Three.js / node_modules / cannon / src / objects / Body.js
@Tsubasa Tsubasa on 4 Aug 21 KB add
module.exports = Body;

var EventTarget = require('../utils/EventTarget');
var Shape = require('../shapes/Shape');
var Vec3 = require('../math/Vec3');
var Mat3 = require('../math/Mat3');
var Quaternion = require('../math/Quaternion');
var Material = require('../material/Material');
var AABB = require('../collision/AABB');
var Box = require('../shapes/Box');

 * Base class for all body types.
 * @class Body
 * @constructor
 * @extends EventTarget
 * @param {object} [options]
 * @param {Vec3} [options.position]
 * @param {Vec3} [options.velocity]
 * @param {Vec3} [options.angularVelocity]
 * @param {Quaternion} [options.quaternion]
 * @param {number} [options.mass]
 * @param {Material} [options.material]
 * @param {number} [options.type]
 * @param {number} [options.linearDamping=0.01]
 * @param {number} [options.angularDamping=0.01]
 * @param {boolean} [options.allowSleep=true]
 * @param {number} [options.sleepSpeedLimit=0.1]
 * @param {number} [options.sleepTimeLimit=1]
 * @param {number} [options.collisionFilterGroup=1]
 * @param {number} [options.collisionFilterMask=1]
 * @param {boolean} [options.fixedRotation=false]
 * @param {Body} [options.shape]
 * @example
 *     var body = new Body({
 *         mass: 1
 *     });
 *     var shape = new Sphere(1);
 *     body.addShape(shape);
 *     world.add(body);
function Body(options){
    options = options || {};

    EventTarget.apply(this); = Body.idCounter++;

     * Reference to the world the body is living in
     * @property world
     * @type {World}
     */ = null;

     * Callback function that is used BEFORE stepping the system. Use it to apply forces, for example. Inside the function, "this" will refer to this Body object.
     * @property preStep
     * @type {Function}
     * @deprecated Use World events instead
    this.preStep = null;

     * Callback function that is used AFTER stepping the system. Inside the function, "this" will refer to this Body object.
     * @property postStep
     * @type {Function}
     * @deprecated Use World events instead
    this.postStep = null;

    this.vlambda = new Vec3();

     * @property {Number} collisionFilterGroup
    this.collisionFilterGroup = typeof(options.collisionFilterGroup) === 'number' ? options.collisionFilterGroup : 1;

     * @property {Number} collisionFilterMask
    this.collisionFilterMask = typeof(options.collisionFilterMask) === 'number' ? options.collisionFilterMask : 1;

     * Whether to produce contact forces when in contact with other bodies. Note that contacts will be generated, but they will be disabled.
     * @property {Number} collisionResponse
	this.collisionResponse = true;

     * @property position
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.position = new Vec3();


     * @property {Vec3} previousPosition
    this.previousPosition = new Vec3();

     * Initial position of the body
     * @property initPosition
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.initPosition = new Vec3();

     * @property velocity
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.velocity = new Vec3();


     * @property initVelocity
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.initVelocity = new Vec3();

     * Linear force on the body
     * @property force
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.force = new Vec3();

    var mass = typeof(options.mass) === 'number' ? options.mass : 0;

     * @property mass
     * @type {Number}
     * @default 0
    this.mass = mass;

     * @property invMass
     * @type {Number}
    this.invMass = mass > 0 ? 1.0 / mass : 0;

     * @property material
     * @type {Material}
    this.material = options.material || null;

     * @property linearDamping
     * @type {Number}
    this.linearDamping = typeof(options.linearDamping) === 'number' ? options.linearDamping : 0.01;

     * One of: Body.DYNAMIC, Body.STATIC and Body.KINEMATIC.
     * @property type
     * @type {Number}
    this.type = (mass <= 0.0 ? Body.STATIC : Body.DYNAMIC);
    if(typeof(options.type) === typeof(Body.STATIC)){
        this.type = options.type;

     * If true, the body will automatically fall to sleep.
     * @property allowSleep
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @default true
    this.allowSleep = typeof(options.allowSleep) !== 'undefined' ? options.allowSleep : true;

     * Current sleep state.
     * @property sleepState
     * @type {Number}
    this.sleepState = 0;

     * If the speed (the norm of the velocity) is smaller than this value, the body is considered sleepy.
     * @property sleepSpeedLimit
     * @type {Number}
     * @default 0.1
    this.sleepSpeedLimit = typeof(options.sleepSpeedLimit) !== 'undefined' ? options.sleepSpeedLimit : 0.1;

     * If the body has been sleepy for this sleepTimeLimit seconds, it is considered sleeping.
     * @property sleepTimeLimit
     * @type {Number}
     * @default 1
    this.sleepTimeLimit = typeof(options.sleepTimeLimit) !== 'undefined' ? options.sleepTimeLimit : 1;

    this.timeLastSleepy = 0;

    this._wakeUpAfterNarrowphase = false;

     * Rotational force on the body, around center of mass
     * @property {Vec3} torque
    this.torque = new Vec3();

     * Orientation of the body
     * @property quaternion
     * @type {Quaternion}
    this.quaternion = new Quaternion();


     * @property initQuaternion
     * @type {Quaternion}
    this.initQuaternion = new Quaternion();

     * @property angularVelocity
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.angularVelocity = new Vec3();


     * @property initAngularVelocity
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.initAngularVelocity = new Vec3();

    this.interpolatedPosition = new Vec3();
    this.interpolatedQuaternion = new Quaternion();

     * @property shapes
     * @type {array}
    this.shapes = [];

     * @property shapeOffsets
     * @type {array}
    this.shapeOffsets = [];

     * @property shapeOrientations
     * @type {array}
    this.shapeOrientations = [];

     * @property inertia
     * @type {Vec3}
    this.inertia = new Vec3();

     * @property {Vec3} invInertia
    this.invInertia = new Vec3();

     * @property {Mat3} invInertiaWorld
    this.invInertiaWorld = new Mat3();

    this.invMassSolve = 0;

     * @property {Vec3} invInertiaSolve
    this.invInertiaSolve = new Vec3();

     * @property {Mat3} invInertiaWorldSolve
    this.invInertiaWorldSolve = new Mat3();

     * Set to true if you don't want the body to rotate. Make sure to run .updateMassProperties() after changing this.
     * @property {Boolean} fixedRotation
     * @default false
    this.fixedRotation = typeof(options.fixedRotation) !== "undefined" ? options.fixedRotation : false;

     * @property {Number} angularDamping
    this.angularDamping = typeof(options.angularDamping) !== 'undefined' ? options.angularDamping : 0.01;

     * @property aabb
     * @type {AABB}
    this.aabb = new AABB();

     * Indicates if the AABB needs to be updated before use.
     * @property aabbNeedsUpdate
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.aabbNeedsUpdate = true;

    this.wlambda = new Vec3();


Body.prototype = new EventTarget();
Body.prototype.constructor = Body;

 * A dynamic body is fully simulated. Can be moved manually by the user, but normally they move according to forces. A dynamic body can collide with all body types. A dynamic body always has finite, non-zero mass.
 * @static
 * @property DYNAMIC
 * @type {Number}
Body.DYNAMIC = 1;

 * A static body does not move during simulation and behaves as if it has infinite mass. Static bodies can be moved manually by setting the position of the body. The velocity of a static body is always zero. Static bodies do not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.
 * @static
 * @property STATIC
 * @type {Number}
Body.STATIC = 2;

 * A kinematic body moves under simulation according to its velocity. They do not respond to forces. They can be moved manually, but normally a kinematic body is moved by setting its velocity. A kinematic body behaves as if it has infinite mass. Kinematic bodies do not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.
 * @static
 * @property KINEMATIC
 * @type {Number}

 * @static
 * @property AWAKE
 * @type {number}
Body.AWAKE = 0;

 * @static
 * @property SLEEPY
 * @type {number}
Body.SLEEPY = 1;

 * @static
 * @property SLEEPING
 * @type {number}
Body.SLEEPING = 2;

Body.idCounter = 0;

 * Wake the body up.
 * @method wakeUp
Body.prototype.wakeUp = function(){
    var s = this.sleepState;
    this.sleepState = 0;
    if(s === Body.SLEEPING){

 * Force body sleep
 * @method sleep
Body.prototype.sleep = function(){
    this.sleepState = Body.SLEEPING;

Body.sleepyEvent = {
    type: "sleepy"

Body.sleepEvent = {
    type: "sleep"

 * Called every timestep to update internal sleep timer and change sleep state if needed.
 * @method sleepTick
 * @param {Number} time The world time in seconds
Body.prototype.sleepTick = function(time){
        var sleepState = this.sleepState;
        var speedSquared = this.velocity.norm2() + this.angularVelocity.norm2();
        var speedLimitSquared = Math.pow(this.sleepSpeedLimit,2);
        if(sleepState===Body.AWAKE && speedSquared < speedLimitSquared){
            this.sleepState = Body.SLEEPY; // Sleepy
            this.timeLastSleepy = time;
        } else if(sleepState===Body.SLEEPY && speedSquared > speedLimitSquared){
            this.wakeUp(); // Wake up
        } else if(sleepState===Body.SLEEPY && (time - this.timeLastSleepy ) > this.sleepTimeLimit){
            this.sleep(); // Sleeping

 * If the body is sleeping, it should be immovable / have infinite mass during solve. We solve it by having a separate "solve mass".
 * @method updateSolveMassProperties
Body.prototype.updateSolveMassProperties = function(){
    if(this.sleepState === Body.SLEEPING || this.type === Body.KINEMATIC){
        this.invMassSolve = 0;
    } else {
        this.invMassSolve = this.invMass;

 * Convert a world point to local body frame.
 * @method pointToLocalFrame
 * @param  {Vec3} worldPoint
 * @param  {Vec3} result
 * @return {Vec3}
Body.prototype.pointToLocalFrame = function(worldPoint,result){
    var result = result || new Vec3();
    return result;

 * Convert a world vector to local body frame.
 * @method vectorToLocalFrame
 * @param  {Vec3} worldPoint
 * @param  {Vec3} result
 * @return {Vec3}
Body.prototype.vectorToLocalFrame = function(worldVector, result){
    var result = result || new Vec3();
    return result;

 * Convert a local body point to world frame.
 * @method pointToWorldFrame
 * @param  {Vec3} localPoint
 * @param  {Vec3} result
 * @return {Vec3}
Body.prototype.pointToWorldFrame = function(localPoint,result){
    var result = result || new Vec3();
    return result;

 * Convert a local body point to world frame.
 * @method vectorToWorldFrame
 * @param  {Vec3} localVector
 * @param  {Vec3} result
 * @return {Vec3}
Body.prototype.vectorToWorldFrame = function(localVector, result){
    var result = result || new Vec3();
    this.quaternion.vmult(localVector, result);
    return result;

var tmpVec = new Vec3();
var tmpQuat = new Quaternion();

 * Add a shape to the body with a local offset and orientation.
 * @method addShape
 * @param {Shape} shape
 * @param {Vec3} offset
 * @param {Quaternion} quaternion
 * @return {Body} The body object, for chainability.
Body.prototype.addShape = function(shape, _offset, _orientation){
    var offset = new Vec3();
    var orientation = new Quaternion();



    this.aabbNeedsUpdate = true;

    return this;

 * Update the bounding radius of the body. Should be done if any of the shapes are changed.
 * @method updateBoundingRadius
Body.prototype.updateBoundingRadius = function(){
    var shapes = this.shapes,
        shapeOffsets = this.shapeOffsets,
        N = shapes.length,
        radius = 0;

    for(var i=0; i!==N; i++){
        var shape = shapes[i];
        var offset = shapeOffsets[i].norm(),
            r = shape.boundingSphereRadius;
        if(offset + r > radius){
            radius = offset + r;

    this.boundingRadius = radius;

var computeAABB_shapeAABB = new AABB();

 * Updates the .aabb
 * @method computeAABB
 * @todo rename to updateAABB()
Body.prototype.computeAABB = function(){
    var shapes = this.shapes,
        shapeOffsets = this.shapeOffsets,
        shapeOrientations = this.shapeOrientations,
        N = shapes.length,
        offset = tmpVec,
        orientation = tmpQuat,
        bodyQuat = this.quaternion,
        aabb = this.aabb,
        shapeAABB = computeAABB_shapeAABB;

    for(var i=0; i!==N; i++){
        var shape = shapes[i];

        // Get shape world quaternion
        shapeOrientations[i].mult(bodyQuat, orientation);

        // Get shape world position
        orientation.vmult(shapeOffsets[i], offset);
        offset.vadd(this.position, offset);

        // vec2.rotate(offset, shapeOffsets[i], bodyAngle);
        // vec2.add(offset, offset, this.position);

        // Get shape AABB
        shape.calculateWorldAABB(offset, orientation, shapeAABB.lowerBound, shapeAABB.upperBound);

        if(i === 0){
        } else {

    this.aabbNeedsUpdate = false;

var uiw_m1 = new Mat3(),
    uiw_m2 = new Mat3(),
    uiw_m3 = new Mat3();

 * Update .inertiaWorld and .invInertiaWorld
 * @method updateInertiaWorld
Body.prototype.updateInertiaWorld = function(force){
    var I = this.invInertia;
    if (I.x === I.y && I.y === I.z && !force) {
        // If inertia M = s*I, where I is identity and s a scalar, then
        //    R*M*R' = R*(s*I)*R' = s*R*I*R' = s*R*R' = s*I = M
        // where R is the rotation matrix.
        // In other words, we don't have to transform the inertia if all
        // inertia diagonal entries are equal.
    } else {
        var m1 = uiw_m1,
            m2 = uiw_m2,
            m3 = uiw_m3;


 * Apply force to a world point. This could for example be a point on the Body surface. Applying force this way will add to Body.force and Body.torque.
 * @method applyForce
 * @param  {Vec3} force The amount of force to add.
 * @param  {Vec3} worldPoint A world point to apply the force on.
var Body_applyForce_r = new Vec3();
var Body_applyForce_rotForce = new Vec3();
Body.prototype.applyForce = function(force,worldPoint){
    if(this.type !== Body.DYNAMIC){

    // Compute point position relative to the body center
    var r = Body_applyForce_r;

    // Compute produced rotational force
    var rotForce = Body_applyForce_rotForce;

    // Add linear force

    // Add rotational force

 * Apply force to a local point in the body.
 * @method applyLocalForce
 * @param  {Vec3} force The force vector to apply, defined locally in the body frame.
 * @param  {Vec3} localPoint A local point in the body to apply the force on.
var Body_applyLocalForce_worldForce = new Vec3();
var Body_applyLocalForce_worldPoint = new Vec3();
Body.prototype.applyLocalForce = function(localForce, localPoint){
    if(this.type !== Body.DYNAMIC){

    var worldForce = Body_applyLocalForce_worldForce;
    var worldPoint = Body_applyLocalForce_worldPoint;

    // Transform the force vector to world space
    this.vectorToWorldFrame(localForce, worldForce);
    this.pointToWorldFrame(localPoint, worldPoint);

    this.applyForce(worldForce, worldPoint);

 * Apply impulse to a world point. This could for example be a point on the Body surface. An impulse is a force added to a body during a short period of time (impulse = force * time). Impulses will be added to Body.velocity and Body.angularVelocity.
 * @method applyImpulse
 * @param  {Vec3} impulse The amount of impulse to add.
 * @param  {Vec3} worldPoint A world point to apply the force on.
var Body_applyImpulse_r = new Vec3();
var Body_applyImpulse_velo = new Vec3();
var Body_applyImpulse_rotVelo = new Vec3();
Body.prototype.applyImpulse = function(impulse, worldPoint){
    if(this.type !== Body.DYNAMIC){

    // Compute point position relative to the body center
    var r = Body_applyImpulse_r;

    // Compute produced central impulse velocity
    var velo = Body_applyImpulse_velo;

    // Add linear impulse
    this.velocity.vadd(velo, this.velocity);

    // Compute produced rotational impulse velocity
    var rotVelo = Body_applyImpulse_rotVelo;

    rotVelo.x *= this.invInertia.x;
    rotVelo.y *= this.invInertia.y;
    rotVelo.z *= this.invInertia.z;

    // Add rotational Impulse
    this.angularVelocity.vadd(rotVelo, this.angularVelocity);

 * Apply locally-defined impulse to a local point in the body.
 * @method applyLocalImpulse
 * @param  {Vec3} force The force vector to apply, defined locally in the body frame.
 * @param  {Vec3} localPoint A local point in the body to apply the force on.
var Body_applyLocalImpulse_worldImpulse = new Vec3();
var Body_applyLocalImpulse_worldPoint = new Vec3();
Body.prototype.applyLocalImpulse = function(localImpulse, localPoint){
    if(this.type !== Body.DYNAMIC){

    var worldImpulse = Body_applyLocalImpulse_worldImpulse;
    var worldPoint = Body_applyLocalImpulse_worldPoint;

    // Transform the force vector to world space
    this.vectorToWorldFrame(localImpulse, worldImpulse);
    this.pointToWorldFrame(localPoint, worldPoint);

    this.applyImpulse(worldImpulse, worldPoint);

var Body_updateMassProperties_halfExtents = new Vec3();

 * Should be called whenever you change the body shape or mass.
 * @method updateMassProperties
Body.prototype.updateMassProperties = function(){
    var halfExtents = Body_updateMassProperties_halfExtents;

    this.invMass = this.mass > 0 ? 1.0 / this.mass : 0;
    var I = this.inertia;
    var fixed = this.fixedRotation;

    // Approximate with AABB box
        (this.aabb.upperBound.x-this.aabb.lowerBound.x) / 2,
        (this.aabb.upperBound.y-this.aabb.lowerBound.y) / 2,
        (this.aabb.upperBound.z-this.aabb.lowerBound.z) / 2
    Box.calculateInertia(halfExtents, this.mass, I);

        I.x > 0 && !fixed ? 1.0 / I.x : 0,
        I.y > 0 && !fixed ? 1.0 / I.y : 0,
        I.z > 0 && !fixed ? 1.0 / I.z : 0

 * Get world velocity of a point in the body.
 * @method getVelocityAtWorldPoint
 * @param  {Vec3} worldPoint
 * @param  {Vec3} result
 * @return {Vec3} The result vector.
Body.prototype.getVelocityAtWorldPoint = function(worldPoint, result){
    var r = new Vec3();
    worldPoint.vsub(this.position, r);
    this.angularVelocity.cross(r, result);
    this.velocity.vadd(result, result);
    return result;