2024-Tsubasa / system / node_modules / three / examples / jsm / renderers / SVGRenderer.js
import {
} from 'three';
import { Projector } from '../renderers/Projector.js';
import { RenderableFace } from '../renderers/Projector.js';
import { RenderableLine } from '../renderers/Projector.js';
import { RenderableSprite } from '../renderers/Projector.js';

class SVGObject extends Object3D {

	constructor( node ) {


		this.isSVGObject = true;

		this.node = node;



class SVGRenderer {

	constructor() {

		let _renderData, _elements, _lights,
			_svgWidth, _svgHeight, _svgWidthHalf, _svgHeightHalf,

			_v1, _v2, _v3,

			_pathCount = 0,

			_precision = null,
			_quality = 1,

			_currentPath, _currentStyle;

		const _this = this,
			_clipBox = new Box2(),
			_elemBox = new Box2(),

			_color = new Color(),
			_diffuseColor = new Color(),
			_ambientLight = new Color(),
			_directionalLights = new Color(),
			_pointLights = new Color(),
			_clearColor = new Color(),

			_vector3 = new Vector3(), // Needed for PointLight
			_centroid = new Vector3(),
			_normal = new Vector3(),
			_normalViewMatrix = new Matrix3(),

			_viewMatrix = new Matrix4(),
			_viewProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4(),

			_svgPathPool = [],

			_projector = new Projector(),
			_svg = document.createElementNS( '', 'svg' );

		this.domElement = _svg;

		this.autoClear = true;
		this.sortObjects = true;
		this.sortElements = true;

		this.overdraw = 0.5;

		this.outputColorSpace = SRGBColorSpace; = {

			render: {

				vertices: 0,
				faces: 0



		this.setQuality = function ( quality ) {

			switch ( quality ) {

				case 'high': _quality = 1; break;
				case 'low': _quality = 0; break;



		this.setClearColor = function ( color ) {

			_clearColor.set( color );


		this.setPixelRatio = function () {};

		this.setSize = function ( width, height ) {

			_svgWidth = width; _svgHeight = height;
			_svgWidthHalf = _svgWidth / 2; _svgHeightHalf = _svgHeight / 2;

			_svg.setAttribute( 'viewBox', ( - _svgWidthHalf ) + ' ' + ( - _svgHeightHalf ) + ' ' + _svgWidth + ' ' + _svgHeight );
			_svg.setAttribute( 'width', _svgWidth );
			_svg.setAttribute( 'height', _svgHeight );

			_clipBox.min.set( - _svgWidthHalf, - _svgHeightHalf );
			_clipBox.max.set( _svgWidthHalf, _svgHeightHalf );


		this.getSize = function () {

			return {
				width: _svgWidth,
				height: _svgHeight


		this.setPrecision = function ( precision ) {

			_precision = precision;


		function removeChildNodes() {

			_pathCount = 0;

			while ( _svg.childNodes.length > 0 ) {

				_svg.removeChild( _svg.childNodes[ 0 ] );



		function convert( c ) {

			return _precision !== null ? c.toFixed( _precision ) : c;


		this.clear = function () {

			removeChildNodes(); = _clearColor.getStyle( _this.outputColorSpace );


		this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {

			if ( camera instanceof Camera === false ) {

				console.error( 'THREE.SVGRenderer.render: camera is not an instance of Camera.' );


			const background = scene.background;

			if ( background && background.isColor ) {

				removeChildNodes(); = background.getStyle( _this.outputColorSpace );

			} else if ( this.autoClear === true ) {


			} = 0; = 0;

			_viewMatrix.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
			_viewProjectionMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, _viewMatrix );

			_renderData = _projector.projectScene( scene, camera, this.sortObjects, this.sortElements );
			_elements = _renderData.elements;
			_lights = _renderData.lights;

			_normalViewMatrix.getNormalMatrix( camera.matrixWorldInverse );

			calculateLights( _lights );

			 // reset accumulated path

			_currentPath = '';
			_currentStyle = '';

			for ( let e = 0, el = _elements.length; e < el; e ++ ) {

				const element = _elements[ e ];
				const material = element.material;

				if ( material === undefined || material.opacity === 0 ) continue;


				if ( element instanceof RenderableSprite ) {

					_v1 = element;
					_v1.x *= _svgWidthHalf; _v1.y *= - _svgHeightHalf;

					renderSprite( _v1, element, material );

				} else if ( element instanceof RenderableLine ) {

					_v1 = element.v1; _v2 = element.v2;

					_v1.positionScreen.x *= _svgWidthHalf; _v1.positionScreen.y *= - _svgHeightHalf;
					_v2.positionScreen.x *= _svgWidthHalf; _v2.positionScreen.y *= - _svgHeightHalf;

					_elemBox.setFromPoints( [ _v1.positionScreen, _v2.positionScreen ] );

					if ( _clipBox.intersectsBox( _elemBox ) === true ) {

						renderLine( _v1, _v2, material );


				} else if ( element instanceof RenderableFace ) {

					_v1 = element.v1; _v2 = element.v2; _v3 = element.v3;

					if ( _v1.positionScreen.z < - 1 || _v1.positionScreen.z > 1 ) continue;
					if ( _v2.positionScreen.z < - 1 || _v2.positionScreen.z > 1 ) continue;
					if ( _v3.positionScreen.z < - 1 || _v3.positionScreen.z > 1 ) continue;

					_v1.positionScreen.x *= _svgWidthHalf; _v1.positionScreen.y *= - _svgHeightHalf;
					_v2.positionScreen.x *= _svgWidthHalf; _v2.positionScreen.y *= - _svgHeightHalf;
					_v3.positionScreen.x *= _svgWidthHalf; _v3.positionScreen.y *= - _svgHeightHalf;

					if ( this.overdraw > 0 ) {

						expand( _v1.positionScreen, _v2.positionScreen, this.overdraw );
						expand( _v2.positionScreen, _v3.positionScreen, this.overdraw );
						expand( _v3.positionScreen, _v1.positionScreen, this.overdraw );


					_elemBox.setFromPoints( [
					] );

					if ( _clipBox.intersectsBox( _elemBox ) === true ) {

						renderFace3( _v1, _v2, _v3, element, material );




			flushPath(); // just to flush last svg:path

			scene.traverseVisible( function ( object ) {

				 if ( object.isSVGObject ) {

					_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld );
					_vector3.applyMatrix4( _viewProjectionMatrix );

					if ( _vector3.z < - 1 || _vector3.z > 1 ) return;

					const x = _vector3.x * _svgWidthHalf;
					const y = - _vector3.y * _svgHeightHalf;

					const node = object.node;
					node.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')' );

					_svg.appendChild( node );


			} );


		function calculateLights( lights ) {

			_ambientLight.setRGB( 0, 0, 0 );
			_directionalLights.setRGB( 0, 0, 0 );
			_pointLights.setRGB( 0, 0, 0 );

			for ( let l = 0, ll = lights.length; l < ll; l ++ ) {

				const light = lights[ l ];
				const lightColor = light.color;

				if ( light.isAmbientLight ) {

					_ambientLight.r += lightColor.r;
					_ambientLight.g += lightColor.g;
					_ambientLight.b += lightColor.b;

				} else if ( light.isDirectionalLight ) {

					_directionalLights.r += lightColor.r;
					_directionalLights.g += lightColor.g;
					_directionalLights.b += lightColor.b;

				} else if ( light.isPointLight ) {

					_pointLights.r += lightColor.r;
					_pointLights.g += lightColor.g;
					_pointLights.b += lightColor.b;




		function calculateLight( lights, position, normal, color ) {

			for ( let l = 0, ll = lights.length; l < ll; l ++ ) {

				const light = lights[ l ];
				const lightColor = light.color;

				if ( light.isDirectionalLight ) {

					const lightPosition = _vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld ).normalize();

					let amount = lightPosition );

					if ( amount <= 0 ) continue;

					amount *= light.intensity;

					color.r += lightColor.r * amount;
					color.g += lightColor.g * amount;
					color.b += lightColor.b * amount;

				} else if ( light.isPointLight ) {

					const lightPosition = _vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );

					let amount = _vector3.subVectors( lightPosition, position ).normalize() );

					if ( amount <= 0 ) continue;

					amount *= light.distance == 0 ? 1 : 1 - Math.min( position.distanceTo( lightPosition ) / light.distance, 1 );

					if ( amount == 0 ) continue;

					amount *= light.intensity;

					color.r += lightColor.r * amount;
					color.g += lightColor.g * amount;
					color.b += lightColor.b * amount;




		function renderSprite( v1, element, material ) {

			let scaleX = element.scale.x * _svgWidthHalf;
			let scaleY = element.scale.y * _svgHeightHalf;

			if ( material.isPointsMaterial ) {

				scaleX *= material.size;
				scaleY *= material.size;


			const path = 'M' + convert( v1.x - scaleX * 0.5 ) + ',' + convert( v1.y - scaleY * 0.5 ) + 'h' + convert( scaleX ) + 'v' + convert( scaleY ) + 'h' + convert( - scaleX ) + 'z';
			let style = '';

			if ( material.isSpriteMaterial || material.isPointsMaterial ) {

				style = 'fill:' + material.color.getStyle( _this.outputColorSpace ) + ';fill-opacity:' + material.opacity;


			addPath( style, path );


		function renderLine( v1, v2, material ) {

			const path = 'M' + convert( v1.positionScreen.x ) + ',' + convert( v1.positionScreen.y ) + 'L' + convert( v2.positionScreen.x ) + ',' + convert( v2.positionScreen.y );

			if ( material.isLineBasicMaterial ) {

				let style = 'fill:none;stroke:' + material.color.getStyle( _this.outputColorSpace ) + ';stroke-opacity:' + material.opacity + ';stroke-width:' + material.linewidth + ';stroke-linecap:' + material.linecap;

				if ( material.isLineDashedMaterial ) {

					style = style + ';stroke-dasharray:' + material.dashSize + ',' + material.gapSize;


				addPath( style, path );



		function renderFace3( v1, v2, v3, element, material ) { += 3; ++;

			const path = 'M' + convert( v1.positionScreen.x ) + ',' + convert( v1.positionScreen.y ) + 'L' + convert( v2.positionScreen.x ) + ',' + convert( v2.positionScreen.y ) + 'L' + convert( v3.positionScreen.x ) + ',' + convert( v3.positionScreen.y ) + 'z';
			let style = '';

			if ( material.isMeshBasicMaterial ) {

				_color.copy( material.color );

				if ( material.vertexColors ) {

					_color.multiply( element.color );


			} else if ( material.isMeshLambertMaterial || material.isMeshPhongMaterial || material.isMeshStandardMaterial ) {

				_diffuseColor.copy( material.color );

				if ( material.vertexColors ) {

					_diffuseColor.multiply( element.color );


				_color.copy( _ambientLight );

				_centroid.copy( v1.positionWorld ).add( v2.positionWorld ).add( v3.positionWorld ).divideScalar( 3 );

				calculateLight( _lights, _centroid, element.normalModel, _color );

				_color.multiply( _diffuseColor ).add( material.emissive );

			} else if ( material.isMeshNormalMaterial ) {

				_normal.copy( element.normalModel ).applyMatrix3( _normalViewMatrix ).normalize();

				_color.setRGB( _normal.x, _normal.y, _normal.z ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 ).addScalar( 0.5 );


			if ( material.wireframe ) {

				style = 'fill:none;stroke:' + _color.getStyle( _this.outputColorSpace ) + ';stroke-opacity:' + material.opacity + ';stroke-width:' + material.wireframeLinewidth + ';stroke-linecap:' + material.wireframeLinecap + ';stroke-linejoin:' + material.wireframeLinejoin;

			} else {

				style = 'fill:' + _color.getStyle( _this.outputColorSpace ) + ';fill-opacity:' + material.opacity;


			addPath( style, path );


		// Hide anti-alias gaps

		function expand( v1, v2, pixels ) {

			let x = v2.x - v1.x, y = v2.y - v1.y;
			const det = x * x + y * y;

			if ( det === 0 ) return;

			const idet = pixels / Math.sqrt( det );

			x *= idet; y *= idet;

			v2.x += x; v2.y += y;
			v1.x -= x; v1.y -= y;


		function addPath( style, path ) {

			if ( _currentStyle === style ) {

				_currentPath += path;

			} else {


				_currentStyle = style;
				_currentPath = path;



		function flushPath() {

			if ( _currentPath ) {

				_svgNode = getPathNode( _pathCount ++ );
				_svgNode.setAttribute( 'd', _currentPath );
				_svgNode.setAttribute( 'style', _currentStyle );
				_svg.appendChild( _svgNode );


			_currentPath = '';
			_currentStyle = '';


		function getPathNode( id ) {

			if ( _svgPathPool[ id ] == null ) {

				_svgPathPool[ id ] = document.createElementNS( '', 'path' );

				if ( _quality == 0 ) {

					_svgPathPool[ id ].setAttribute( 'shape-rendering', 'crispEdges' ); //optimizeSpeed


				return _svgPathPool[ id ];


			return _svgPathPool[ id ];




export { SVGObject, SVGRenderer };