AegisforEcosystem / node_modules / leaflet / src / layer / ImageOverlay.js
@KAOKA Daisuke KAOKA Daisuke on 26 Jan 2022 7 KB upd
import {Layer} from './Layer';
import * as Util from '../core/Util';
import {toLatLngBounds} from '../geo/LatLngBounds';
import {Bounds} from '../geometry/Bounds';
import * as DomUtil from '../dom/DomUtil';

 * @class ImageOverlay
 * @aka L.ImageOverlay
 * @inherits Interactive layer
 * Used to load and display a single image over specific bounds of the map. Extends `Layer`.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * var imageUrl = '',
 * 	imageBounds = [[40.712216, -74.22655], [40.773941, -74.12544]];
 * L.imageOverlay(imageUrl, imageBounds).addTo(map);
 * ```

export var ImageOverlay = Layer.extend({

	// @section
	// @aka ImageOverlay options
	options: {
		// @option opacity: Number = 1.0
		// The opacity of the image overlay.
		opacity: 1,

		// @option alt: String = ''
		// Text for the `alt` attribute of the image (useful for accessibility).
		alt: '',

		// @option interactive: Boolean = false
		// If `true`, the image overlay will emit [mouse events](#interactive-layer) when clicked or hovered.
		interactive: false,

		// @option crossOrigin: Boolean|String = false
		// Whether the crossOrigin attribute will be added to the image.
		// If a String is provided, the image will have its crossOrigin attribute set to the String provided. This is needed if you want to access image pixel data.
		// Refer to [CORS Settings]( for valid String values.
		crossOrigin: false,

		// @option errorOverlayUrl: String = ''
		// URL to the overlay image to show in place of the overlay that failed to load.
		errorOverlayUrl: '',

		// @option zIndex: Number = 1
		// The explicit [zIndex]( of the overlay layer.
		zIndex: 1,

		// @option className: String = ''
		// A custom class name to assign to the image. Empty by default.
		className: ''

	initialize: function (url, bounds, options) { // (String, LatLngBounds, Object)
		this._url = url;
		this._bounds = toLatLngBounds(bounds);

		Util.setOptions(this, options);

	onAdd: function () {
		if (!this._image) {

			if (this.options.opacity < 1) {

		if (this.options.interactive) {
			DomUtil.addClass(this._image, 'leaflet-interactive');


	onRemove: function () {
		if (this.options.interactive) {

	// @method setOpacity(opacity: Number): this
	// Sets the opacity of the overlay.
	setOpacity: function (opacity) {
		this.options.opacity = opacity;

		if (this._image) {
		return this;

	setStyle: function (styleOpts) {
		if (styleOpts.opacity) {
		return this;

	// @method bringToFront(): this
	// Brings the layer to the top of all overlays.
	bringToFront: function () {
		if (this._map) {
		return this;

	// @method bringToBack(): this
	// Brings the layer to the bottom of all overlays.
	bringToBack: function () {
		if (this._map) {
		return this;

	// @method setUrl(url: String): this
	// Changes the URL of the image.
	setUrl: function (url) {
		this._url = url;

		if (this._image) {
			this._image.src = url;
		return this;

	// @method setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): this
	// Update the bounds that this ImageOverlay covers
	setBounds: function (bounds) {
		this._bounds = toLatLngBounds(bounds);

		if (this._map) {
		return this;

	getEvents: function () {
		var events = {
			zoom: this._reset,
			viewreset: this._reset

		if (this._zoomAnimated) {
			events.zoomanim = this._animateZoom;

		return events;

	// @method setZIndex(value: Number): this
	// Changes the [zIndex](#imageoverlay-zindex) of the image overlay.
	setZIndex: function (value) {
		this.options.zIndex = value;
		return this;

	// @method getBounds(): LatLngBounds
	// Get the bounds that this ImageOverlay covers
	getBounds: function () {
		return this._bounds;

	// @method getElement(): HTMLElement
	// Returns the instance of [`HTMLImageElement`](
	// used by this overlay.
	getElement: function () {
		return this._image;

	_initImage: function () {
		var wasElementSupplied = this._url.tagName === 'IMG';
		var img = this._image = wasElementSupplied ? this._url : DomUtil.create('img');

		DomUtil.addClass(img, 'leaflet-image-layer');
		if (this._zoomAnimated) { DomUtil.addClass(img, 'leaflet-zoom-animated'); }
		if (this.options.className) { DomUtil.addClass(img, this.options.className); }

		img.onselectstart = Util.falseFn;
		img.onmousemove = Util.falseFn;

		// @event load: Event
		// Fired when the ImageOverlay layer has loaded its image
		img.onload = Util.bind(, this, 'load');
		img.onerror = Util.bind(this._overlayOnError, this, 'error');

		if (this.options.crossOrigin || this.options.crossOrigin === '') {
			img.crossOrigin = this.options.crossOrigin === true ? '' : this.options.crossOrigin;

		if (this.options.zIndex) {

		if (wasElementSupplied) {
			this._url = img.src;

		img.src = this._url;
		img.alt = this.options.alt;

	_animateZoom: function (e) {
		var scale = this._map.getZoomScale(e.zoom),
		    offset = this._map._latLngBoundsToNewLayerBounds(this._bounds, e.zoom,;

		DomUtil.setTransform(this._image, offset, scale);

	_reset: function () {
		var image = this._image,
		    bounds = new Bounds(
		    size = bounds.getSize();

		DomUtil.setPosition(image, bounds.min);  = size.x + 'px'; = size.y + 'px';

	_updateOpacity: function () {
		DomUtil.setOpacity(this._image, this.options.opacity);

	_updateZIndex: function () {
		if (this._image && this.options.zIndex !== undefined && this.options.zIndex !== null) { = this.options.zIndex;

	_overlayOnError: function () {
		// @event error: Event
		// Fired when the ImageOverlay layer fails to load its image'error');

		var errorUrl = this.options.errorOverlayUrl;
		if (errorUrl && this._url !== errorUrl) {
			this._url = errorUrl;
			this._image.src = errorUrl;

// @factory L.imageOverlay(imageUrl: String, bounds: LatLngBounds, options?: ImageOverlay options)
// Instantiates an image overlay object given the URL of the image and the
// geographical bounds it is tied to.
export var imageOverlay = function (url, bounds, options) {
	return new ImageOverlay(url, bounds, options);