtil.create('div',  'leaflet-default-icon-path', document.body);
		var path = DomUtil.getStyle(el, 'background-image') ||
		           DomUtil.getStyle(el, 'backgroundImage');	// IE8


		if (path === null || path.indexOf('url') !== 0) {
			path = '';
		} else {
			path = path.replace(/^url\(["']?/, '').replace(/marker-icon\.png["']?\)$/, '');

		return path;