Three.js / node_modules / cannon / src / shapes / Trimesh.js
@Tsubasa Tsubasa on 4 Aug 14 KB add
module.exports = Trimesh;

var Shape = require('./Shape');
var Vec3 = require('../math/Vec3');
var Quaternion = require('../math/Quaternion');
var Transform = require('../math/Transform');
var AABB = require('../collision/AABB');
var Octree = require('../utils/Octree');

 * @class Trimesh
 * @constructor
 * @param {array} vertices
 * @param {array} indices
 * @extends Shape
 * @example
 *     // How to make a mesh with a single triangle
 *     var vertices = [
 *         0, 0, 0, // vertex 0
 *         1, 0, 0, // vertex 1
 *         0, 1, 0  // vertex 2
 *     ];
 *     var indices = [
 *         0, 1, 2  // triangle 0
 *     ];
 *     var trimeshShape = new Trimesh(vertices, indices);
function Trimesh(vertices, indices) {;
    this.type = Shape.types.TRIMESH;

     * @property vertices
     * @type {Array}
    this.vertices = new Float32Array(vertices);

     * Array of integers, indicating which vertices each triangle consists of. The length of this array is thus 3 times the number of triangles.
     * @property indices
     * @type {Array}
    this.indices = new Int16Array(indices);

     * The normals data.
     * @property normals
     * @type {Array}
    this.normals = new Float32Array(indices.length);

     * The local AABB of the mesh.
     * @property aabb
     * @type {Array}
    this.aabb = new AABB();

     * References to vertex pairs, making up all unique edges in the trimesh.
     * @property {array} edges
    this.edges = null;

     * Local scaling of the mesh. Use .setScale() to set it.
     * @property {Vec3} scale
    this.scale = new Vec3(1, 1, 1);

     * The indexed triangles. Use .updateTree() to update it.
     * @property {Octree} tree
    this.tree = new Octree();

Trimesh.prototype = new Shape();
Trimesh.prototype.constructor = Trimesh;

var computeNormals_n = new Vec3();

 * @method updateTree
Trimesh.prototype.updateTree = function(){
    var tree = this.tree;

    var scale = this.scale; // The local mesh AABB is scaled, but the octree AABB should be unscaled
    tree.aabb.lowerBound.x *= 1 / scale.x;
    tree.aabb.lowerBound.y *= 1 / scale.y;
    tree.aabb.lowerBound.z *= 1 / scale.z;
    tree.aabb.upperBound.x *= 1 / scale.x;
    tree.aabb.upperBound.y *= 1 / scale.y;
    tree.aabb.upperBound.z *= 1 / scale.z;

    // Insert all triangles
    var triangleAABB = new AABB();
    var a = new Vec3();
    var b = new Vec3();
    var c = new Vec3();
    var points = [a, b, c];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.indices.length / 3; i++) {
        //this.getTriangleVertices(i, a, b, c);

        // Get unscaled triangle verts
        var i3 = i * 3;
        this._getUnscaledVertex(this.indices[i3], a);
        this._getUnscaledVertex(this.indices[i3 + 1], b);
        this._getUnscaledVertex(this.indices[i3 + 2], c);

        tree.insert(triangleAABB, i);

var unscaledAABB = new AABB();

 * Get triangles in a local AABB from the trimesh.
 * @method getTrianglesInAABB
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
 * @param  {array} result An array of integers, referencing the queried triangles.
Trimesh.prototype.getTrianglesInAABB = function(aabb, result){

    // Scale it to local
    var scale = this.scale;
    var isx = scale.x;
    var isy = scale.y;
    var isz = scale.z;
    var l = unscaledAABB.lowerBound;
    var u = unscaledAABB.upperBound;
    l.x /= isx;
    l.y /= isy;
    l.z /= isz;
    u.x /= isx;
    u.y /= isy;
    u.z /= isz;

    return this.tree.aabbQuery(unscaledAABB, result);

 * @method setScale
 * @param {Vec3} scale
Trimesh.prototype.setScale = function(scale){
    var wasUniform = this.scale.x === this.scale.y === this.scale.z;
    var isUniform = scale.x === scale.y === scale.z;

    if(!(wasUniform && isUniform)){
        // Non-uniform scaling. Need to update normals.

 * Compute the normals of the faces. Will save in the .normals array.
 * @method updateNormals
Trimesh.prototype.updateNormals = function(){
    var n = computeNormals_n;

    // Generate normals
    var normals = this.normals;
    for(var i=0; i < this.indices.length / 3; i++){
        var i3 = i * 3;

        var a = this.indices[i3],
            b = this.indices[i3 + 1],
            c = this.indices[i3 + 2];

        this.getVertex(a, va);
        this.getVertex(b, vb);
        this.getVertex(c, vc);

        Trimesh.computeNormal(vb, va, vc, n);

        normals[i3] = n.x;
        normals[i3 + 1] = n.y;
        normals[i3 + 2] = n.z;

 * Update the .edges property
 * @method updateEdges
Trimesh.prototype.updateEdges = function(){
    var edges = {};
    var add = function(indexA, indexB){
        var key = a < b ? a + '_' + b : b + '_' + a;
        edges[key] = true;
    for(var i=0; i < this.indices.length / 3; i++){
        var i3 = i * 3;
        var a = this.indices[i3],
            b = this.indices[i3 + 1],
            c = this.indices[i3 + 2];
    var keys = Object.keys(edges);
    this.edges = new Int16Array(keys.length * 2);
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        var indices = keys[i].split('_');
        this.edges[2 * i] = parseInt(indices[0], 10);
        this.edges[2 * i + 1] = parseInt(indices[1], 10);

 * Get an edge vertex
 * @method getEdgeVertex
 * @param  {number} edgeIndex
 * @param  {number} firstOrSecond 0 or 1, depending on which one of the vertices you need.
 * @param  {Vec3} vertexStore Where to store the result
Trimesh.prototype.getEdgeVertex = function(edgeIndex, firstOrSecond, vertexStore){
    var vertexIndex = this.edges[edgeIndex * 2 + (firstOrSecond ? 1 : 0)];
    this.getVertex(vertexIndex, vertexStore);

var getEdgeVector_va = new Vec3();
var getEdgeVector_vb = new Vec3();

 * Get a vector along an edge.
 * @method getEdgeVector
 * @param  {number} edgeIndex
 * @param  {Vec3} vectorStore
Trimesh.prototype.getEdgeVector = function(edgeIndex, vectorStore){
    var va = getEdgeVector_va;
    var vb = getEdgeVector_vb;
    this.getEdgeVertex(edgeIndex, 0, va);
    this.getEdgeVertex(edgeIndex, 1, vb);
    vb.vsub(va, vectorStore);

 * Get face normal given 3 vertices
 * @static
 * @method computeNormal
 * @param {Vec3} va
 * @param {Vec3} vb
 * @param {Vec3} vc
 * @param {Vec3} target
var cb = new Vec3();
var ab = new Vec3();
Trimesh.computeNormal = function ( va, vb, vc, target ) {
    if ( !target.isZero() ) {

var va = new Vec3();
var vb = new Vec3();
var vc = new Vec3();

 * Get vertex i.
 * @method getVertex
 * @param  {number} i
 * @param  {Vec3} out
 * @return {Vec3} The "out" vector object
Trimesh.prototype.getVertex = function(i, out){
    var scale = this.scale;
    this._getUnscaledVertex(i, out);
    out.x *= scale.x;
    out.y *= scale.y;
    out.z *= scale.z;
    return out;

 * Get raw vertex i
 * @private
 * @method _getUnscaledVertex
 * @param  {number} i
 * @param  {Vec3} out
 * @return {Vec3} The "out" vector object
Trimesh.prototype._getUnscaledVertex = function(i, out){
    var i3 = i * 3;
    var vertices = this.vertices;
    return out.set(
        vertices[i3 + 1],
        vertices[i3 + 2]

 * Get a vertex from the trimesh,transformed by the given position and quaternion.
 * @method getWorldVertex
 * @param  {number} i
 * @param  {Vec3} pos
 * @param  {Quaternion} quat
 * @param  {Vec3} out
 * @return {Vec3} The "out" vector object
Trimesh.prototype.getWorldVertex = function(i, pos, quat, out){
    this.getVertex(i, out);
    Transform.pointToWorldFrame(pos, quat, out, out);
    return out;

 * Get the three vertices for triangle i.
 * @method getTriangleVertices
 * @param  {number} i
 * @param  {Vec3} a
 * @param  {Vec3} b
 * @param  {Vec3} c
Trimesh.prototype.getTriangleVertices = function(i, a, b, c){
    var i3 = i * 3;
    this.getVertex(this.indices[i3], a);
    this.getVertex(this.indices[i3 + 1], b);
    this.getVertex(this.indices[i3 + 2], c);

 * Compute the normal of triangle i.
 * @method getNormal
 * @param  {Number} i
 * @param  {Vec3} target
 * @return {Vec3} The "target" vector object
Trimesh.prototype.getNormal = function(i, target){
    var i3 = i * 3;
    return target.set(
        this.normals[i3 + 1],
        this.normals[i3 + 2]

var cli_aabb = new AABB();

 * @method calculateLocalInertia
 * @param  {Number} mass
 * @param  {Vec3} target
 * @return {Vec3} The "target" vector object
Trimesh.prototype.calculateLocalInertia = function(mass,target){
    // Approximate with box inertia
    // Exact inertia calculation is overkill, but see for the correct way to do it
    var x = cli_aabb.upperBound.x - cli_aabb.lowerBound.x,
        y = cli_aabb.upperBound.y - cli_aabb.lowerBound.y,
        z = cli_aabb.upperBound.z - cli_aabb.lowerBound.z;
    return target.set(
        1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ( 2*y*2*y + 2*z*2*z ),
        1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ( 2*x*2*x + 2*z*2*z ),
        1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ( 2*y*2*y + 2*x*2*x )

var computeLocalAABB_worldVert = new Vec3();

 * Compute the local AABB for the trimesh
 * @method computeLocalAABB
 * @param  {AABB} aabb
Trimesh.prototype.computeLocalAABB = function(aabb){
    var l = aabb.lowerBound,
        u = aabb.upperBound,
        n = this.vertices.length,
        vertices = this.vertices,
        v = computeLocalAABB_worldVert;

    this.getVertex(0, v);

    for(var i=0; i !== n; i++){
        this.getVertex(i, v);

        if(v.x < l.x){
            l.x = v.x;
        } else if(v.x > u.x){
            u.x = v.x;

        if(v.y < l.y){
            l.y = v.y;
        } else if(v.y > u.y){
            u.y = v.y;

        if(v.z < l.z){
            l.z = v.z;
        } else if(v.z > u.z){
            u.z = v.z;

 * Update the .aabb property
 * @method updateAABB
Trimesh.prototype.updateAABB = function(){

 * Will update the .boundingSphereRadius property
 * @method updateBoundingSphereRadius
Trimesh.prototype.updateBoundingSphereRadius = function(){
    // Assume points are distributed with local (0,0,0) as center
    var max2 = 0;
    var vertices = this.vertices;
    var v = new Vec3();
    for(var i=0, N=vertices.length / 3; i !== N; i++) {
        this.getVertex(i, v);
        var norm2 = v.norm2();
        if(norm2 > max2){
            max2 = norm2;
    this.boundingSphereRadius = Math.sqrt(max2);

var tempWorldVertex = new Vec3();
var calculateWorldAABB_frame = new Transform();
var calculateWorldAABB_aabb = new AABB();

 * @method calculateWorldAABB
 * @param {Vec3}        pos
 * @param {Quaternion}  quat
 * @param {Vec3}        min
 * @param {Vec3}        max
Trimesh.prototype.calculateWorldAABB = function(pos,quat,min,max){
    var n = this.vertices.length / 3,
        verts = this.vertices;
    var minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz;

    var v = tempWorldVertex;
    for(var i=0; i<n; i++){
        this.getVertex(i, v);
        quat.vmult(v, v);
        pos.vadd(v, v);
        if (v.x < minx || minx===undefined){
            minx = v.x;
        } else if(v.x > maxx || maxx===undefined){
            maxx = v.x;

        if (v.y < miny || miny===undefined){
            miny = v.y;
        } else if(v.y > maxy || maxy===undefined){
            maxy = v.y;

        if (v.z < minz || minz===undefined){
            minz = v.z;
        } else if(v.z > maxz || maxz===undefined){
            maxz = v.z;

    // Faster approximation using local AABB
    var frame = calculateWorldAABB_frame;
    var result = calculateWorldAABB_aabb;
    frame.position = pos;
    frame.quaternion = quat;
    this.aabb.toWorldFrame(frame, result);

 * Get approximate volume
 * @method volume
 * @return {Number}
Trimesh.prototype.volume = function(){
    return 4.0 * Math.PI * this.boundingSphereRadius / 3.0;

 * Create a Trimesh instance, shaped as a torus.
 * @static
 * @method createTorus
 * @param  {number} [radius=1]
 * @param  {number} [tube=0.5]
 * @param  {number} [radialSegments=8]
 * @param  {number} [tubularSegments=6]
 * @param  {number} [arc=6.283185307179586]
 * @return {Trimesh} A torus
Trimesh.createTorus = function (radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc) {
    radius = radius || 1;
    tube = tube || 0.5;
    radialSegments = radialSegments || 8;
    tubularSegments = tubularSegments || 6;
    arc = arc || Math.PI * 2;

    var vertices = [];
    var indices = [];

    for ( var j = 0; j <= radialSegments; j ++ ) {
        for ( var i = 0; i <= tubularSegments; i ++ ) {
            var u = i / tubularSegments * arc;
            var v = j / radialSegments * Math.PI * 2;

            var x = ( radius + tube * Math.cos( v ) ) * Math.cos( u );
            var y = ( radius + tube * Math.cos( v ) ) * Math.sin( u );
            var z = tube * Math.sin( v );

            vertices.push( x, y, z );

    for ( var j = 1; j <= radialSegments; j ++ ) {
        for ( var i = 1; i <= tubularSegments; i ++ ) {
            var a = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * j + i - 1;
            var b = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + i - 1;
            var c = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + i;
            var d = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * j + i;

            indices.push(a, b, d);
            indices.push(b, c, d);

    return new Trimesh(vertices, indices);