diff --git a/koki/asahisub.html b/koki/asahisub.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d39e511 --- /dev/null +++ b/koki/asahisub.html @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + +



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+ + + diff --git a/koki/asahisub.js b/koki/asahisub.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aa70e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/koki/asahisub.js @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* 朝日中央地区: LatLng(38.671707, 139.795534), LatLng(38.572461, 139.880335) */ +document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { + var bounds = [[38.672624, 139.768734], [38.562711, 139.914402]]; + var komisen = [[38.613491, 139.834304],[38.609797, 139.838132]]; + var center = [38.617121, 139.8417]; + var inizoom = 13; + var infobox = document.getElementById("info"); + var mymapL = L.map("leftmap").setView(center, inizoom); + L.tileLayer('//{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { + attribution: + '© OpenStreetMap contributors' + }).addTo(mymapL); + mymapL.on('contextmenu', (e) => { + // alert(e.latlng); + let b=mymapL.getBounds(), + b1=b.getNorthWest(), b2=b.getSouthEast(); + infobox.innerText = `${e.latlng}, bound=${b1}, ${b2}`; + }); + var mymapR = L.map("rightmap").setView(center, inizoom); + // LatLng(38.903357, 139.813385), LatLng(38.878639, 139.834585) + var leftBounds = mymapL.getBounds(); + // L.imageOverlay("image/asahi.png",bounds).addTo(mymapR); + // L.imageOverlay("image/asahi-chuo2.jpg", leftBounds).addTo(mymapR); + mymapR.setMaxBounds(bounds); + function syncmap(srcmap, destmap) { // mapをlatLng中心にする + var z=srcmap.getZoom(), c=srcmap.getCenter() + destmap.setZoom(z); destmap.setView(c); + //infobox.innerText = `Center: ${c}, zm=${z}`; + } + + var gpsmarker = L.marker(mymapL.getCenter()).addTo(mymapL); + gpsmarker.bindPopup("START").openPopup(); + var geticon = L.icon({iconUrl:"image/Yellow.png",iconSize:[40,41],iconAnchor:[10,41],popupAnchor:[3,-40]}); + var gpsmarkerR = L.marker(mymapR.getCenter()).addTo(mymapR); + + var nTrial = 10; + var watchId = null; + + let titen =[]; + let marker =[]; + let judge = []; + let comment =[]; + var csvfile = "asahi.csv"; + var point = [],pos = 0; + var tmp = []; + var info = []; + var stampimg=[]; + + function putValues(row){ + for (let key of Object.keys(row)){ + } + } + function init(){ + fetch(csvfile). + then((resp)=>{ + if (resp.ok) return resp.text(); + }).then((txt) => { + let csv = new CSV(txt,{header:true}).parse(); + for (let x of csv){ + putValues(x); + let p = L.latLng(x.lat,x.lng); + titen.push(p); + comment.push(x.comment); + info.push(x.info); + stampimg.push(x.stamp); + marker.push(L.marker(p).bindPopup(x.name).addTo(mymapR)); + var elem = document.createElement('img'); + elem.id = `image${pos}`; + elem.src = 'image/img.png'; + var stamp = document.getElementById('stamp'); + stamp.appendChild(elem); + pos += 1; + } + });; + } + init(); + + + function stopGPS() { + console.log("watchId="+watchId); + if (watchId != null) { + navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId); + gpsmarker.setPopupContent("停止"); + } + watchId = null; + } + function tryWatchGPS() { + stopGPS(); + watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition( + onSuccess,onError,{ + maximumAge: 0, timeout: 3000, enableHighAccuracy: true}); + } + + function onSuccess(pos) { + var latlng = L.latLng([pos.coords.latitude, pos.coords.longitude]); + mymapL.panTo(latlng); + console.log(latlng); + gpsmarker.setLatLng(latlng).setPopupContent( + "lat="+latlng.lat+",lng="+latlng.lng+"です" + ).openPopup(); + gpsmarkerR.setLatLng(latlng); + judgeimage(komisen); + for (var i in titen){ + if (latlng.distanceTo(titen[i]) < 50){ + if (!judge[i]){ + judge[i] = true; + alert("スタンプゲット!!!"); + let img = document.getElementById(`image${i}`); + img.src = stampimg[i]; + marker[i].setIcon(geticon).setPopupContent(comment[i]); + + } + } + } + } + function onError(err) { + restN = "あと"+(--nTrial)+"回試行します"; + gpsmarker.setPopupContent("補足失敗:"+restN).openPopup(); + if (nTrial <= 0) { + navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId); + } + } + + + mymapL.options.singleClickTimeout = 250; + mymapL.on('singleclick', function(e) { + if (true) { + latlng = L.latLng(e.latlng); + gpsmarker.setLatLng(e.latlng).setPopupContent( + "lat="+latlng.lat+",lng="+latlng.lng+"" + ).openPopup(); + gpsmarkerR.setLatLng(e.latlng); + } + for (var a in komisen){ + if (latlng.distanceTo(komisen[a]) < 200){ + L.imageOverlay("image/commcen.png", komisen).addTo(mymapR); + } + } + for (var i in titen) { + if (latlng.distanceTo(titen[i]) < 50) { + if (!judge[i]){ + judge[i] = true; + let img = document.getElementById(`image${i}`); + img.src = stampimg[i]; + alert("スタンプゲット!!!"); + marker[i].setIcon(geticon).setPopupContent(comment[i]); + } + } + } + }) + + function clickListener(e) { + for (var a in info){ + let target = document.getElementById(`image${i}`); + let elem = document.getElementById(info); + target.addEventListener('click', () => { + elem.innerText = info[a]; + },false) + } + } + mymapL.on('zoomend', (e) => {syncmap(mymapL, mymapR);}); + mymapL.on('moveend', (e) => {syncmap(mymapL, mymapR);}); + document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("click", tryWatchGPS); + document.getElementById("stop").addEventListener("click", stopGPS); +});