reroad-test / 2020-fuga / aframe-master / tests / core / component.test.js
@fuga sakurai fuga sakurai on 4 Nov 2020 40 KB a-フレームを追加した
/* global AFRAME, assert, process, suite, teardown, test, setup, sinon, HTMLElement, HTMLHeadElement */
var Component = require('core/component');
var components = require('index').components;

var helpers = require('../helpers');
var registerComponent = require('index').registerComponent;

var CloneComponent = {
  init: function () {
    var object3D = this.el.object3D;
    var clone = object3D.clone();
    clone.uuid = 'Bubble Fett';
var entityFactory = helpers.entityFactory;

suite('Component', function () {
  suite('standard components', function () {
    test('are registered', function () {
      assert.ok('geometry' in components);
      assert.ok('material' in components);
      assert.ok('light' in components);
      assert.ok('position' in components);
      assert.ok('rotation' in components);
      assert.ok('scale' in components);

  suite('buildData', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;

    test('uses default values', function () {
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {default: 'blue'},
          size: {default: 5}
      const el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      const data = el.components.dummy.buildData({}, null);
      assert.equal(data.color, 'blue');
      assert.equal(data.size, 5);

    test('uses default values for single-property schema', function () {
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {default: 'blue'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      var data = el.components.dummy.buildData(undefined, null);
      assert.equal(data, 'blue');

    test('preserves type of default values', function () {
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          list: {default: [1, 2, 3, 4]},
          none: {default: null},
          string: {default: ''}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      var data = el.components.dummy.buildData(undefined, null);
      assert.shallowDeepEqual(data.list, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
      assert.equal(data.none, null);
      assert.equal(data.string, '');

    test('uses mixin values', function () {
      var data;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {default: 'red'},
          size: {default: 5}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var mixinEl = document.createElement('a-mixin');
      mixinEl.setAttribute('dummy', 'color: blue; size: 10');
      el.mixinEls = [mixinEl];
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      data = el.components.dummy.buildData({}, null);
      assert.equal(data.color, 'blue');
      assert.equal(data.size, 10);

    test('uses mixin values for single-property schema', function () {
      var data;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          default: 'red'
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var mixinEl = document.createElement('a-mixin');
      mixinEl.setAttribute('dummy', 'blue');
      el.mixinEls = [mixinEl];
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      data = el.components.dummy.buildData(undefined, null);
      assert.equal(data, 'blue');

    test('uses defined values', function () {
      var data;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {default: 'red'},
          size: {default: 5}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var mixinEl = document.createElement('a-mixin');

      mixinEl.setAttribute('dummy', 'color: blue; size: 10');
      el.mixinEls = [mixinEl];
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      data = el.components.dummy.buildData({color: 'green', size: 20}, 'color: green; size: 20');
      assert.equal(data.color, 'green');
      assert.equal(data.size, 20);

    test('uses defined values for single-property schema', function () {
      var data;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {default: 'red'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var mixinEl = document.createElement('a-mixin');
      mixinEl.setAttribute('dummy', 'blue');
      el.mixinEls = [mixinEl];
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      data = el.components.dummy.buildData('green', 'green');
      assert.equal(data, 'green');

    test('returns default for single-prop schema when attr is empty string', function () {
      var data;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {default: 'red'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      data = el.components.dummy.buildData('red');
      assert.equal(data, 'red');

    test('multiple vec3 properties do not share same default value object', function (done) {
      var data;
      var el = entityFactory();
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          direction: {type: 'vec3'},
          position: {type: 'vec3'}
      el.addEventListener('loaded', function () {
        el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
        data = el.getAttribute('dummy');
        assert.notEqual(data.direction, data.position);

    test('boolean properties are preserved when updating the component data', function () {
      var data;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          depthTest: {default: true},
          color: {default: 'red'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', {color: 'blue', depthTest: false});
      data = el.components.dummy.buildData({color: 'red'});
      assert.equal(data.depthTest, false);
      assert.equal(data.color, 'red');

    test('returns data for single-prop if default is null', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      registerComponent('test', {
        schema: {default: null}
      el.setAttribute('test', '');
      assert.equal(el.components.test.buildData(), null);
      assert.equal(el.components.test.buildData(null), null);
      assert.equal(el.components.test.buildData('foo'), 'foo');

    test('returns data for multi-prop if default is null with previousData', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      registerComponent('test', {
        schema: {
          foo: {default: null}
      el.setAttribute('test', '');
      el.components.test.attrValue = {foo: null};
      assert.equal(el.components.test.buildData().foo, null);
      assert.equal(el.components.test.buildData({foo: null}).foo, null);
      assert.equal(el.components.test.buildData({foo: 'foo'}).foo, 'foo');

    test('clones array property type', function () {
      var array = ['a'];
      var data;
      var el;
      registerComponent('test', {schema: {default: array}});
      el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('test', '');
      data = el.components.test.buildData();
      assert.equal(data[0], 'a');
      assert.notEqual(data, array);

    test('does not override set data with mixin', function (done) {
      var el;
      var mixinEl;

      el = helpers.entityFactory();

      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {default: 'blue'},
          size: {default: 5}

      mixinEl = document.createElement('a-mixin');
      mixinEl.setAttribute('id', 'mixindummy');
      mixinEl.setAttribute('dummy', 'size: 1');

      el.addEventListener('loaded', () => {
        el.setAttribute('mixin', 'mixindummy');
        el.setAttribute('dummy', 'size', 20);
        el.setAttribute('dummy', 'color', 'red');
        assert.equal(el.getAttribute('dummy').color, 'red');
        assert.equal(el.getAttribute('dummy').size, 20);

    test('copies data correctly for single-prop object-based with string input', done => {
      registerComponent('test', {
        schema: {
          default: {},
          parse: function (value) {
            return value;

      helpers.elFactory().then(el => {
        el.setAttribute('test', 'foo');
        el.setAttribute('test', 'bar');
        assert.equal(, 'bar');

    test('handles single-property selector type', function (done) {
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {type: 'selector'}

      helpers.elFactory().then(el => {
        el.setAttribute('dummy', 'a-entity');

  suite('updateProperties', function () {
    var el;

    setup(function () {
      el = entityFactory();
      components.dummy = undefined;

    test('emits componentchanged for multi-prop', function (done) {
      el.setAttribute('material', 'color: red');
      el.addEventListener('componentchanged', function (evt) {
        if ( !== 'material') { return; }
        assert.equal(, 'material');
        assert.equal(el.getAttribute('material').color, 'blue');
        assert.ok('id' in evt.detail);
      setTimeout(() => {
        el.setAttribute('material', 'color: blue');

    test('emits componentchanged for single-prop', function (done) {
      el.setAttribute('position', {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0});
      el.addEventListener('componentchanged', function (evt) {
        if ( !== 'position') { return; }
        assert.shallowDeepEqual(el.getAttribute('position'), {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});
        assert.equal(, 'position');
        assert.ok('id' in evt.detail);
      setTimeout(() => {
        el.setAttribute('position', {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});

    test('does not emit componentchanged for multi-prop if not changed', function (done) {
      function componentChanged (evt) {
        if ( !== 'material') { return; }
        el.removeEventListener('componentchanged', componentChanged);
        // Should not reach here.
        assert.equal(true, false, 'Component should not have emitted changed.');

      function componentInitialized (evt) {
        if ( !== 'material') { return; }
        el.addEventListener('componentchanged', componentChanged);
        el.setAttribute('material', 'color', 'red');

      el.addEventListener('componentinitialized', componentInitialized);
      el.setAttribute('material', 'color', 'red');

      // Have `done()` race with the failing assertion in the event handler.
      setTimeout(() => {
        el.removeEventListener('componentchanged', componentChanged);
        el.removeEventListener('componentinitialized', componentInitialized);
      }, 100);

    test('does not update for multi-prop if not changed', function (done) {
      var spy = this.sinon.spy();

      AFRAME.registerComponent('test', {
        schema: {
          foo: {type: 'string'},
          bar: {type: 'string'}

        update: function () {

      el.addEventListener('loaded', () => {
        el.setAttribute('test', {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'});
        el.setAttribute('test', {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'});
        el.setAttribute('test', {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'});
        assert.equal(spy.getCalls().length, 1);

    test('does not update for multi-prop if not changed using same object', function (done) {
      var data = {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'};
      var spy = this.sinon.spy();

      AFRAME.registerComponent('test', {
        schema: {
          foo: {type: 'string'},
          bar: {type: 'string'}

        update: function () {

      el.addEventListener('loaded', () => {
        el.setAttribute('test', data);
        el.setAttribute('test', data);
        el.setAttribute('test', data);
        assert.equal(spy.getCalls().length, 1);

    test('does not emit componentchanged for single-prop if not changed', function (done) {
      function componentInitialized (evt) {
        if ( !== 'visible') { return; }
        el.addEventListener('componentchanged', componentChanged);
        el.setAttribute('visible', false);

      function componentChanged (evt) {
        if ( !== 'visible') { return; }
        // Should not reach here.
        assert.equal(true, false, 'Component should not have emitted changed.');

      el.addEventListener('componentinitialized', componentInitialized);
      el.setAttribute('visible', false);

      // Have `done()` race with the failing assertion in the event handler.
      setTimeout(() => {
        el.removeEventListener('componentinitialized', componentInitialized);
        el.removeEventListener('componentchanged', componentChanged);
      }, 100);

    test('does not emit componentchanged for value if not changed', function (done) {
      el.addEventListener('componentinitialized', function (evt) {
        if ( !== 'visible') { return; }

        el.addEventListener('componentchanged', function (evt) {
          if ( !== 'visible') { return; }
          // Should not reach here.
          assert.equal(true, false, 'Component should not have emitted changed.');

        // Update.
        el.setAttribute('visible', false);

        // Have `done()` race with the failing assertion in the event handler.
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 100);
      // Initialization.
      el.setAttribute('visible', false);

    test('emits componentinitialized', function (done) {
      el.addEventListener('componentinitialized', function (evt) {
        if ( !== 'material') { return; }
        assert.ok('id' in evt.detail);
        assert.equal(, 'material');
      el.setAttribute('material', '');

    test('does not clone selector property default into data', function (done) {
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {type: 'selector', default: document.body}

      helpers.elFactory().then(el => {
        el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
        assert.equal(, el.components.dummy.schema.default);
        el.setAttribute('dummy', 'head');
        assert.notEqual(, el.components.dummy.schema.default);

    test('clones plain object schema default into data', function () {
      var el;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {type: 'vec3', default: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}}
      el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.hasLoaded = true;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '2 2 2');
      assert.notEqual(, el.components.dummy.schema.default);
      assert.deepEqual(, {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});

    test('does not clone properties from attrValue into data that are not plain objects', function () {
      var el;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {default: 'blue'},
          direction: {type: 'vec3'},
          el: {type: 'selector', default: 'body'}
      el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.hasLoaded = true;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');

    test('does not clone props from attrValue into data that are not plain objects', function () {
      var attrValue;
      var el;
      var data;

      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {type: 'string'},
          direction: {type: 'vec3'},
          el: {type: 'selector', default: 'body'}

      el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.hasLoaded = true;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');

      // Direction property preserved across updateProperties calls but cloned into a different
      // object.
        color: 'green',
        direction: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1},
        el: document.head
        color: 'red',
        el: document.head
      data = el.getAttribute('dummy');
      attrValue = el.components.dummy.attrValue;
      assert.notEqual(data, attrValue);
      assert.equal(data.color, attrValue.color);
      // HTMLElement not cloned in attrValue, reference is shared instead.
      assert.equal(data.el, attrValue.el);
      assert.equal(data.el.constructor, HTMLHeadElement);
      assert.deepEqual(data.direction, {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
      assert.deepEqual(attrValue.direction, {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});

        color: 'red',
        direction: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
      data = el.getAttribute('dummy');
      // HTMLElement not cloned in attrValue, reference is shared instead.
      assert.equal(data.el.constructor, HTMLHeadElement);
      assert.equal(data.el, el.components.dummy.attrValue.el);

    test('updates data when combining setAttribute and object3D manipulation', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.hasLoaded = true;
      el.setAttribute('position', '3 3 3');
      assert.equal(3, el.object3D.position.x);
      assert.equal(3, el.object3D.position.y);
      assert.equal(3, el.object3D.position.z);
      el.object3D.position.set(5, 5, 5);
      assert.equal(5, el.object3D.position.x);
      assert.equal(5, el.object3D.position.y);
      assert.equal(5, el.object3D.position.z);
      el.setAttribute('position', '3 3 3');
      assert.equal(3, el.object3D.position.x);
      assert.equal(3, el.object3D.position.y);
      assert.equal(3, el.object3D.position.z);

  suite('resetProperty', function () {
    var el;

    setup(function (done) {
      el = entityFactory();
      el.addEventListener('loaded', () => { done(); });

    test('resets property to default value', function () {
      AFRAME.registerComponent('test', {
        schema: {
          bar: {default: 5},
          foo: {default: 5}
      el.setAttribute('test', {bar: 10, foo: 10});
      assert.equal(el.getAttribute('test').bar, 5);
      assert.equal(el.getAttribute('test').foo, 10);

    test('resets property to default value for single-prop', function () {
      AFRAME.registerComponent('test', {
        schema: {default: 5}
      el.setAttribute('test', 10);
      assert.equal(el.getAttribute('test'), 5);

  suite('third-party components', function () {
    var el;
    setup(function () {
      el = entityFactory();
      delete components.clone;

    test('can be registered', function () {
      assert.notOk('clone' in components);
      registerComponent('clone', CloneComponent);
      assert.ok('clone' in components);

    test('can change behavior of entity', function (done) {
      registerComponent('clone', CloneComponent);

      el.addEventListener('loaded', function () {
        assert.notOk('clone' in el.components);
        el.setAttribute('clone', '');
        assert.ok('clone' in el.components);
        assert.equal(el.object3D.children[0].uuid, 'Bubble Fett');

    test('cannot be registered if it uses the character __ in the name', function () {
      assert.notOk('my__component' in components);
      assert.throws(function register () {
        registerComponent('my__component', CloneComponent);
      }, Error);
      assert.notOk('my__component' in components);

    test('can have underscore in component id', function () {
      AFRAME.registerComponent('test', {multiple: true});
      el.setAttribute('test__foo__bar', '');
      assert.equal(el.components['test__foo__bar'].id, 'foo__bar');

  suite('schema', function () {
    test('can be accessed', function () {

  suite('parse', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;

    test('parses single value component', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {default: '0 0 1', type: 'vec3'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      var componentObj = component.parse('1 2 3');
      assert.deepEqual(componentObj, {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});

    test('parses component properties vec3', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          position: {type: 'vec3', default: '0 0 1'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      var componentObj = component.parse({position: '0 1 0'});
      assert.deepEqual(componentObj.position, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 0});

  suite('parseAttrValueForCache', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;

    test('parses single value component', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {default: '0 0 1', type: 'vec3'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      var componentObj = component.parseAttrValueForCache('1 2 3');
      assert.deepEqual(componentObj, {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});

    test('parses component using the style parser for a complex schema', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          position: {type: 'vec3', default: '0 0 1'},
          color: {default: 'red'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      var componentObj = component.parseAttrValueForCache({position: '0 1 0', color: 'red'});
      assert.deepEqual(componentObj, {position: '0 1 0', color: 'red'});

    test('does not parse properties that parse to another string', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          url: {type: 'src', default: ''}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      var componentObj = component.parseAttrValueForCache({url: 'url('});
      assert.equal(componentObj.url, 'url(');

  suite('stringify', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;

    test('stringifies single value component', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {default: '0 0 1', type: 'vec3'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      var componentString = component.stringify({x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});
      assert.deepEqual(componentString, '1 2 3');

    test('stringifies component property vec3', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          position: {type: 'vec3', default: '0 0 1'}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      var componentObj = {position: {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}};
      var componentString = component.stringify(componentObj);
      assert.equal(componentString, 'position: 1 2 3');

  suite('extendSchema', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;

    test('extends the schema', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var component = new TestComponent(el);
      component.extendSchema({size: {default: 5}});

  suite('updateProperties', function () {
    setup(function (done) {
      var el = this.el = entityFactory();
      components.dummy = undefined;
      if (el.hasLoaded) { done(); }
      el.addEventListener('loaded', function () { done(); });

    test('updates the schema of a component', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}},
        updateSchema: function (data) {
          this.extendSchema({energy: {default: 100}});
      var component = new TestComponent(this.el);
      assert.equal(component.schema.color.default, 'red');
      assert.equal(, 100);
      assert.equal(, 'red');

    test('updates the properties with the new value', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}}
      var component = new TestComponent(this.el);
      assert.equal(, 'red');

    test('updates the properties with a null value', function () {
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}}
      var component = new TestComponent(this.el);
      component.updateProperties({color: 'blue'});
      assert.equal(, 'blue');

  suite('init', function () {
    setup(function (done) {
      components.dummy = undefined;
      var el = this.el = entityFactory();
      if (el.hasLoaded) { done(); }
      el.addEventListener('loaded', function () { done(); });

    test('init is called once if the init routine sets the component', function () {
      var initCanaryStub = sinon.stub();
      var el = this.el;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}},
        init: function () {
          this.el.setAttribute('dummy', {color: 'green'});
        initCanary: initCanaryStub
      el.setAttribute('dummy', {color: 'blue'});
      assert.equal(el.getAttribute('dummy').color, 'green');

  suite('update', function () {
    setup(function (done) {
      components.dummy = undefined;
      var el = this.el = entityFactory();
      if (el.hasLoaded) { done(); }
      el.addEventListener('loaded', function () { done(); });

    test('not called if component data does not change', function () {
      var updateStub = sinon.stub();
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}}
      var component = new TestComponent(this.el);
      component.update = updateStub;
      component.updateProperties({color: 'blue'});
      component.updateProperties({color: 'blue'});

    test('supports array properties', function () {
      var updateStub = sinon.stub();
      var TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {list: {default: ['a']}}
      var component = new TestComponent(this.el);
      component.update = updateStub;
      component.updateProperties({list: ['b']});
      component.updateProperties({list: ['b']});

    test('emit componentchanged when update calls setAttribute', function (done) {
      var component;
      var TestComponent;
      TestComponent = registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}},
        update: function () { this.el.setAttribute('dummy', 'color', 'blue'); }
      this.el.addEventListener('componentchanged', evt => {
        assert.equal(, 'dummy');
        assert.equal(this.el.getAttribute('dummy').color, 'blue');
      component = new TestComponent(this.el);
      assert.equal(, 'blue');

    test('makes oldData empty object on first call when single property component with an object as default initializes', function () {
      var updateStub = sinon.stub();
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {type: 'vec3'},
        update: updateStub
      this.el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      // old Data passed to the update method
      assert.deepEqual(updateStub.getCalls()[0].args[0], {});

    test('makes oldData empty object on first call when multiple property component initializes', function () {
      var updateStub = sinon.stub();
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {default: 'red'},
          size: {default: 0}
        update: updateStub
      this.el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      // old Data passed to the update method
      assert.deepEqual(updateStub.getCalls()[0].args[0], {});

    test('oldData is undefined on the first call when a single property component initializes', function () {
      var updateStub = sinon.stub();
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {default: 0},
        update: updateStub
      this.el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      // old Data passed to the update method
      assert.equal(updateStub.getCalls()[0].args[0], undefined);

    test('called when modifying component with value returned from getAttribute', function () {
      var el = this.el;
      var direction;
      var updateStub = sinon.stub();
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {type: 'vec3', default: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}},
        update: updateStub
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      direction = el.getAttribute('dummy');
      assert.deepEqual(direction, {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
      direction.x += 1;
      direction.y += 1;
      direction.z += 1;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', direction);
      // oldData passed to the update method.
      assert.equal(updateStub.getCalls()[0].args[0].x, undefined);
      assert.equal(updateStub.getCalls()[0].args[0].y, undefined);
      assert.equal(updateStub.getCalls()[0].args[0].z, undefined);
      assert.deepEqual(updateStub.getCalls()[1].args[0], {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
      assert.deepEqual(, {x: 2, y: 2, z: 2});

    test('properly passes oldData and data properly on recursive calls to setAttribute', function () {
      var el = this.el;
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {
          color: {default: 'red'},
          size: {default: 0}
        update: function (oldData) {
          if ( === 'red') {
            this.el.setAttribute('dummy', 'color', 'blue');
          if (oldData.color === 'red') {
            this.el.setAttribute('dummy', 'color', 'green');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', 'color: red');
      assert.equal(el.getAttribute('dummy').color, 'green');

  suite('flushToDOM', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;

    test('updates component DOM attribute', function () {
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}}
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', {color: 'blue'});
      assert.equal(, 'dummy'), '');
      assert.equal(, 'dummy'), 'color: blue');

    test('init and update are not called for a not loaded entity', function () {
      var updateStub = sinon.stub();
      var initStub = sinon.stub();
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}},
        init: initStub,
        update: updateStub
      el.setAttribute('dummy', {color: 'blue'});
      assert.equal(, 'dummy'), '');
      assert.equal(, 'dummy'), 'color: blue');

    test('flushes false boolean', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {isDurrr: {default: true}}
      el.setAttribute('dummy', {isDurrr: false});
      assert.equal(, 'dummy'), 'isDurrr: false');

  suite('play', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;
      var playStub = this.playStub = sinon.stub();
      registerComponent('dummy', {play: playStub});

    test('not called if entity is not playing', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var dummyComponent;
      el.isPlaying = false;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      dummyComponent = el.components.dummy;
      dummyComponent.initialized = true;;

    test('not called if component is not initialized', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.isPlaying = true;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');;

    test('not called if component is already playing', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var dummyComponent;
      el.isPlaying = true;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      dummyComponent = el.components.dummy;
      dummyComponent.initialized = true;;;

  suite('pause', function () {
    setup(function () {
      components.dummy = undefined;
      var pauseStub = this.pauseStub = sinon.stub();
      registerComponent('dummy', {
        schema: {color: {default: 'red'}},
        pause: pauseStub

    test('not called if component is not playing', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');

    test('called if component is playing', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var dummyComponent;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      el.isPlaying = true;
      dummyComponent = el.components.dummy;
      dummyComponent.initialized = true;
      dummyComponent.isPlaying = true;

    test('not called if component is already paused', function () {
      var el = document.createElement('a-entity');
      var dummyComponent;
      el.setAttribute('dummy', '');
      dummyComponent = el.components.dummy;
      dummyComponent.isPlaying = true;

  test('applies default array property types with no defined value', function (done) {
    registerComponent('test', {
      schema: {
        arr: {default: ['foo']}

      update: function () {
        assert.equal([0], 'foo');
    const el = entityFactory();
    el.addEventListener('loaded', () => {
      el.setAttribute('test', '');

  suite('events', () => {
    let component;
    let el;
    let fooSpy;

    setup(function (done) {
      fooSpy = this.sinon.spy();

      registerComponent('test', {
        events: {
          foo: function (evt) {
            assert.ok(this === component);

      helpers.elFactory().then(_el => {
        el = _el;
        el.setAttribute('test', '');
        component = el.components.test;

    test('calls handler on event', function (done) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        assert.equal(fooSpy.callCount, 1);

    test('detaches on component pause', function (done) {
      setTimeout(() => {

    test('detaches on component remove', function (done) {
      setTimeout(() => {

    test('detaches on entity pause', function (done) {
      setTimeout(() => {

    test('detaches on entity remove', function (done) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        setTimeout(() => {

    test('does not collide with other component instances', function (done) {
      registerComponent('test2', {
        events: {
          foo: function (evt) {
            assert.equal(, 'foo');

          bar: function (evt) {
            assert.equal(, 'bar');
      }); = 'foo';
      el.setAttribute('test2', '');

      const el2 = document.createElement('a-entity'); = 'bar';
      el2.setAttribute('test2', '');

      setTimeout(() => {
        el.emit('foo', null, false);
        el2.emit('bar', null, false);
        setTimeout(() => {

suite('registerComponent warnings', function () {
  var sceneEl;
  var script;

  setup(function (done) {
    var el = entityFactory();
    setTimeout(() => {
      sceneEl = el.sceneEl;
      script = document.createElement('script');
      script.innerHTML = `AFRAME.registerComponent('testorder', {});`;

  teardown(function () {
    delete AFRAME.components.testorder;
    delete Component.registrationOrderWarnings.testorder;
    if (script && script.parentNode) { script.parentNode.removeChild(script); }

  test('does not throw warning if component registered in head', function (done) {
    assert.notOk(Component.registrationOrderWarnings.testorder, 'waht');
    setTimeout(() => {

  test('does not throw warning if component registered before scene', function (done) {
    assert.notOk(Component.registrationOrderWarnings.testorder, 'foo');
    document.body.insertBefore(script, sceneEl);
    setTimeout(() => {

  test('does not throw warning if component registered after scene loaded', function (done) {
    assert.notOk(Component.registrationOrderWarnings.testorder, 'blah');
    sceneEl.addEventListener('loaded', () => {
      setTimeout(() => {

  test('throws warning if component registered after scene', function (done) {
    setTimeout(() => {

  test('throws warning if component registered within scene', function (done) {
    setTimeout(() => {