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LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... -l.24 \begin{document} - -Your command was ignored. -Type I to replace it with another command, -or to continue without it. +l.688 \begin + {itembox}[l]{HTML検索フォーム記述} +? +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OMS+cmr on input line 7 +04. +(/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omscmr.fd +File: omscmr.fd 2019/12/16 v2.5j Standard LaTeX font definitions +) +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OMS/cmr/m/n' in size <10> not available +(Font) Font shape `OMS/cmsy/m/n' tried instead on input line 704. + [13 -*geometry* driver: auto-detecting -*geometry* detected driver: pdftex -*geometry* verbose mode - [ preamble ] result: -* driver: pdftex -* paper: -* layout: -* layoutoffset:(h,v)=(0.0pt,0.0pt) -* modes: -* h-part:(L,W,R)=(-227.62204pt, 455.24408pt, -227.62204pt) -* v-part:(T,H,B)=(-256.0748pt, 640.187pt, -384.1122pt) -* \paperwidth=0.0pt -* \paperheight=0.0pt -* \textwidth=455.24408pt -* \textheight=640.187pt -* \oddsidemargin=-299.89203pt -* \evensidemargin=-299.89203pt -* \topmargin=-328.34479pt -* \headheight=0.0pt -* \headsep=0.0pt -* \topskip=10.0pt -* \footskip=0.0pt -* \marginparwidth=0.0pt -* \marginparsep=0.0pt -* \columnsep=0.0pt -* \skip\footins=12.0pt plus 4.0pt minus 4.0pt -* \hoffset=0.0pt -* \voffset=0.0pt -* \mag=1000 -* \@twocolumnfalse -* \@twosidefalse -* \@mparswitchfalse -* \@reversemarginfalse -* (1in=72.27pt=25.4mm, 1cm=28.453pt) +] [14] +第5章 +[15 -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:25: Undefined control sequence. -l.25 \maketitle - -The control sequence at the end of the top line -of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have -misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct -spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, -and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. +] [16 +] +第6章 +[17] [18 -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:29: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 概 (U+6982) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. +] [19] [20 -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.29 {\bfseries 概 - 要} -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter +] +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1106--1107 +[]$\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 https : / / www . city . sakata . lg . jp / shisei / shisak +ukeikaku / kikaku / jyohoukakeikaku / + [] -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:29: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 要 (U+8981) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1110--1111 +[]$\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 https : / / www . soumu . go . jp / johotsusintokei / white +paper / ja / h26 / pdf / n3200000 . pdf$\JY1/mc/m/n/10 , \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\JY +1/mc/m/n/10 参照 + [] -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.29 {\bfseries 概要 - } -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1115--1116 +[]$\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 https : / / www . soumu . go . jp / johotsusintokei / white +paper / ja / h26 / pdf / n3200000 . pdf$\JY1/mc/m/n/10 , \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\JY +1/mc/m/n/10 参照 + [] -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 主 (U+4E3B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主 - に公共機関(なんの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1119--1120 +[]$\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 https : / / www . city . sakata . lg . jp / shisei / shisak +ukeikaku / kikaku / sougosenryaku / senryaku . + [] -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character に (U+306B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1123--1124 +[]$\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 https : / / www . soumu . go . jp / johotsusintokei / white +paper / ja / h26 / pdf / n3200000 . pdf$\JY1/mc/m/n/10 , \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\JY +1/mc/m/n/10 参照 + [] -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に - 公共機関(なんの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1140--1141 +[]$\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 https : / / cio . go . jp / sites / default / files / uploa +ds / documents / survey _ results . pdf$\JY1/mc/m/n/10 , \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\JY +1/mc/m/n/10 参照 + [] -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 公 (U+516C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公 - 共機関(なんの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1144--1145 +[]$\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 https : / / www . digital . go . jp / assets / contents / n +ode / basic _ page / field _ ref _ resources / + [] +[21] [22] (./c119104-thesis.aux) -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 共 (U+5171) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. +LaTeX Warning: There were multiply-defined labels. -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共 - 機関(なんの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 機 (U+6A5F) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機 - 関(なんの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 関 (U+95A2) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関 - (なんの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ( (U+FF08) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関( - なんの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character な (U+306A) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(な - んの)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ん (U+3093) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(なん - の)が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character の (U+306E) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(なんの - )が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ) (U+FF09) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(なんの) - が保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character が (U+304C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(なんの)が - 保有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 保 (U+4FDD) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(なんの)が保 - 有するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 有 (U+6709) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(なんの)が保有 - するデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character す (U+3059) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 主に公共機関(なんの)が保有す - るデータの内,二次�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character る (U+308B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...公共機関(なんの)が保有する - データの内,二次利�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character デ (U+30C7) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...共機関(なんの)が保有するデ - ータの内,二次利用�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ー (U+30FC) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...機関(なんの)が保有するデー - タの内,二次利用(�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character タ (U+30BF) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...関(なんの)が保有するデータ - の内,二次利用(な�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character の (U+306E) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...(なんの)が保有するデータの - 内,二次利用(なに�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 内 (U+5185) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...なんの)が保有するデータの内 - ,二次利用(なにそ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 二 (U+4E8C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��の)が保有するデータの内,二 - 次利用(なにそれ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 次 (U+6B21) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��)が保有するデータの内,二次 - 利用(なにそれ)�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 利 (U+5229) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��が保有するデータの内,二次利 - 用(なにそれ)を�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 用 (U+7528) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��保有するデータの内,二次利用 - (なにそれ)を目�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ( (U+FF08) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��有するデータの内,二次利用( - なにそれ)を目的�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character な (U+306A) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��するデータの内,二次利用(な - にそれ)を目的と�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character に (U+306B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��るデータの内,二次利用(なに - それ)を目的とし�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character そ (U+305D) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��データの内,二次利用(なにそ - れ)を目的とした�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character れ (U+308C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��ータの内,二次利用(なにそれ - )を目的とした「�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ) (U+FF09) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��タの内,二次利用(なにそれ) - を目的とした「オ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character を (U+3092) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��の内,二次利用(なにそれ)を - 目的とした「オー�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 目 (U+76EE) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��内,二次利用(なにそれ)を目 - 的とした「オープ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 的 (U+7684) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...��,二次利用(なにそれ)を目的 - とした「オープン�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character と (U+3068) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...二次利用(なにそれ)を目的と - した「オープンデ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character し (U+3057) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...次利用(なにそれ)を目的とし - た「オープンデー�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character た (U+305F) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...利用(なにそれ)を目的とした - 「オープンデータ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 「 (U+300C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...用(なにそれ)を目的とした「 - オープンデータ」�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character オ (U+30AA) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...(なにそれ)を目的とした「オ - ープンデータ」の�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ー (U+30FC) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...なにそれ)を目的とした「オー - プンデータ」の公�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character プ (U+30D7) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...にそれ)を目的とした「オープ - ンデータ」の公開�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ン (U+30F3) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...それ)を目的とした「オープン - データ」の公開を�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character デ (U+30C7) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...れ)を目的とした「オープンデ - ータ」の公開を促�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ー (U+30FC) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...)を目的とした「オープンデー - タ」の公開を促す�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character タ (U+30BF) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...を目的とした「オープンデータ - 」の公開を促す取�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 」 (U+300D) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...目的とした「オープンデータ」 - の公開を促す取組�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character の (U+306E) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...的とした「オープンデータ」の - 公開を促す取組み�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 公 (U+516C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...とした「オープンデータ」の公 - 開を促す取組みが�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 開 (U+958B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...した「オープンデータ」の公開 - を促す取組みが世�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character を (U+3092) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...た「オープンデータ」の公開を - 促す取組みが世界�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 促 (U+4FC3) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...「オープンデータ」の公開を促 - す取組みが世界的�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character す (U+3059) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...オープンデータ」の公開を促す - 取組みが世界的な�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 取 (U+53D6) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...ープンデータ」の公開を促す取 - 組みが世界的な広�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 組 (U+7D44) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...プンデータ」の公開を促す取組 - みが世界的な広が�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character み (U+307F) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...ンデータ」の公開を促す取組み - が世界的な広がり�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character が (U+304C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...データ」の公開を促す取組みが - 世界的な広がりを�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 世 (U+4E16) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...ータ」の公開を促す取組みが世 - 界的な広がりを見�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 界 (U+754C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...タ」の公開を促す取組みが世界 - 的な広がりを見せ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 的 (U+7684) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...」の公開を促す取組みが世界的 - な広がりを見せて�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character な (U+306A) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...の公開を促す取組みが世界的な - 広がりを見せてい�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 広 (U+5E83) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...公開を促す取組みが世界的な広 - がりを見せている。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character が (U+304C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...開を促す取組みが世界的な広が - りを見せている。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character り (U+308A) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...を促す取組みが世界的な広がり - を見せている。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character を (U+3092) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...促す取組みが世界的な広がりを - 見せている。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 見 (U+898B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...す取組みが世界的な広がりを見 - せている。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character せ (U+305B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...取組みが世界的な広がりを見せ - ている。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character て (U+3066) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...組みが世界的な広がりを見せて - いる。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character い (U+3044) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...みが世界的な広がりを見せてい - る。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character る (U+308B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...が世界的な広がりを見せている - 。 -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:31: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 。 (U+3002) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.31 ...世界的な広がりを見せている。 - -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 我 (U+6211) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我 - が国では、2012年のIT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character が (U+304C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が - 国では、2012年のIT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 国 (U+56FD) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国 - では、2012年のIT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character で (U+3067) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国で - は、2012年のIT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character は (U+306F) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では - 、2012年のIT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 、 (U+3001) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、 - 2012年のIT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 年 (U+5E74) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、2012年 - のIT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character の (U+306E) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、2012年の - IT総合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 総 (U+7DCF) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、2012年のIT総 - 合戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 合 (U+5408) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、2012年のIT総合 - 戦略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 戦 (U+6226) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、2012年のIT総合戦 - 略本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 略 (U+7565) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、2012年のIT総合戦略 - 本部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 本 (U+672C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 我が国では、2012年のIT総合戦略本 - 部による「電子行�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 部 (U+90E8) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...国では、2012年のIT総合戦略本部 - による「電子行政�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character に (U+306B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...では、2012年のIT総合戦略本部に - よる「電子行政オ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character よ (U+3088) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...は、2012年のIT総合戦略本部によ - る「電子行政オー�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character る (U+308B) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...、2012年のIT総合戦略本部による - 「電子行政オープ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 「 (U+300C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...2012年のIT総合戦略本部による「 - 電子行政オープン�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 電 (U+96FB) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...2年のIT総合戦略本部による「電 - 子行政オープンデ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 子 (U+5B50) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...�のIT総合戦略本部による「電子 - 行政オープンデー�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 行 (U+884C) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...�IT総合戦略本部による「電子行 - 政オープンデータ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 政 (U+653F) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...総合戦略本部による「電子行政 - オープンデータ戦�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character オ (U+30AA) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...合戦略本部による「電子行政オ - ープンデータ戦略�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ー (U+30FC) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...戦略本部による「電子行政オー - プンデータ戦略」�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character プ (U+30D7) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...略本部による「電子行政オープ - ンデータ戦略」(�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ン (U+30F3) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...本部による「電子行政オープン - データ戦略」(な�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character デ (U+30C7) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...部による「電子行政オープンデ - ータ戦略」(なん�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ー (U+30FC) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...による「電子行政オープンデー - タ戦略」(なんそ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character タ (U+30BF) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...よる「電子行政オープンデータ - 戦略」(なんそれ�... -You may provide a definition with -\DeclareUnicodeCharacter - - -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 戦 (U+6226) -(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. - -See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. -Type H for immediate help. - ... - -l.32 ...る「電子行政オープンデータ戦 - 略」(なんそれ)�... -(That makes 100 errors; please try again.) + ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: - 1338 strings out of 479023 - 20751 string characters out of 5859397 - 314036 words of memory out of 5000000 - 18853 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 - 403834 words of font info for 29 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 - 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 - 68i,1n,74p,280b,102s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s + 1836 strings out of 479488 + 26573 string characters out of 5871509 + 341262 words of memory out of 5000000 + 19526 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 + 417353 words of font info for 94 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 + 934 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 + 68i,8n,74p,235b,315s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s -/Users/keigo/kego/2022-KEGO/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.tex:32: ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! +Output written on c119104-thesis.dvi (22 pages, 40616 bytes). diff --git a/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.pdf b/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.pdf index 3466c5d..7ddb8f9 100644 --- a/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.pdf +++ b/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.pdf Binary files differ diff --git a/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.toc b/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.toc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..154ec8d --- /dev/null +++ b/resume/paper/c119104-thesis.toc @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {第1章}はじめに}{5}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}背景}{5}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}研究目的}{5}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.3}オープンデータの定義}{6}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.4}政府の取組み}{7}{}% +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {第2章}オープンデータ先行団体の取組み事例}{9}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}福井県}{9}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}福井県内のオープンデータ二次利用}{9}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.3}福島県}{9}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.4}福島県内のオープンデータ二次利用}{10}{}% +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {第3章}ごみ分別検索システムの提案}{11}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}本研究での提案}{11}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}課題に対する改善案}{12}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.3}変換作業で行った作業}{12}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.4}課題に対する改善案}{12}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.5}ごみ分別検索システム}{12}{}% +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {第4章}ごみ分別検索システム構築}{13}{}% +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.1}考察}{14}{}% +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {第5章}結論}{15}{}% +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {第6章}今後の展望}{17}{}% +\contentsline {chapter}{参考文献}{21}{}%